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2011 Nov 04
Matrix element-by-element multiplication
is there a way to do element-by-element multiplication as in Gauss and MATLAB, as shown below? Thanks. --- a 1.0000000 2.0000000 3.0000000 x 1.0000000 2.0000000 3.0000000 2.0000000 4.0000000 6.0000000 3.0000000 6.0000000 9.0000000 a.*x 1.0000000 2.0000000 3.0000000 4.0000000
2011 Nov 15
Convert back to lower triangular matrix
Given a vector;> ab = seq(0.5,1, by=0.1)> ab[1] 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 The euclidean distance between the vector elements is given by the lower triangular matrix > dd1 = dist(ab,"euclidean")> dd1    1   2   3   4   52 0.1                3 0.2 0.1            4 0.3 0.2 0.1        5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1    6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Convert the lower triangular matrix to a full
2012 May 04
1 under Windows 7?
Hello All: I'm still unable to get to set, e.g., options(max.print=222), as I did with previous versions of R. I just found similar questions posed by Trevor Miles and Ross Bowden with replies by Uwe Ligges and Duncan Murdoch. In addition to the things I tried documented below, I also copied into "R_HOME/etc/i386" and
2008 Apr 13
.Rprofile, date tagging history, loading packages
Dear R-Helpers, I'm fiddling with my .Rprofile in Windows XP & R 2.7.0 Beta. I prefer to manually save my workspace but automatically save my command history via the .Rprofile. That is working fine once I found that "utils::" was required before the loadhistory & savehistory functions. What I would like to do is add a separator line with a date between the histories of each
2011 Apr 17
Samba AD member and connections from non-AD systems
Hi - I've scoured the mailing list archives as well as other help sources online and haven't figured out what my problem is or what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Scenario: I have a samba 3.5.5 server running on CentOS 5.5. This system is a member of an Active Directory domain. FYI, I am not the domain administrator, but I am an OU admin and can create
2012 Apr 13
Hello: I've been using "" for several years to set the repos environment variable as follows: options(repos=c(CRAN='', CRANextra='') ) However, R 2.15.0 is not recognizing this. Instead, I get the following: options('repos') $repos
2008 Sep 12
reading in results from system(). There must be an easier way...
Hello, I am currently using R to run an external program and then read the results the external program sends to the stdout which are tsv data. When R reads the results in it converts it to to a list of strings which I then have to maniuplate with a whole slew of commands (which, figuring out how to do was a reall challenge for a newbie like myself)--see below. Here's the code I'm
2005 Oct 26
R- exp(-1000) ? - how to get R to give me an actual answer ?
Dear All, I am a novice user of the R software package. When I try and compute, exp(-1000) or exp(-2000), i get the answer as zero. Is there any way i can get R to compute the answer and give me an actual number ? ( by increasing the precision or any other method). If I cannot get R to give me a number, can anybody give me some advice on how to manually compute this number ? I would greatly
2013 Oct 11
Gaussian Quadrature for arbitrary PDF
Hi all, We know that Hermite polynomial is for Gaussian, Laguerre polynomial for Exponential distribution, Legendre polynomial for uniform distribution, Jacobi polynomial for Beta distribution. Does anyone know which kind of polynomial deals with the log-normal, Student抯 t, Inverse gamma and Fisher抯 F distribution? Thank you in advance! David [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Dec 15
Switching labels on a factor
Hi All, I'm perplexed by the way the unclass function displays a factor whose labels have been swapped with the relevel function. I realize it won't affect any results and that the relevel did nothing useful in this particular case. I'm just doing it to learn ways to manipulate factors. The display of unclass leaves me feeling that the relevel had failed. I've checked three books
2006 Apr 18
Browsing Issues
Hi - I'm having some problems with network browsing using a Samba PDC (3.0.22) and I'd appreciate any hints that might push me in the right direction. One of the problems is that I am on a very crowded subnet that is being used by several different groups. There are a two separate WinNT/2000-style domains active on this network as well as an AD domain controller. Here are the
2009 Apr 07
[LLVMdev] job opportunity
Hello everybody, If anybody is about to graduate and is looking for a research position, ICL at the University of Tennessee ( is looking for a compilers person. We are looking for somebody with practical experience in compiler technology and some understanding of linear algebra. Sorry for spamming the list with non-development content, but I hope a lot of
2013 Oct 03
When to use or .Rprofile
I would appreciate some advice on what the preferred contents of vs. .Rprofile should be. A .First() function can reside in either one, but is it preferred to place it in .Rprofile? I currently use .First() in .Rprofile files placed in separate directories used for different RStudio projects. Thank you [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 May 02
.Rprofile is being executed twice
Hi, After updating to R 2.7, my .Rprofile executes twice on startup. I confirmed this by putting in the following line: print("starting .Rprofile...") When I start R, I see: [1] "starting .Rprofile..." [1] "starting .Rprofile..." This seems like the obverse of the following FAQ:
2007 Sep 12
"Save to File..." option on File menu
Hi. There was an interesting thread about a year ago, called 'Command equivalent of rgui "File, Save to File"?' ( started by Michael Prager, and contributed to by Duncan Murdoch (I didn't notice anything beyond the four entries they posted). The question was how to replicate programmatically the "Save to
2005 Jan 31
Startup Files (RProfile) and R-Aqua
Hello, I'm having some difficulty understanding the documentation relative to the startup files with R-Aqua 2.0.1 for Mac OS X. Specifically, I'm wondering: where does R search for the startup files (my home directory at Users:<me>:?); how should they be named (.RProfile will be treated by Mac OS X as a system file and be hidden, so I'm wondering if it should just be
2005 Mar 02
Warning: number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
I feel like a complete dolt, as I know this question has been asked by others on a fairly regular basis, but I'm going in circles trying to get the following to work: id.prob<-function (tt) { library(mvtnorm) #============================ Makeham<-function(tt) { a2=0.030386513 a3=0.006688287 b3=0.039047537 t<-tt-20 h.t<-a2+a3*exp(b3*t) S.t<-exp(-a2*t+a3/b3*(1-exp(b3*t)))
2008 Jan 16
3 not executed?
It seems that my file is not executed when I start R. To test this I included the following code in that file: .First <- function(){ cat("\nWelcome at", date(), "\n") flush.console() } When I start R the message above is not displayed. I am running R 2.6.1 (rgui.exe) under Vista Home Premium. The is in the etc folder and the R_PROFILE
2008 Jul 14
.First and .Rprofile won't run on startup
I'm trying to source a file automatically every time I start R. I tried adding the following .First function in a file in my $R_HOME/etc/ directory (verified $R_HOME by Sys.getenv()) as well as in a file .Rprofile in my $HOME directory and .Rprofile in the working directory: .First <- function(){ source(file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "R",
2003 Feb 06
.Rprofile, .Rfirst, and .Rdata
Hi all, After a short hiatus away from R I have found that it's changed a bit. I used to keep a definition of .First in .Rprofile that did a couple of things on startup (load a couple of libraries). Now, I've discovered that when I change the definition of .First in .Rprofile it doesn't change anything when I start up, because .First is held over in .Rdata from the last session.