similar to: Gentoo + steam + Mass Effect 2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Gentoo + steam + Mass Effect 2"

2011 May 26
Steam crashes upon launching (Mint Katya)
I had just installed Linux Mint katya on my Dell Dimension 5000 computer because Windows kept making it lag and so on. I installed Wine and Steam soon after installing it, but whenever I tried to launch Steam it always crashes and quits as soon as the welcome and update screens pop up. I've googled for solutions to this problem and they have come to nil.
2011 Apr 24
Linux Gentoo + Counter-Strike: Source
Hy Guys, I have a problem running the Counter-Strike: Source under wine with Gentoo In other distributions runs perfectly Some things we've tried > eselect opengl listAvailable OpenGL implementations: > [1] nvidia * > [2] xorg-x11 > > gentoo at Gentoo ~ $ glxgears > 16218 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3243.271 FPS > 16125 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3224.971 FPS >
2011 Nov 03
Wine "pausing" applications ?!
Hello, first of all, thanks for that great program! It made me change from Windows to Linux on my main pc :) But since several days I experience a strange behave: The emulated application (all!) pause for some seconds, and then go on like nothing was wrong. This pausing happens occasionally, without any acting by me. I run mIRC, Steam and Diablo II at the same time mostly, and tried to
2010 Jun 19
Hi there, I have downloaded the installer of the playchess client from,(v5 is the only downloadable version) then installed it with wine. I had no error messages when installing. When I run the program, the login window starts up normally, but when I try logging in, it crashes without any error messages and terminates. After some research, I saw
2012 Feb 20
Federal Mogul Spare Parts Katalog XCD11
Hello, I try to run an sqareparts-catalog from Federal Mogul under Wine. Installation works, but it wont run... some ideas? Code: jeanfelix at Soloma-G6:~$ env WINEPREFIX="/home/jeanfelix/.wine" wine C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /Unix /home/jeanfelix/.wine/dosdevices/c:/users/Public/Bureau/XCD11.lnk fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100 fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags
2011 Jun 18
steam stop as soon as it's started
Hi there. I just ran Steam on my desktop (Gentoo AMD64, wine-1.3.21 (but I also had the problem with previous versions of wine), and it stops with these messages : Code: wine Steam.exe fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000100, 00000000): partial stub. err:secur32:SECUR32_initSchannelSP TLS library not found, SSL connections will fail err:ntlm:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not
2010 Aug 12
MSN wtf?
Well I've dabbled with Wine on and off for about a year and quite frankly, I've never gotten Wine to work... in fact I've never gotten Wine to do anything--I don't know why I bother, I guess because sometimes my head inflates, and I just need Wine to tell me that yes tehre are some htings in life I can't have. So I went here:
2012 Apr 27
Counter Strike Source Won't load.
Okay so I have just installed Fedora 16 64-bit. Coming from a Ubuntu user I'm well aware that counter strike source works great under linux. I've been trying to get it to work but every time I try to load it, it loads for a moment and then crashes. I have the proprietary AMD ATI drivers for my ATI Radeon HD 5750. They seem to be rendering fine according to the debugger. I'm currently
2011 Aug 04
Steam crash directly after launch
Hello, I run steam but after log-in stop crash. Logs here : Code: fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000100, 00000000): partial stub. err:ntlm:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. err:ntlm:SECUR32_initNTLMSP Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
2010 Dec 05
Spotify doesn't work anymore
Spotify has been perfect since I started using it with Wine, until today. When I started the program I was offline all the time, so I tried reinstalling Wine and Spotify. Now I get to the log in screen, but can't get past it. This is the information I get: Code: fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW
2011 Nov 04
Witcher 2 on Steam
Hello, Can anyone run the Witcher 2 Steam version on linux? I can install the game, but I'm having problems with Steam trying to install vcrun2010. I got past the error by replacing the vcredits package in "/steamapps/common/witcher2/redist" with a random executable file and renamed it to "vcredist_x86.exe" - so when Steam runs that file and the file runs and exits without
2010 Mar 15
interesting fault.. how? (autocad 2008)
step 1 [Image: ] step2 [Image: ] What can i do?
2011 May 18
Steam Crashes during game installations
Hello WineHQ I am looking to install Steam onto my laptop. (Toshiba L655 w/ Ubuntu 11.04 64bit) Following several of the guides I have found online I was able to install the steam platform/engine with no issues, however when I go to download one of the games from my library to install it or access the steam store. It will crash out, displaying the following error stream in my active console.
2011 Jun 27
[Backtrace]Does not works for me
Hi, If you saw this topic => F.E.A.R.3 crash on startup when i launch it. This is my crash log : The problem is that i haven't got a "proper" backtrace when F.E.A.R.3.exe crash. So, i tried to get a backtrace with winedbg. Like F.E.A.R.3.exe crash very quickly, i launch these command : Code: wine
2011 Aug 29
wine-1.3.27 - breaks civ5 - ArchLinux (64bit)
Hi wine-1.3.26 played civ5 fine - I could install and play the steam version out the box (i.e I needed not to install any other components) When I install 1.3.27 I am not able to load civ5 from steam, wine crashes and I have to manually kill the process. Downgrading to wine 1.3.26 I can play again fine. Athlon64-X2 Nvidia geforce 450 GTS Arch linux 64 (using the 32bit wine version) If it
2011 Apr 11
SolidWorks 2010 cause X's to die.
Hi! I am trying to install SolidWorks 2010 on wine (1.3.17, from launchpad) on xUbuntu 10.10. I installed it by this steps: winetricks vcrun2005 vcrun2008 instalation winetricks gdiplus (not for sure) cp comdlg32.dll to SW home dir. "winetricks mfc42" (also installs a native oleaut32) Then set oleaut32 to native. cp oleaut32 to SolidWorks dir installin' dcom98.exe after removing
2009 Jan 22
wine for linux and Mac the same or different? (problem)
Hello preface: sorry for my english, but that is not my native language... I want to have a nice photo editor running named FiXfoto. (a Shareware-Download can be found is here: german shareware = ) There is a english shareware version too, but i didnt tried it. Normally i use Mac Osx and want to use it there. I can install this application
2011 Nov 08
Cooltype crash on Photoshop CS5 and WIne 1.3.32
Am I the only one getting this? Whenever I select a certain font or open a PSD file that uses it, the application hangs up or crashes. Code: err:shell:HCR_GetFolderAttributes should be called for simple PIDL's only! fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub! fixme:ntdll:NtSetInformationToken unimplemented class 24 fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
2012 Mar 24
Re: Halo:Combat Evolved with black text and overhead
I am also having the same issue. I have upgraded to the latest wine in the Ubuntu repositories (1.3 beta), but that doesn't fix the issue and makes things worse my messing up my sound... anyway, here is the log file created as was requested in a previous post: The 1.4 RC is not available through the least not the repos I have. I'm not going to cry
2012 Apr 26
OpenGL issues in Wine 32bit on Debian 64bit
Hey there, I tried to build me a 32bit Wine on my Debian Squeeze system today, all worked relatively fine, however now I am running into problems: I have installed Steam and downloaded Team Fortress 2. The download and all worked nicely, but when I now try to start the game, it just shows the dialog with like "Starting Team Fortress 2...", which then proceeds to disappear, doing nothing