similar to: Polar websync 2.4.0 not intalling with wine 1.3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Polar websync 2.4.0 not intalling with wine 1.3"

2014 Feb 07
Wine release 1.7.12
The Wine development release 1.7.12 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Initial support for Window Media Player interfaces. - Some more Task Scheduler support. - Various C++ runtime fixes. - More dlls with ugly names for Windows 8 API set support. - Various bug fixes. The source is available from the following locations:
2010 Aug 22
What packages/libraries do I need to squash these bugs?...
I'm trying to install Adobe After Effects CS4 but I'm having some problems/errors. It seems like there are some calls to missing classes/objects and also some incorrect arguments being passed for these classes/objects. So, I figure if I install the right libraries, everything will be fine! Is this true? If so, which libraries do I need? Check it out, here's the errors: Code:
2009 Mar 21
Problem with winetricks and msxml3, msxml4 and msxml6
Hi all. I'm a bit of a newbie with wine, so please excuse me if I've messed up somewhere. I'm trying to install msxml3 installed, so I've tried using winetricks thus: sh winetricks -v msxml3 This gives: ... + echo Executing wine msiexec /i /home/nonroot/.winetrickscache/msxml3.msi Executing wine msiexec /i /home/nonroot/.winetrickscache/msxml3.msi + wine msiexec /i
2005 Jun 22
A polar.plot BUG in plotrix 1.3.3 ?
Hi, I just updated to R-2.1.1 and updated packages acordingly However, after the update, routines that use polar.plot did not function as correctly. In plotrix 1.3.3 the polar.plot function does scale label.pos to radians prior to calling radial.plot Hence, the command polar.plot(c(5,10,5,0),c(-10,0,10,20),rp.type='P',
2007 Jul 17
Missing value in circ.mean and polar.plot
Hi, I try to compute circular means for a matrix with NAs, but the function "circ.mean" return only means for lines with complete values and do not accept "na.omit=T" or "na.rm=T", or "na.action=na.omit", or "". Also, I try to use "polar.plot" of the package poltrix with the same matrix, but angles are not display because of
2009 Oct 30
Hi, Two questions: 1 - Say I have average speed and directions for tide and I would like to plot them on a polar plot, but with different colors so I can indicate the two directions. I'm using polar.plot from the plotrix library. How can I add a second "b" and "dir.b" series to a polar.plot? library(plotrix) a = 3 dir.a = 85 b = 4 dir.b = 250 polar.plot(a, dir.a, start =
2010 Jun 03
plot polar coordinates
Hi, I'd like to plot in in polar coordinates a line which is given as a vector of lengths and angles. library("plotrix")
2009 Jul 16
Square Polar Stereo Coupling
Hello, I've read and the Vorbis specs, but I haven't got a clear concept of how does the Square Polar Mapping works. I mean, in the "Ogg Vorbbis stereo-specific channel coupling discussion" document, it's described how the decoupling process works for Square Polar Mapping (and it is fairly clear explained), but it does not describe
2012 Oct 08
3d polar coordinates in rgl function view3d()
Dear all: I'm enjoying using rgl and I want to set a specific viewpoint. I understand that view3d() will do so by setting the 3d polar coordinate angles, theta and phi. In standard polar coordinates, theta is the angle away from the X axis in the X-Y plane and phi (inclination angle) is the angle between the Z axis and the radius vector It appears that when you use view3d() theta is
2007 Dec 16
Changing the origin in polar.plot in plotrix package
I am trying to draw a polar plot, which is easy enough to do in the plotrix package through the polar.plot function. However I would like to change the origin of the length vector. For instance all my length values are between 75 and 85, so instead of having the origin as 0 (the default) I'd like it to be, say, 50. Is there any way do to this in the polar.plot function, or if not is there an
2010 Oct 29
Wine release 1.3.6
The Wine development release 1.3.6 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Support for GStreamer filters. - Mapping of standard cursors to native desktop cursors. - Improved support for installers with services. - Many MSXML improvements. - Decoder for TGA-format images. - Translation updates. - Various bug fixes. The source is available from the
2002 Oct 17
Polar plot, circular plot (angular data)
Dear R-users, Hereby a polar plot function for plotting angular data. I hope it will be usefull for some of you. I had a need to plot frequencies of wind-directions. The not-that-cheap SigmaPlot software did not allow me to change the orientation of the angular axis to clockwise orientation (what is used for meteorological observations). I even tried the latest version availible at the time
2011 Jan 19
Re: Problem BMC Remedy User Version 7.0.01 on ubuntu 8.10
Hello all, Just wondering if I can breathe some life back into this thread? I am attempting to run BMC remedy with WINE on Ubuntu as described in the subject. After using winetricks I got a little further.... After adding msxml3 && msxml4 to the libraries (native, builtin) for WINE I got much further........ I can now run BMC remedy client on Ubuntu from WINE and connect to the
2010 Jun 07
Polar coordinate
Greetings to you all. I have two datasets - Time and magnitude. For a particular location, the magnitude of the parameter varies with time. I wish to obtain a polar coordinate distribution of time (0-24h) and magnitudes so as to visualize how magnitude varies with different times of the day (e.g., morning, midnight hours). I have searched for "polar coordinates in R" but could not get
2012 Oct 26
Grid Width in polar.plot
Hello, I am using the polar.plot function from plotrix. Is there a way to change the width of the grid lines? grid.lwd doesn't work.... Thanks Martin -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 Dec 09
Polar coordinates - contour plots
Hello, I have data for contour plot which is given in polar coordinates. Is there a straightforward way to plot in polar coordinates in R, or do i need to fiddle with transformations and then to sort the x and y vectors to be in ascending order as required by contour function and relatives? Cheers, Todor
2007 Mar 08
Is Allison going to be banned from foreign travel over polar bears?
I read this story and thought of Allison's prompt to "try not to think about blue eyed polar bears". Will she be banned from foreign travel now? Steve Prior -- snip -- WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Polar bears, sea ice and global warming are taboo subjects, at least in public, for some U.S. scientists attending meetings abroad, environmental groups and a top federal wildlife official
2007 Feb 14
symbols hidden in polar.plot
Hi Folks, Here is my attempt at a simple polar plot. > pos <- seq(0,360,by=5) > tspk <- rep(c(1,0,1),c(13,47,13)) > require(plotrix) > polar.plot(tspk,pos,rp.type="s",point.symbols=17,point.col="green4") I only see half the symbols, the other half of each symbol is hidden under the circular grid. In fact if I change rp.type="r", I see the
2011 Jun 27
Creating a Polar Plot with expanding points as radius increases
I'd like to create a polar plot similar to those created by the polarFreq function in the openair package. However, this package seems to be specific to wind speed and direction, and requires a "ws" (wind speed) and a "wd" (wind direction) column. My data is unrelated to wind speed, but I'd like to be able to get a plot that does what polarFreq's plots do; I'd
2010 Sep 13
Transparent Labels for Polar Plot
Hello, I am currently using the polar.plot function in the plotrix package to graph data. Unfortunately, it seems that the default for the labels is to have a background color that is covering the line representing my data, making it difficult to read. Is there a way to make this label background transparent? Example: lengths <- 0:72 bearing <- seq(from=0, to=360, by=5)