similar to: WHat's Your Brain Grade?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "WHat's Your Brain Grade?"

2006 Dec 01
Non central chi squared bug (PR#9406)
Full_Name: Alan Bain Version: 2.4.0 OS: XP Submission from: (NULL) ( Code for pnchisq contains following if (tSml) { if (x> f+ theta+ 5*sqrt(2*(f+2*theta) ))){ return 1.; /* better than 0 --- but definately FIXME */ } } This needs to check which tail has been requested; it is only correct if the default lower_tail=1 has been requested; for upper tail should return 0
2001 Mar 26
Starcraft success
Kudos to the developers! The main reason I run Wine is to play games, and Starcraft is one of my favorites. Due to a number of changing variables in my system, Starcraft quit working, got some kind of a font.gid error. Couldn't figure out how to fix it; thought maybe it had something to do with the WinME native installation, so I changed the default load order to use the builtins before
2008 Sep 22
howto backup a Solaris 7 Server without its OS
Hi Folks, I haven't used rsync as yet but today I have to. Basically I need to backup all datas from one Server to another machine with the whole structure. Here is what I have on mind and I am wondering if that might be a way to go... Connect the 2 machines - they shouldn't be at that time in the LAN - via a CrossOver Cable Then start rsync on the machine that should putt he datas to
2007 Oct 22
An error on edge at -r 2767
Morning, Having done an svn up this morning all my specs are broken with the following: SQLite3::SQLException in ServiceConfig with minimum set of valid parameters should return nil for the service path'' SQL logic error or missing database C:/development/sandbox/prototypes/user_admin_client/config/../vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/dsl/behaviour/rails_example.rb:17:in
2009 Jan 10
Problem with compiling shared C/C++ library for loading into R (Linux)
I am using the .Call interface to call c++ code from R. For that, I am trying to create a dynamic library ( using "R CMD SHLIB" by linking my own c++ code and an external c++ library (blitz++). The makefile works fine on my Mac, produces and I am able to call .Call() from R, but on a linux server (I think Debian), I got the following error: ---------- /usr/bin/ld:
2009 Jan 10
Problem with compiling shared C/C++ library for loading into R (Linux)
I am using the .Call interface to call c++ code from R. For that, I am trying to create a dynamic library ( using "R CMD SHLIB" by linking my own c++ code and an external c++ library (blitz++). The makefile works fine on my Mac, produces and I am able to call .Call() from R, but on a linux server (I think Debian), I got the following error: ---------- /usr/bin/ld:
2005 Aug 26
Problem Mappig Groups to shares
Hi list, I have a problem here that's make me insane... I have to make a share only available to persons in a group, it means that the directory have to be 0770 permission o Linux, right? Here is my situation: I use samba with LDAP, and everithing is working fine. With smbldap-tools, I created the group and with <net groupmap list> I see that it maps rigth to Unix Group: grupoteste
2007 Aug 09
AutoTest plugin and rspec for rails
(WinXP) Hi, I have the autotest rails plugin running - detecting changes and running the examples. However the rspec color output (of which I am a fan) ... has stopped happening Anybody got a spare moment to point me in the right direction, please ? Cheers! sinclair -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Nov 14
Stubbing out required associated models
Hello, As I''m becoming more and more familiar with mocking/stubbing, I''m going back to some of my model specs and revaluating how I wrote them. I have certain models in which validation requires the presence of an associated model, which itself needs to be valid(validates_presence_of and validates_associated). When I wrote the specs, I wrote helpers for the attributes instead
2005 Dec 25
dovecot and virtual mailbox - suggestions please
I've setup postfix to delivered my mail to a maildir located at /var/spool/virtual_mailboxes/ My postgresql database called 'mails' has a user table setup as follows: CREATE TABLE users ( userid VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(128), realname VARCHAR(128), uid INTEGER NOT NULL, gid INTEGER NOT NULL, home VARCHAR(128), mail VARCHAR(255),
2003 Nov 18
Win2k Scheduler not able to execute rsync over SSH
Hi there, I have tried enough of it and couldnt get any where. I have a Redhat 9.x box with rsync I want to backup contents on the RH to Win2K box. I have copied required cygwin DLL's and rsync.exe,ssh-keygen.exe and ssh.exe. I set up my pub rsa id and all that stuff. My problem is here: I have a batch file which logs itself. The batch file contains some logging commands and rsync -avze ssh
2010 Nov 16
Playwith-problem with loading
Helllo, I am having trouble with running the library Playwith in the R-2.12.0. running under 32bit Windows XP. After calling the library the error message "The procedure entry point gdk_cairo_reset_clip could not be located in the dynamic library libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll." occurs and the R asks for instaling the GTK+ package. However the instalation of GTK+ thorugh the R fails. I have
2007 Nov 29
Rollbacks, Sqlite3 bug. Has this been reintroduced ?
Hey, I just updated from the edge and it looks like this _issue_ has resurfaced. Yesterday things were working (stories and specs). No code base changes, only rspec and rspec_on_rails After updating today I now need to set <config.txn...fixtures> to false in the spec_helper.rb to get the specs running, the stories are fine. Looks like the fixture loading is trying to start a txn. I
2009 Aug 13
randomForest question--problem with ntree
Hi, I would like to use a random Forest model to get an idea about which variables from a dataset may have some prognostic significance in a smallish study. The default for the number of trees seems to be 500. I tried changing the default to ntree=2000 or ntree=200 and the results appear identical. Have changed mtry from mtry=5 to mtry=6 successfully. Have seen same problem on both a Windows
2007 Dec 20
More pleasant / concise API
Hi there, Just a small suggestion : The following apis could be a bit more concise / shorter / pleasant I thought. This is particularly difficult, my brain stumbles on this each time when scanning thorugh the code :) set_no_auto_load(true) Could it be two apis instead? auto_load no_auto_load and the other one : worker_name :important_worker (no set_ prefix) thanks, emil
2000 Feb 29
No subject
Does anyone know of any comprehensive literature (like a book, collection of articles, etc.) that walk thorugh example of ARIMA modeling with the ts package of R? Genarlly if you've just started to learn the R-language and are all week long with ARIMA, what is a fast-pace source that you would recommend (to a beginner) ? Thank you, Krasi
2007 Sep 14
controller.expect_render has me beat!
Hi, A controller has a method with the following def update ... if @config.update_attributes( params[:new_config] ) redirect_to :action => :index else * render :action => :edit, :id => params[:id] # this line here* end ... end The example has the following it ''should render the "edit" config url on an unsuccessful save''
2008 Apr 01
Rails Mail ISSUE
Hi, I have the following configuration in the development.rb defined for sending mail thorugh rails. The same works on a local machine but it does not work on the server. I get a timeout error : execution expired. Can anyone tell me whats wrong. config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp #these options are only needed if you choose smtp delivery config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
2007 Nov 13
Story problem if parenthesis used in Given, When, Then or And
VERSION: rspec rails plugin current edge version XP/Cygwin on XP Hi, I hit this when trying to use parenthesis in my stories ... (that''ll teach me!). If a scenario looks like the following: Story "User has story with parentheses", %{ As a user I want parenthesis So that ... well I just do }, :type => RailsStory do Scenario "the Given has parentheses" do
2001 Nov 08
Problems with folders
I've got Samba up and running on my network, with relativley few problems, but I'm having a problem with subfolders. Lets take this snippet from my smb.conf as an exanple and then I'll move on [Documents] comment = office documents path = /usr/smb_files/documents public = no writeable = yes write list = @secretaries borwseable = yes Let me use this example