similar to: problem with DNS in wine - need help

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "problem with DNS in wine - need help"

2010 Jan 28
lib32nss-mdns ist nicht installiert
Guten Tag, Ich habe ein Debian lenny 64 Bit Server. Auf diesem l?uft FreeNX und ich m?chte WineWinrar drauf machen. Nur jedes mal wenn ich Wine starten will kommt diese Meldung: Code: It appears that libnss-mdns is installed on your system, but lib32nss-mdns is not. Please note that Wine will not be able to access the Internet unless you either install lib32nss-mdns, or uninstall libnss-mdns.
2011 May 14
Libnss-mdns problem
Hi there! I've got a problem with running wine under Debian. When i try to start a download following comes : root:~# wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Valve/HLServer/HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game brink ~/server/brink It appears that libnss-mdns is installed on your system, but lib32nss-mdns is not. Please note that Wine will not be able to access the Internet unless you either
2008 May 03
Name resolution error help needed
Hello, I've checked the FAQ and followed steps I can find there. I made sure my /etc/hosts is correct as in the FAQ. I tried complete uninstall/reinstall of Wine and data. Iceweasel and all other normal linux programs work fine to resolve addresses. WoW under Wine works fine. Fresh install of Firefox for Windows only works under Wine if I use a IP address instead of a hostname, so Wine
2010 May 27
Re: How can I install Wine on a computer without internet access
Gert van den Berg wrote: > > Tip: Ask you distribution for OS related questions... The Wine > community runs several distributions and most of those are not the > same as yours.. Good idea. I just got this comment at > Re: A Wine version that works out of the box with Karmic? > Hello, desconocido, > > You
2011 Aug 26
Wine 1.2 or 1.3 not working in Ubuntu 11.10
wine1.2: Depends: ia32-libs but it is not going to be installed Is the error I get when installing. Any Ideas guys??
2010 Apr 26
How can I install Wine on a computer without internet access
Hi, Couldn't find the answer searching the forum. I would like install Wine on a system that has Ubuntu 9.10 but NO access to the Internet. I have another system with Ubuntu 8.04 which can access Internet, but the instructions at seem to imply that it would install the Wine on my 8.04 machine. Is there any binary I could download that I could put on a
2011 Oct 24
can't wine after upgrade to ubuntu oneiric 11.10
I just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10 and now I've lost all wine functionality. How can I get wine working again? This is what I've tried: john at desktop:~$ sudo aptitude search wine p gnome-wine-icon-theme - red variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme p libkwineffects1abi2 - library used by effects
2012 Apr 25
Problem installing Stata - "no windows program configured"
Hello all, I need to use Stata to collaborate with some colleagues on a project. I use Linux Mint exclusively on my computers. Though Stata licenses are OS-independent, the university I'm at only supports Mac and Windows. Stata is available through a university-wide license for those operating systems. Unfortunately, they refuse to offer a download for Linux users. Since I don't want to
2011 Nov 26
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum
I'm having a bit of trouble running RTC3 Platinum. It installed just fine, but after starting, I receive a message: "Your graphics hardware or drivers do not meet the minimum requirements to run this application. This error has also been sent to Debug.log OK: <Attempt to continue> Cancel: <Exit>" After clicking "OK", WINE crashes. I know that my graphics
2012 Mar 13
Cannot install aok (Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings) on Wine
Hi there, I'm running Wine 1.3.28 on Ubuntu Oneiric and I cannot manage to get aok installed. The installation routinely freezes immediately after the program starts to copy the first file, the message that pops up says there isn't enough space on disk (clearly a false statement) or that the folder is being used by some other program (which one?). Thanks for your help.
2011 Sep 19
Mouse not working in Hellgate
Ok, I've been a little bit all over with this. I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 64bit (kernel and GNOME 2.32.1. I have Wine 1.3.28 installed and Hellgate is installed and runs well, except the mouse does not work. I've seen various patches, but I'm unsure as to how to install them, and I've also seen where someone said that this bug should be fixed if Wine is fully updated
2011 May 14
Wine taking unacceptably long to start up (Fedora 14 x86_64)
Whenever I run any application with wine it takes upwards of five minutes to start, even apps included with wine like wine cmd. I have been googling this for hours and cannot find anything really applicable to my situation. I am running Fedora 14 x86_64. I don't have a network printer. As far as I am aware fc-cache-32 doesn't exist on Fedora. I am trying to get some other program to
2011 May 14
Hey there I've been using wine for various application and I'm wondering if anybody got enough luck working out livezilla in wine I've tried everything possible core fonts and netframework 2.0 Is it possible to run it under wine at all? what about netframework 3.5?
2014 Jun 23
firefox keeps downloading .iso files
Whenever I start firfox, it tries to download two .iso files into Desktop. Until recently, I wouldn't notice until it announced that it had run out of room. At that point I would click on the messages to make them go away. In the mean time, it had been chewing up bandwidth. One file, I had tried to download by mistake. Don't remmeber what I did with it on purpose. The other I downloaded
2005 Apr 20
firefox or mozilla won't start
Greetings When I start firefox or mozilla I get an hourglass for 3 seconds then nothing happends. Dropping to a terminal and typing firefox just returns to the command line. I re-installed firrefox and it installs fine until I quit then the same situation happends. After re-installing firefox it will run but the same situation happens where it won't start. I have installed int my home
2010 Nov 26
problem installing utorrent on 64bit linux
hey all Here is what I get when I try to install utorrent on 64 bit arch linux, kernel version I've never used wine before and I'm rather new to linux so I don't really know what to make of it. Code: [steini at myhost downloads]$ wine utorrent.exe wine: created the configuration directory '/home/steini/.wine' err:module:load_builtin_dll failed to load .so lib for
2014 Sep 23
Multicast DNS required?
Hello, I noticed all my DC's have port 5353 closed. I'm using the internal DNS and wasn't sure if multicast DNS must be enabled? I do not appear to be having any DNS issues. My only concern is with the wiki on Multicast DNS. "By default, mDNS only and exclusively resolves host names ending with the |.local| top-level domain (TLD). This can cause problems if that domain
2009 Aug 06
wine on Debian sid
Greetings. I recently upgraded & dist-upgraded much to my consternation and was rewarded with a non-functioning Wine installation. Now, I'm a Debian Freak since last millennium, so no need to put replies in an Ubuntu or newbie way, or go to great lengths explaining how things work. No dis-respect intended. I use Wine to run Noteworthy Composer, on which I rely allot. I'm sure you
2017 Apr 11
On 4/11/2017 9:24 AM, David Holder wrote: > Hi Phil, > > NBT name resolution is IPv4 only. Samba does work over IPv6, but > NetBIOS name resolution is and always will be IPv4 only. It is a > feature of the protocol not Samba. How can this be? Everything I have read about SMB for the last 20 years or so has said that it is based entirely on NetBIOS, and has no concept even of
2007 Jan 31
Advertising Samba shares on the local network via mDNS
Hello All, I would like to add support for advertising Samba shares (browseable ones) on the local network using Multicast DNS. Multicast DNS allows applications to query/publish network services on the local link. I would appreciate if you could all please share your thoughts on whether such support would be welcome in Samba. If you know of existing efforts in Samba to include such support