similar to: Can't uninstall COD4

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Can't uninstall COD4"

2009 Jan 04
Help me! [asus pc eee 900, ubuntu eee]
Hiya! I need help over here.. I have a Asus pc eee 900, ubuntu eee with wine.. but now i got some problems. I have installed wine and then spotify, a game called tibia and winamp and tibia dident work so i uninstalled it but the icon's (tibia, readme and uninstall.exe) is still in the wine map.. So i uninstalled wine and deleted the .wine hidden map in home and the icons are still there
2009 Dec 16
OT: Google Earth - How to uninstall, before installing newest version?
Desktop is CentOS 5.4 (32 bit). I have Google Earth version (13NOV2007 build date) installed. I have checkinstall (spelling?) installed, but am not sure if that was installed before or after Google Earth was installed. I have the Google Repository installed, but apparently Google Earth cannot be updated via yum and probably it was not installed via yum. Question: What is the best
2008 Jul 03
uninstall and (.msi files)
installed a program that initially worked ok, but has recently started misbehaving. on trying to uninstall it with the wine uninstaller, it just won't go. in fact the uninstall wizard just seems to install the program again, even if i delete it from program files. i have tried to delete all it's associated files etc. but then when trying a fresh install the wizard must still see the
2008 Nov 24
COD4 Performance
Hey, I've installed COD4 V1.6 in Intrepid using wine 1.1.9 from the repos on an x64 machine with an E2180 and Asus 9800gt ultimate. I'm using the Nvidia restricted drivers Anyone seeing better than 20fps? That's all I seem to get, even if I kill compiz beforehand. Any help would be awesome! Thanks
2009 May 31
cannot uninstall software
hello, i am having issues uninstalling two software. Polar POS and Skype. I uninstalled Polar POS in Wine but the Wine folder won't go away. how can I fix this?
2011 Mar 29
Uninstall Windows Apps?
Hi All I'm running Ubuntu Maverick with Wine 1.2.2 After I had to install Apples Itunes to unlock a ipod, I'm now finding Itunes has "taken over" my system! It starts when I want to open my home folder for some reason! I am done with using it and I have other software in Ubu that's working fine with the ipod so I though I would uninstal itunes. Sounds easy eh? I opened
2009 Feb 04
Uninstalled Programs will not leave the menu
Hello, I am having an issue. I can install and uninstall programs just fine using Wine, but when I uninstall programs, they still appear in the menu. Is there anyway to get rid of them? (They really get unslightly and they clog down my menu). Its not a huge problem, it doens't effect anything but how things look, but i would still really like to get rid of them. Any ideas?
2009 Feb 17
Uninstall question
I need to uninstall R 2.7.1 from my Mac. What is the best way to uninstall it? Simply delete the R icon in the Applications folder? Or is it more involved? TIA, Anjan -- ============================= anjan purkayastha, phd bioinformatics analyst whitehead institute for biomedical research nine cambridge center cambridge, ma 02142 purkayas [at] wi [dot] mit [dot] edu 703.740.6939 [[alternative
2008 Jun 12
Call of Duty 4
Hi I have tried all the guides I can find on the internet to run COD4 in Wine but everytime I fell short somewhere. I new to Linux and am running the latest version of Ubuntu (Hardy). I have an Nvidia 9800gt installed and running on my machine and can't wait to play COD4. I have the latest release of wine => 1.0-rc4. If anyone could help me out I would much appreciate it. I know there
2008 Aug 09
2 Problems with new Games (COD4 & CnC3)
Hey, I tried to install 2 new Games in Wine; Call of Duty 4 and C&C 3 Tiberium Wars. Both of them make Problems (Other Games like GTA San Andreas and Crashday runs fine). C&C 3 start, but I don't have a Cursor. It's Invisible. I tried some Options in Wine and searched an Option to set the Mouse from HW-Cursor to SW-Cursor, but it hasn't a function for that (but I think
2012 Feb 09
Do I have four applications of Application.
I went to load some clipart in CorelDRAW 9 from the second CD. When I right click on the clipart icon on the CD. Up comes the box asking open with. Then I selected other application and scrolled down to CorelDRAW and there were four CorelDRAW icons. I opened the clipart twice using different CorelDRAW icons each time. Now at the "open with option" there are two corelDRAW options.
2011 Aug 08
Post subject: Uninstall Windows Apps?
Hi All I'm running Ubuntu Maverick with Wine 1.2.2 After I had to install Apples Itunes to unlock a ipod, I'm now finding Itunes has "taken over" my system! It starts when I want to open my home folder for some reason! I am done with using it and I have other software in Ubu that's working fine with the ipod so I though I would uninstal itunes. Sounds easy eh? I opened
2010 Aug 17
Uninstalling Software and/or réinstalling Ubuntu/wine
Hello, two questions regarding WINE 1.3 1) how can I uninstall a software ? When I chose, under WINE MENU ENTRY "uninstall", I have some screens with instructions, but the menu entry for the uninstalled sofwares remains and the software remains also... how to remove all ? 2) If I r?install my OP System (Ubuntu 10.04), and I r?install WINE, assuming of course that my "home"
2011 Feb 28
Hi folks, Could anyone walk me through getting Punkbuster working for a game of COD4 on Steam? I've got other games working but not COD4, I believe it's a PB issue, but on searching I've tried everything to no avail!
2011 Feb 23
Strange uninstall issue - privileges.
Pretty much the title says it all... I'm having a real hard time trying to uninstall a game (Gabriel Knight 3) with Uninstaller, every time I try to I'm greeted with a nice Windows dialog that reads: > The login account does not have the required privileges to remove the selected application. Please use an administrator account How can that be? Sure, this installation is getting
2008 Oct 01
Call of Duty 4
Good day guys! :) I have a few questions for you ) Archlinux "overlord" on samsung r25 laptop (ati radeon x2300, 1.6ghz core 2 duo, 2gb ram), + wine 1.0 from sources with [3dmark patch] and wine 1.1.5 from arch reposit. :) i'l try to start Call of duty 4, and specially CoD4 multiplayer with Pb =) With patched wine 1.1.5 or with this from the repositories cod4 doesn't start
2008 Apr 01
wine doors not uninstalling?
Hey guys, so I have a major issue, photoshop wont load unless I delete the system settings by holding ctrl shift alt when I start photoshop, it then will boot up.. however it wont load any psd file.. and when I shut it down, it gives me the same error as when I had to delete the system settings, the error is like... sorry but this has encountered a harware or system error, the error is
2009 Apr 26
How to remove dangling menu items
I tried to test Wine for the first time, installing the only application that I already had an executable for, an old version of Seamonkey web browser. It installed ok, but when uninstalled, through wine, had some issues...first the unistall option did not appear in wine, but fixed that. Finally, when uninstalled Seamonkey, it left a second wine menu item in Gnome Applications menu. I have
2008 Oct 12
COD4 alpah blend problem.
video card: X1950gt with ati limited driver linux: ubuntu 8.04 wine: 1.1.6 updated from the apt-get today, i try to install cod4 which is my favorite game.And it is my first time to use wine. i just mount the iso file, and run the setup.exe in the iso.Everything is ok at begin,but the error came out when the installation was going to finish.A window came up,said some errors with
2006 Jul 12
Cannot uninstall wine; failed dependencies
I recently installed SuSE 10.1 for the first time (I'm completely new to Linux). Wine was installed with it, but i'm not sure what version, or what directory it was installed to. To be safe I thought it'd be best for me to uninstall wine completely, and reinstall the latest version. I went to what I think is the correct directory (/usr/lib/) and did 'make uninstall wine' and