similar to: VCRun2008 Error Creating Log File etc

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "VCRun2008 Error Creating Log File etc"

2011 Dec 09
vcrun2008 refusing to install
Hey guys. In trying to make Skyrim work, I've deleted wine, steam, and everything to try and start fresh. Now no matter what I do, vcrun2008 refuses to install. I had already installed it once successfully before, but still Skyrim wasn't working (no sound, generally buggy) and now when I try to install vcrun2008 via winetricks I'm getting: (After a hole bunch of miscellaneous stuff)
2015 Mar 25
Bind9 Flat to Bind9 DLZ
Hi Team, Samba Version = 4.2 Bind = 9.10 with dlz Not able to to view replication.(samba-tool drs showrepl) [root at dc2]# samba-tool drs showrepl (want to highlight the name which is using to connect) ERROR(<class 'samba.drs_utils.drsException'>): DRS connection to *dc2.ik.lan.mum* failed - drsException: DRS connection to dc2.ik.lan.mum failed: (-1073741772, 'The
2011 Nov 21
Watchtower Library 2010
Hello, There is a program called 'Watchtower Library 2010' that I can't make it run in wine. I remember in the past I did it once but as I have to use linux for years I can't remember how did I do it and many versions released since then, maybe compatibility problems exist. So, what can I do to fix this? Can you please test this program? It is free, google it and you'll find
2009 Oct 28
Scripting help please....
Need a scripting help to sort out a list and list all the duplicate lines. My data looks somethings like this
2008 Dec 04
OS X, and a errormessage...
Hi, Sorry if I post this issue wrong. I am not a technical user. But I have installed Wine and Explorer and it works fine. But when I install the app that are my reasone for using this fantastic app. I get this message. What am I doing wrong? err:module:import_dll Library uresearch20u.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\Watchtower\\Watchtower Library 2007\\Z\\WTLibrary.exe")
2011 Mar 17
Unable to instal vcrun2005/vcrun2008 MSCOREE.DLL
Hi Guys, Trying to install Photoshop CS5 under Ubuntu 10.10, I understand I need to ensure that I've got other supporting drivers etc installed. I'm trying to install vcrun2005 and vcrun2008 with winetricks and manually, each time, the install is fails the command line shows this: Code: rhobit at novux:~/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2005-ms09-035$ wine vcredist_x86.exe
2009 Sep 11
vcrun2008 fail to install
hi guys im trying to install vcrun2008 from wine tricks but it fails. even after a clean wine installation. I have tried installing vcrun2005 then 20008 and vise versa but still no success. Here the error code: Code: dagger at ubuntu:~$ sh winetricks vcrun2008drive_c already named harddiskvolume0 Executing wine /home/dagger/.winetrickscache/vcrun2008/vcredist_x86.exe
2010 Jun 04
Creating a maxtrix from "conditional prints"
Hi guys :) I'm dealing with this problem, perhaps conceptually not that complex, but still - I'm stuck. Two columns, values 1<x<10, only integers. I want to check when the first column's index is identical to the second's (and vice versa). If that's true, I want to add a further column with value 1 (if true) or NA (if false). Thus, I obtain 100 matrices (for each
2010 Dec 09
Does Wine supports Microsoft Visual C# 2008?
Does it?
2011 Oct 24
can't wine after upgrade to ubuntu oneiric 11.10
I just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10 and now I've lost all wine functionality. How can I get wine working again? This is what I've tried: john at desktop:~$ sudo aptitude search wine p gnome-wine-icon-theme - red variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme p libkwineffects1abi2 - library used by effects
2008 Oct 20
valid users and file permissions
Hi people, I'd like to understand valid users and file permissions better. I have a share which is not behaving as I expect. [family] path = /home/shares/family create mask = 0664 directory mask = 0775 force group = parental guest ok = No valid users = @parental, @family writeable = Yes in Group parental are mum & dad; in group family are mum, dad and offspring. With file permissions
2003 Jul 01
crossed random effects
Hi, I have a data set on germination and plant growth with the following variables: dataset=fm mass (response) sub (fixed effect) moist (fixed effect) pop (fixed effect) mum (random effect nested within population) iheight (covariate) plot (random effect- whole plot factor for split-plot design). I want to see if moist or sub interacts with mum for any of the pops, but I am getting an error
2015 Mar 26
Bind9 Flat to Bind9 DLZ
yes i realized that there is something wrong with BIND9_FLATFILE while encountering with samba_upgradedns -h which doesn't show BIND9_FLATFILE Any help on*drs repl* not working i think it is pointing to wrong FQDN how do i correct that ? > >/ Not able to to view replication.(samba-tool drs showrepl) > />/ > />/ > />/ [root at dc2
2007 Jul 21
Best and easiest soft phone for my Dad..
Hi, Here is the situation.. My Dad is working on contract in overseas.. He has internet access in his hotel.. He wants to be able to talk to my Mum but the calls are expensive.. I have an asterisk box setup for my business and it has a public IP etc.. My Mum has access to a working phone extension on this box.. I got my Dad to install X-Lite but for some reason it won't register and
2010 Dec 08
Libraries needed on Watchtower Library 2010?
Hello All. This has been released and _does_not_ work with wine. Former versions needed no adjustments to a standard wine setup. The licensing prevents us offering copies to anyone. There is a workaround, ( use last year's program on this year's data) but I decided to debug as far as I could and see what was going on. Symptom shown is a page fault in ntdll at address (all zeroes). That
2008 May 15
Unable to run Watchtower Library 2007 Japanese : font ?
Hello, I was using both version of WTLib 2007 (French and Japanese) under Unbuntu7.10 and Wine 0.9.47 and it worked fine with just an installation of VCRedist and some japanese fonts in windows folder. But recently i moved my system to the new Ubuntu8.04 with the last version of wine : 1.0 RC1. I read that i don't need to install vcredist and font anymore. It's supposed to be a platinum
2010 May 31
"Folder specified is currently mapped using a different user name and password" error
I am running Samba 3.0.33 on a linux box on my home office LAN. smb.conf has this share set up: [homes] comment = Home Directories browseable = yes read only = no writable = yes create mode = 0750 For each person in the house we map drives in their Windows 7 PCs to the appropriate share name - eg \\server\mum, \\server\dad, \\server\child1 etc The problem
2012 Dec 17
How to test whether is.element() returns only TRUE's
Hi, How can I test, whether all the values that is.element() -function returns are TRUE's Eg. > (is.element(c(1,4,2),c(1,2,3))) [1] TRUE FALSE TRUE This doesn't work: > (is.element(c(1,4,2),c(1,2,3)))==TRUE [1] TRUE FALSE TRUE Best, Atte Tenkanen, FT, MuM
2009 Apr 11
Can not get HLSW v1.3.1 to run in Ubuntu
I'm hoping someone can help me to get HLSW v1.3.1 to run in Ubuntu 8.1o with WINE v1.1.18. The install program runs fine but when I go to launch HLSW the program never starts. I'm pretty new to linux so any help will be appreciated.
2001 May 08
[success] VB3 Program "Watchtower Library" now works
Hi! Some time ago I wrote about two problems, which I encountered when trying to run a VB3 program with Wine. The program is called "Watchtower Library". The search function crashed. With debugging and disassembling of a .vbx I later found out that the program itself was bailing out and not wine. But I had no idea how to remedy the problem. The tooltips (in the program called