similar to: Errors with msvcp80.dll and EVE after upgrading to 1.3.28

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Errors with msvcp80.dll and EVE after upgrading to 1.3.28"

2011 Sep 23
Wine release 1.3.29
The Wine development release 1.3.29 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Extensive support for VBScript. - Various improvements to the calendar common control. - A number of XRender fixes and optimizations. - Several new functions in the MSVCP runtime. - A number of audio fixes. - DirectDraw cleanups. - Various bug fixes. The source is
2011 Apr 30
Eve Online crashes when using two clients
When I am playing Eve Online with only one client open, it works well. I get the odd crash here and there but nothing more than what I was expecting when trying to run a windows game outside of windows. But as soon as I try and log on a second account, the crashes start. There isn't a set point at which the crashes always occur. Alot of the time, as soon as I get the second client to the
1997 Sep 03
Security Hole. Appache.
Sorry! Unknown (for me) behaviour of Apache was discovered. Suddenly. Configuration detail: Linux: 2.0.30 Apache: 1.x.x srm.conf: ... Action text/html /cgi-bin/exefile ... /www-root/sec-dir/.htaccess: AuthType Basic AuthName authname AuthUserFile /itc/passwd <LIMIT GET POST> require valid-user
2009 Jul 24
Another EVE Online thread (no, not ATI card) wine-1.1.26+ compiled from git tree. ubuntu karmic nvidia 7900GT EVE loading screen appears, then an unhandled exception occurs, wine error dialog pops up, then I have to TERM one of the ExeFile.exe threads/processes, because the wine process becames a zombie one. also, "make test" fails: Only used winetricks to
2010 Jul 26
Problem with Eve online
Every time I try to open Eve-online with Wine, the tyrannis splash screen pops up and starts to open the game, but before getting in a window appears with the following text: The program Exefile.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. I have also tried to install Eve on Crossover for Linux professional, but the same message pops up at the same
2006 Oct 31
problem in intallasation
Sir I have downloaded new release of R 2.4.0. But there is no R.2.4.0.exefile for installing it. I request you to please guid me. Regards -- AMINA SHAHZADI Department of Statistics GC University Lahore, Pakistan. Email: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jun 09
Re: Eveonline issue
before you do this after you can start eve wine ".../drive_c/Program Files/CCP/EVE/bin/ExeFile.exe"
2011 May 18
EVE crashing intermittently, not sure what to try
I just installed EVE, started it up no problem and started playing. Graphics looked great, sound was perfect, then 5 minutes later EVE crashes. it back up, play for a bit longer than 5 minutes and poof crashes again. I can play somewhere between 2-10 minutes between crashes. Not sure what the deal is. Running Gentoo amd64 (2.6.38) Wine 1.3.19 EVE Client 6.43 Nvidia 270.41.06
2011 May 25
EVE Online random crashes
Hey there, when I'm playing EVE online I get random crashes while I'm playing. These always occur while I'm out in space, never when I'm updating my trade orders. Using ati drivers: 10.11 Wine: 1.3.20 This is shown in console when the game crashes... Code: An exception has occurred. It has been logged in the log server as exception #8 An exception has occurred. It has been
2006 Mar 01
msvcp80.dll and msvcr80.dll not working with wine?
Trying to run Visual Source Safe 2005 with wine 0.9.8 and it appears that wine can not load the visual c 8.0 runtime dlls. Is it because they are somehow tied to .net? I cant even run regsvr32 on them. Running the ss.exe program causes a popup: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! Program C:\programs\vss\ss.exe R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime
2011 Dec 11
Eve-online && msvcp80.dll
Hi everyone, I'm currently an Arch user and an Eve lover. I wish i could play eve under my Arch to pass this Windows usage every time i would like to play a bit. Therefor i mounted my windows partition from my arch and tryed to start it with wine. Unfortunatly the game crashs, the error message given by my terminal (I lauch the game using the command : wine eve.exe) is here: > wine:
2012 Mar 29
msvcp80.dll doesn't work
Error file begins: Unhandled exception: unimplemented function msvcp80.dll.??0?$basic_ifstream at DU?$char_traits at D@std@@@std@@QAE at PAU_iobuf@@@Z called in 32-bit code (0x7b83aa52). I downloaded a new copy of this and placed it in the /fakedlls dirctory, where it replaced what was there, but it still doesn't work. The site I d/l'd the file from gave the impression that there is
2011 Sep 05
Hi, since the Wine 1.3.27 update (on Ubuntu), some applications don't start anymore, especially Google SketchUp. A window pops up immediately saying that the program has to be closed. This happens with programs that depend on msvcp80.dll. I tried all combinations of native/built-in etc. Then I rebooted and created a completely new empty prefix and even Wine's iexplore.exe does not start.
2009 Jun 10
IL2 Sturmovik 1946 install failure - Ubuntu 9.04 (64) 1.1.23
Second try with wine. Currently not having success installing anything (GW, Medieval2, or IL-2). Focusing on IL-2 because it's still listed as Gold, and the other apps seem known not to work with ver 1.1.23... Attempted install from right-click>Open With Wine Windows Program Loader Also attempted install from terminal. Both attempts failed at same stage. Progresses through dialogue
2004 Nov 06
How to auto-restart win32 app
I have a win32 app that I run 24/7. On occasion it will go into the debugger, and I have to kill it and restart it. Is there any to have it automatically restart when it crashes?
2010 Feb 23
Eve Online in Ubuntu
I recently switched to Ubuntu from Windows XP with only Eve Online being a Windows program I want to be able to run on my computer. I have read this thread: and this thread: to make Eve work in Ubuntu using Wine. I must say that with a dual monitor system Eve
2002 Oct 11
Installing local package under Windows.
I'm working on a system in which PCs (running various versions of Windows, mainly 98 I think) are networked together using a system called ``Novell''. I recently got our Computing Services people to install R on this system, and it appears to work seamlessly. I mainly want to use R in a time series course which I am teaching this term, and to that end I wanted to install a
2002 Oct 11
Installing local package under Windows.
I'm working on a system in which PCs (running various versions of Windows, mainly 98 I think) are networked together using a system called ``Novell''. I recently got our Computing Services people to install R on this system, and it appears to work seamlessly. I mainly want to use R in a time series course which I am teaching this term, and to that end I wanted to install a
2009 Dec 07
eve online error after splash screen
My wine version is 1.0.1 on Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit. When I start up eve on the command prompt the splash screen loads then it aborts with this error message: fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x9f0000 0 0x33fcac 4
2012 Feb 27
Problem with wine and Firefox, Thunderbird or Seamonkey...
Hi all, I Use thunderbird and firefox, and sometimes Seamonkey on my job (onto windows 7, 64 bits) and at home (under Ubuntu 11.10 64 bits), so for that, I use Wine, which was very nice until few weeks when I had error message and that doesn't worked more... For this use, I use portable software (from portable apps), and I already post my problem on other forums