similar to: Re: Stratosphere - Conquest of the Skies game blacks out screen.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Re: Stratosphere - Conquest of the Skies game blacks out screen."

2011 Sep 12
Re: Stratosphere - Conquest of the Skies game blacks out screen.
The installation trouble I had with Wine 1.3.28 is not part of this issue. Please keep to the problem at hand. I've supplied the terminal log from 1.3.26. If this is not sufficient then we will have to continue this when 1.3.28 merges into the PPA repository.
2011 Sep 06
Re: Stratosphere - Conquest of the Skies game blacks out screen.
Funny, I searched for "cannot find a d3d device fullscreen mode" and this post came up, addressing EXACTLY the game I'm trying to play. I thought that this D3D stuff was supported by wine (I'm using crossover, for Mac). Is there any information about how to make the fullscreen issue go away so I can play Stratosphere! I bought an old copy from Amazon, so it shouldn't be a
2010 Nov 29
Stratosphere - Conquest of the Skies game blacks out screen.
Stratosphere is an old game for Windows 95-98. When played in Wine it will act like it's starting up, then completely blank out the primary screen. The secondary screen will stay open and I can press Ctrl-Alt-F1 and kill the Stratos.exe task, which recovers the screen. I also attempted to run it in compatibility mode with Windows XP and Vista, but the mouse is very sensitive in the game,
2011 Jan 13
Rotated, Right-Justified Labels for Shortened Tick Marks
Hello R-help, I'm trying to make a fairly simple plot axis that goes something like this: plot(-10:10,-10:10, yaxt='n') axis(side=2, las=1, hadj=1, tck=-.01, cex.axis=.6) ...but as you can see, the labels are not close enough to the y-axis (where I want them... to save space for publication). Can anybody help me figure out how to move these labels over the the right a bit?
2008 Oct 01
shifting ticks to left or right
Hey list, Does anybody knows a command to centre the tick mark labels exactly between the tick points (right shift)? And then to exclude the last tick label on the right? I know one can shift them using the 'hadj' option in par. But I am wondering if there is a more convenient command! Thanks a lot!! Stefan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Apr 02
Tick label orientation
I had hoped that plot(c(0,24),c(0,-6),xlab="Time",ylab="Day", type="n", main="This Week",axes=FALSE) axis(2,at=0:(-6), labels = c("Sun","Mon","Tues","Wed","Thurs","Fri","Sat"),hadj=TRUE) axis(1,at=seq(0,24,4)) would give me horizontal tick labels. It doesn't. What would?
2005 Sep 03
american conquest
hi List, I want to play ?American Conquest? under linux with wine. The installer worked fine, but an error comes, when I start the game: VirualAlloc heap reserve failed Not enought memory to run program What can I do? must I edit the wine.config? Any ideas? Thank you very much (If the answer is in german, i's better ;) but in english is ok, too) Greetings from Germay Jonas, 14 male ps:
2009 Jan 24
Lordof the rings the conquest
hi, i want to play lord of the rings the conquest but in game menu the loading screen dont disappers and the wine console is fluted with: err:d3d:state_colorwrite (WINED3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE1/2/3,0,7,7) not yet implemented. Missing of cap D3DPMISCCAPS_INDEPENDENTWRITEMASKS wasn't honored? is there any way to solve the problem?
2010 Mar 24
isdst warning when rounding a range of time data: fix or suppress?
Hi, I'm working with timeseries data. The values are every 5 seconds and each series can last up to 4-5 days. To generate the x-axis labels, I'm doing the following: ========================= # Variable for displaying hours on the x-axis rtime <<- as.POSIXct(round(range(timedata), "hours")) # Variable for displaying days on the x-axis stime <<-
2005 Apr 02
Building new graphic device drivers with g++
Dear Group, I'm trying to build a set of new graphic device drivers. I use the devNull example a a beginning point: $ R CMD SHLIB devNull.c gcc -shared -L/usr/local/lib -o devNull.o (everything works OK) $ R CMD SHLIB devNull.cpp g++ -shared -L/usr/local/lib -o devNull.o (everything works OK) The difficulties start when trying to compile manually. I compile the
2008 Jun 27
unexpected lining up of labels in axis(4, hadj=1) (PR#11840)
Please explain (I am quoting the FAQ) how you 'are sure you know for certain what it ought to have done'. Please quote and give exact references to the documentation that led you to expect what you expected (but did not actually describe). I would have expected it to work as documented using the default value mgp=c(3,1,0), and that is what I see when I run the example. As far as I
2009 Jul 09
Population pyramids
Hi, I hope somebody can help me with this issue: I am doing population pyramids using the barplot command, so in the left side I have male age structure and in the right side the female age structure. To plot the male age structure I put the data in negative numbers. Now, I want to change the sign in the bar plot in such way that I have no-sign numbers, both in left and right side of the graph. I
2007 Nov 02
add histograms or distributions on regression line
hello, does anyone know how to add histograms or distributions on regression like just like quantiles regression in RGraphGallery below, a very delicate codes. Thanks alot.
2009 Aug 19
font size on graphics
Dear R users, My question is about finding the proper font size for graphics. For this i had written a code that creats 4 diferent graphics and saves them as a png file. >From these , i select one of the proper size and past it to a word document. I have experimented with lots of settings yet:nd lost my track a bit. there are cex; cexaxis cexlabes and so on, i lost track of
2011 Sep 05
Mac OS X 10.5 compatibility?
I was wondering if Wine lost 10.5 compatibility, or if any of the few people out there with it have noticed a problem. Up through 1.3.25 it seems to compile and work fine. On 1.3.26 and 1.3.27 the compile will fail with errors about a bunch of symbols in that are not found. Building 1.3.26 and 1.3.27 on 10.6 or 10.7 using a 10.5 SDK it will build fine and still work on 10.6 and
2009 Aug 19
font size on graphics question (correction in example,sorry)
Dear R users, My question is about finding the proper font size for graphics. For this i had written a code that creats 4 diferent graphics and saves them as a png file. >From these , i select one of the proper size and past it to a word document. I have experimented with lots of settings yet:nd lost my track a bit. there are cex; cexaxis cexlabes and so on, i lost track of
2010 Apr 20
multiple plots problem
hello, i try to plot 3 graphs which have the same x.axis underneath each other. i'd like the plots to be aligned without margings between the boxes and draw a single x axis beneath the lowest plot. i managed to get the alignment by setting par(mar), but the middle box is stretched and i cant't figure out how to get around this. par(pin) was my guess, but this doesn't do the job
2008 Oct 12
RFC: Kerning, postscript() and pdf()
Ei-ji Nakama has pointed out (from another Japanese user, I believe) that postscript() and pdf() have not been handling kerning correctly, and this is a request for opinions about how we should correct it. Kerning is the adjustment of the spacing between letters from their natural width, so that for example 'Yo' is usually typeset with the o closer to the Y than 'Yl' would be.
2008 Nov 20
Label justification (axis) (PR#13307)
Full_Name: Martin Karl-Friedrich Bader Version: 2.8.0 OS: 10.5.3 Submission from: (NULL) ( Hi there, when using las=1 on the y-axis the labels keep their centered justification, e.g. if you plot a graph using the axis command: axis(side=2, at=c(0,50, 100, 125), lab=c("0","50","100", " "), las=1), then the 0 and the 50 are centered in relation
2009 Jan 19
patch for textspecial and defaultfont in xfig
Hello, The current xfig device lacks the functionality to set the textspecial flag and use the defaultfont in xfig. This is necessary when you want to export to xfig and use interpreted text (e.g., $ \frac{1}{e}$ gets interpreted by latex). The attached patch adds this functionality. Why would you like to do this? - Use math in labels (e.g., name your variables $r_{xy}$, do a