similar to: Can't Change region (country)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Can't Change region (country)"

2012 Aug 13
Fine Tuning Country Map
Dear All, Please see the short script at the end of the email, which I assembled looking for bits and pieces on the web. It essentially does what I need: it plots several countries as a color-coded map. I just would like to fine-tune a bit the final image, in particular (1) Select my own colors for "painting" the countries (i.e. associate manually a color to every level) (2) Be
2016 Jul 20
un solo un favor
Hola a todos Esta es mi primera pregunta en el grupo, y es sencilla pero me tiene atascado. Estoy tratando de cortar mi mapa de (poner limites en UTM) en un lugar definido como mi area de estudio (en este caso el sur de chile). Pero creo no estar usando bien la función CRS ponendo bien los limites requeridos. > study_area <- readRDS("CHL_adm0.rds") > study_area_UTM <-
2010 Dec 30
Curso de R en Santiago, Chile. Gratis!
Estimados, A todos quienes estan insterados y estan en Stgo de Chile les tengo una muy buena noticia. Desde hace ya algunas semanas, nos hemos sentado a la mesa con Alex (Epidemiologo) a discutir la necesidad de desarrollar un curso de R para principiantes. No solo porque es necesario unirse en torno a un projecto como es el R, sino que es una oportunidad para muchos cientificos (como
2007 Mar 28
RV: By sentence
Hi dear listers Do you know how to made a mean by one or more categorical variables? I can do that quite easy on SAS by in R I just can't do it E.g. Some fishes Sex Lenght male 15 fema 20 fema 17 fema 19 male 18 So the idea is mean(Lenght) by sex, in order to have sex: Male mean=XX Sex: Fema mean=YY In this case is quite easy to do it by a loop, but I have a huge DB so is not an
2007 Sep 21
help with rq
I used in 2004 an earlier version of R (1.6.0 ?) for quantile regressions Now I downloaded version 2.5.1-win32 and I cannot A) read my old files (Our exel working space was saved in csv) and also the series of instructions does not work, see below (B) rq function is not recognized) filename <- read.csv("filename.csv",header=TRUE,row.names=1) fit95
2009 Apr 01
Question about multiples logins at the same time
Hi, Do you have any guideline or variable in Samba in the configuration file it determines that a user can not logging at the same time, in order to avoid same login from different places at the same time. For now, what I plan is to use a startup script that through me like a flag indicating whether logged kick then through some mechanism. I accept all suggestions. Thank you Reggard from Chile
2019 Mar 20
Como asignar valores de un archivo a otro
merge sirve pero no para cumplir la condición de si un dato es "x", buscarlo en el otro data.frame y asignarlo El mié., 20 mar. 2019 a las 10:23, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta (< cgb en>) escribió: > ?merge > > El mié., 20 mar. 2019 a las 14:22, MAURICIO MARDONES (< > mauricio.mardones en>) escribió: > >> Amigos erreros >>
2006 Jun 02
Hi Master..
Hi Master... I am Rene Harb Hoecker and from Chile..... nice!!! I would like to ask you.......... so I am using pxe and when I configure this one with pxelinix.0 and this file read pxelinux.cfg and inside there is the config file default. it is work perfect....... default file say so : DAFAULT Gentoo1.4 LABEL Gentoo1.4 KERNEL linux APPEND nfsroot=3D192.168.10.10:/tftpboot/nodo1 IPAPPEND 1
2004 Aug 06
gen-mpegurl.m3u source/making a clean weblink to broadcast
Thanks guys, this is exactly what I was looking for. Now, all I have to do is figure out how to start icecast and liveice cleanly when the machine cycles power. I tried just naively sticking /usr/local/icecast/bin/icecast & /usr/local/icecast/bin/liveice & into rc.local, but something weird happens. It just loops on a message 'you can run but you can't hide' over and over
2010 Jun 18
user.reg keep constant value!!! - Lotus Approach
Hi all, I'm trying to change the registry value using both regedit tool and manually edit file user.reg to change Wine regional setting to Thai bye the following key. [Control Panel\\International] 1276837520 "iCalendarType"="7" "iCountry"="66" "Locale"="000004E1" "sCountry"="Thailand"
2009 Jun 23
nlme package - unbalanced data and Croissant (2008)
Dear listserv members, In Croissant (2008) “Panel Data Econometrics in R: The plm Package” the authors seem to indicate that the nlme package for R cannot correctly handle unbalanced panel data: “Moreover, economic panel datasets often happen to be unbalanced (i.e., they have a different number of observations between groups), which case needs some adaptation to the methods and is not
2019 Mar 20
Como asignar valores de un archivo a otro
Toda la razon!!! merge era todo! Saludos El mié., 20 mar. 2019 a las 10:57, Carlos Ortega (<cof en>) escribió: > Hola Mauricio, > > No, creo que no es lo que dices.. > > Con merge, indicas por qué columna (pueden ser varias) quieres juntar los > dos dataframes y con los parámetros "all.x", "all.y" y "all" indicas si
2008 Nov 03
Cómo convertir un objeto data frame en una tabla csv
Agradeceré me ayuden con la consulta: Cómo convertir un objeto data frame en una tabla csv que pueda a su vez ser convertida en un objeto geodata De antemano, gracias por la atención, -- Ricardo Bandin Llanos Estudiante - Magíster Cs. m. Pesquerías Universidad de Concepción, Región del Bio-Bio, Chile Celular: (0056-41) 97949957 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2014 Oct 09
cambiar un valor por NA en data frame
ESTIMADA COMUNIDAD R, Tengo un data frame de datos de salud sobre Enfermedades de Notificacion Obligatoria. Algunas variables tienen una codificacion 99, 999, y 9999 para asiganr los valores perdidos. LAs variables que tienen esta codificacion son la EDAD, COMUNA_RESIDENCIA y la REGION_RESIDENCIA, respectivamente. Me gustaria poder editar esos valores a NA, sin tener que hacerlo uno por uno con
2005 Dec 19
PDC - Windows cliente change passwd
Hi, i have a problems with windows clients when they try to change the password, windows respond with "Please enter valid character..." but the pass get changed. i have this in smb.conf passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n . when i change that to: passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n *Re*ype*new*UNIX*password* %n
2004 Apr 23
NSD 2.0.2 on FreeBSD Ports
Hi all: I'm currently using NSD 1.2.4 on a FreeBSD host to serve a big domain. I've been looking for new versions of NSD (particularly NSD 2.0.2) on FreeBSD Ports but I haven't found it. Who should add this new version to Ports? Can I make something to include it? I don't have enough experience with FreeBSD and I feel a little bit lost. Best Regards -- Sebastian E. Castro
2008 Dec 13
Country numbering plan resources
Is there any good free / accurate online resources with detailed country numbering plans? Failing that let's get something running ourselves. I was also thinking maybe people present could contribute some information on this list for now. The countries I am after are below. To start this off I will provide the information for Australia +61 and New Zealand +64. NZ Cellular: area code 21
2010 Jun 25
Delete rows in the data frame by limiting values in two columns
Hi, folks, Finally Friday~~ Here comes the question: x=c('germany','poor italy','usa','england','poor italy','japan') y=c('Spain','germany','usa','brazil','england','chile') s=1:6 z=3:8 test=data.frame(x,y,s,z) #Now I only concern the countries ('germany','england','brazil').
2012 Oct 10
GAM without intercept
Hi everybody, I am trying to fit a GAM model without intercept using library mgcv. However, the result has nothing to do with the observed data. In fact the predicted points are far from the predicted points obtained from the model with intercept. For example: #First I generate some simulated data: library(mgcv) x<-seq(0,10,length=100) y<-x^2+rnorm(100) #then I fit a gam model with
2004 Jan 13
Manova for repeated measures
Hi everyone, I'm posting again, since I haven't got an answer (yet :( ). According to R help, manova does not support the inclusion of the Error() term in the formula call. I have repeated measures data for two dependent variables, so this means I can't account for subject variance in time?. Any lights? Thanks in advance, Rodrigo Abt, Department of Economic Studies, SII, Chile.