similar to: msvcp80.dll...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "msvcp80.dll..."

2011 Sep 11
Errors with msvcp80.dll and EVE after upgrading to 1.3.28
I'm trying to get EVE Online running, it worked just fine prior to upgrading but is unusable now. Right after upgrading, I tried to launch the game, and Wine told me I needed to re-download the Gecko packages so I clicked OK. It started downloading and a few minutes later the game launched. I logged in like normal but ended up at a black screen. I think the black screen was just due to the
2012 Feb 11
1.4rc2: delayed redraw of 3d app
Since 1.4rc2, Google SketchUp does not immediately redraw the 3d drawing area, but only after the view has been invalidated another time. That means SketchUp starts with black screen until you force it to update the view (by moving, resizing the window or orbiting or panning the view). This is also noticeable when you click, double-click or triple-click an object in order to select it: The object
2006 Mar 01
msvcp80.dll and msvcr80.dll not working with wine?
Trying to run Visual Source Safe 2005 with wine 0.9.8 and it appears that wine can not load the visual c 8.0 runtime dlls. Is it because they are somehow tied to .net? I cant even run regsvr32 on them. Running the ss.exe program causes a popup: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! Program C:\programs\vss\ss.exe R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime
2011 Dec 11
Eve-online && msvcp80.dll
Hi everyone, I'm currently an Arch user and an Eve lover. I wish i could play eve under my Arch to pass this Windows usage every time i would like to play a bit. Therefor i mounted my windows partition from my arch and tryed to start it with wine. Unfortunatly the game crashs, the error message given by my terminal (I lauch the game using the command : wine eve.exe) is here: > wine:
2012 Mar 29
msvcp80.dll doesn't work
Error file begins: Unhandled exception: unimplemented function msvcp80.dll.??0?$basic_ifstream at DU?$char_traits at D@std@@@std@@QAE at PAU_iobuf@@@Z called in 32-bit code (0x7b83aa52). I downloaded a new copy of this and placed it in the /fakedlls dirctory, where it replaced what was there, but it still doesn't work. The site I d/l'd the file from gave the impression that there is
2009 Apr 02
wine 1.0 with google sketchup 7 pro
Under Kubuntu 8.04 HH env WINEPREFIX="/home/peter/.wine" wine "C:\Programma Bestanden\Google\Google SketchUp 7\SketchUp.exe" Does start up, but when choosing templated Sketchup halts in a bug window. in konsole I get: peter at schagen:~$ env WINEPREFIX="/home/peter/.wine" wine "C:\Programma Bestanden\Google\Google SketchUp 7\SketchUp.exe"
2009 Apr 02
wine 1.0 under Kubuntu HH 8.04 with Google SketchUp 7
Application starts but when the template is choosen it comes into a bug window. My console shows the enclosed details. What could be wrong? -- Peter Registered Linux user # 458207 -------------- next part -------------- peter at schagen:~$ env WINEPREFIX="/home/peter/.wine" wine "C:\Programma Bestanden\Google\Google SketchUp 7\SketchUp.exe"
2011 Oct 13
problems installing wine 1.3.24/sketchup 8/on fedora 15
I am trying to install wine (1.3.24) from winehq for fedora and sketchup (8) on a Fedora-15 box. I have tried to follow the Sketchup Sage site After installing Wine and Sketchup, I have ?Wine Files? under the new GNOME-3 Applications and when I open it I get what looks like a Windows window. No Sketchup in there. I have 2 Sketchup icons
2011 Aug 28
visual theme regression (?)
I use a visual theme (msstyles) that matches the UI of Windows programs to my distribution. However since Wine 2.3.26, many parts of the theme are shown black (probably png images). This happens with any msstyles themes. Is this bug already known? I searched in bugzilla, but couldn't find anything about uxtheme.dll etc.
2013 Jun 10
Help with R loop for URL download from FRED to create US time series
I am downloading time series data from FRED. I have a working download, but I do not want to write out the download for all 50 states likes this: IDRGSP <- read.table('', skip=11, header=TRUE) IDRGSP$DATE <- as.Date(IDRGSP$DATE, '%Y-%m-%d') IDRGSP$SERIES <- 'IDRGSP' IDRGSP$DESC <- "Real Total Gross
2011 Jun 24
Wine release 1.3.23
The Wine development release 1.3.23 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Support for stubless COM proxies on x86-64. - Builtin dxdiag now outputs real information. - Monochrome bitmap format in the DIB engine. - Beginnings of a true shell Explorer builtin. - A number of new D3DX9 functions. - More support for Indic text shaping. - Various bug
2009 Jun 02
Google SketchUp 7 won't start again.
About 3 weeks ago I downloaded and installed Sketchup 7 on my Ubuntu Jaunty linux machine with Wine 1.1.22 installed. Since then I have started Sketchup several times and it has always started. Well, day before yesterday I was actually going to use it, but when I launched it all I got was the icon in the taskbar telling me that Sketchup was starting, and then it went away. No error messages or
2009 Apr 07
google stylebuilder / layout 2
Google Sketchup 7 Pro works reasonable fine. Stylebuilder and Layout 2 not although Mono 2.2 was installed via winetricks konsole: env WINEPREFIX="/home/peter/.wine" wine "C:\Programma Bestanden\Google\Google SketchUp 7\Style Builder\Style Builder.exe" konsoel answer: fixme:mscoree:_CorDllMain (0x7c4c0000, 1, 0x1): stub fixme:actctx:parse_depend_manifests Could not find
2011 Mar 26
Hello guyz im new here,and new in linux. Im having issues with running sketchup.I have tried to install sketchup 8 but then i read that wine doestnt support 8th edition,then i tried to install sketchup 7 pro.I tried to do that from the terminal but it couldnt find the exe. I have read some FAQ's and some older sketchup posts,but i really dont understand much and i want some guidance from
2011 Oct 12
Ride! Next Generation Equitation - fails
Trying to get a horse game running with wine in the computer. Code: wine '/home/TForsman/.wine/drive_c/Program/PAN Vision/Ride! Next Generation Equitation/EquestrianApp.exe' wine: Call from 0x68417be2 to unimplemented function msvcp80.dll.??0?$basic_ostringstream at DU?$char_traits at D@std@@V?$allocator at D@2@@std@@QAE at H@Z, aborting wine: Unimplemented function
2009 Apr 30
SketchUp problems
Hello, I've installed SketchUp 7 on Wine 1.1.20 in Ubuntu 9.04. When I start SketchUp, I get a dialog that seems to come from IE, asking me to save a file index.html that is from somewhere under c:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Resources/ (I can't see the full path). It keeps on asking me about saving html files and then SketchUp crashes. Thank you for your help, Ittay
2011 Sep 26
Windows CLI Commands in Ruby freeze Wine application
I use a Wine application (Google SketchUp) that has Ruby as scripting language. I want to issue commands to the Windows cmd from within SketchUp/Ruby. When I write on the Ruby console in SketchUp: puts `dir` or puts `cd` it should return the result of that command, but it freezes SketchUp and the gnome-terminal gives this error after some seconds: err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section
2008 Jun 13
Google Sketchup 6.x works, but only with xserver-xgl.
wine version: 1.0-rc4 - Installing Sketchup works fine with some minor issues. - Running Sketchup will result in the following error message: "Sketchup was unable to initialize OpenGL! Please make sure you have installed the correct drivers for your graphics card. Error: ChoosePixelFormat failed", and after that the application closes down. As mentioned in several of the test
2011 May 13
linux and wine noob needs help with installing SketchUp
I have Ubuntu 10.04 and just installed WINE 1.2 (because it's stable version). I am installing SketchUp 8, and the installer asks what destination folder to install to. It defaults to "C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\" and won't let me change to the Linux format of "home/user/Sketchup" that I think is correct. What do I do? The Wine FAQ states:
2010 Feb 24
Sketchup 7 and proxy settings.
Hi everyone, I've got stuck trying to get Sketchup 7 ( Version 7.1.6860 ) to connect to the 3D warehouse via a proxy using Wine 1.1.38 (same problem with older version 1.1.35) on a linux machine ( Gentoo, Kernel ) I have followed the instructions for setting up a proxy for Wine from: ###### My