similar to: ubuntu 10.10 and world of warcraft 235

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "ubuntu 10.10 and world of warcraft 235"

2009 Jan 29
WoW issues
I'm new to linux. I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 and I have wine 1.1.13 installed. I'm having some trouble getting world of warcraft installed. I followed the How to at I followed all of the instructions and when ever I go to start WoW so that i can get the patches the graphics are really messed up and i can't see or click on anything.
2009 Feb 21
Sid Meier's Pirate's HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah this game has a GOLD rating, yet the game wont even start, it seemed to install fine, but when i try to open the game it never even starts ? i click the .exe and tell it to open with wine and i get some crazy window here is a screen shot... (a picture is worth a thousand words... ) im using: wine-1.1.15 installing from a download off EBGames (not using C.D.) ubuntu 8.10 [Image:
2009 Feb 03
fixme"wininet:InternetSetOptionW Err - WoW Download/Install
I am trying to download/install WoW on my openSUSE 11.1 system, running wine 1.1.13. I download the PC Game Client from WoW website, which when launched on windows, downloads the game installer, and then runs the installer. When i try to launch it, I get the following error from the WoW client itself: - Failed to read information from the Internet. In the console where I launched wine from, I
2010 Mar 23
World of Warcraft - Screen Tearing
Hello! First forum post here go! Using Ubuntu 9.10, WINE 1.0.1 (system keeps locking on trying to add the ppa for the development version). i3 system w/ higher-end nVidia card. I'm using the restricted drivers, ensured they're not the 'broken' ones that cause fan failure. I've taken the time to add a registry key for Direct3D, and am making sure that the system is using
2010 Nov 22
Wow - Downloader Connection timeout
I've been trying to get WoW working onmy Fedora 14 installation, but I seem to be having problems getting the internet connection to work. I start the game with Code: wine Launcher.exe -opengl in the ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/World of Warcraft directory. I can access the internet from using Code: wine iexplore so I know the wine network connection works.
2009 Feb 09
Issues with getting wow to run correctly...
- Name of the Distribution: Ubuntu 8.10 - Your desktop Gnome what wow looks like on the log on screen, [Image: ] ( And when i am at that screen every thing moves really slow, like you can see in the screen shot that my pointer in the game is towards
2009 Sep 04
Wine 1.1.29: sound lost
I've updated to Wine 1.1.29 today, and I've lost sound. Winecfg detect the normal sound output device, but when I launch WOW, don't work (no sound). I'm using Jaunty 9.04. With 1.1.28 all right, and without pulseaudio i don't have any audio devices from output. I've tried, also, to select "emulation" (from Full accelleration) without solve the problem. Where can I
2009 Jun 03
World of warcraft shuts down
Running openSUSE 1.11, gnome desktop and wine 1.1.9. (WoW patch 3.1.3) WoW just shuts down, no errors, no warnings, no nothing.. There is no indications of a crash it just plain shuts down as if I'd hit alt+f4. Anyone having the same problem?
2010 Aug 19
World of Warcraft strange disconnect
HI! Im use only one windows program, but i have a mysterious problem. The game runs beautifully. But after some time (2-3 minutes) to notice that the upward network traffic jams. Information coming from the server, other players' movements, spells, chatting me, but anything I do not have to get to the server, which is 5000 seconds later, you can launch. Im use the latest daily snapshot from
2010 Jan 29
Wine and Miranda IM
Hi, I have been using Miranda (version 0.7.19, latest that can handle MSN) Lately i have get some problem, i cant see peoples avatars and when i log in i get about 4-7 errors massages. Im running Arch now, before that i was using Ubuntu and with some help with winetricks then this problem was gone. I?m using the latest version of Wine and winetricks. Terminal output: Code:
2011 Oct 28
WoW Play Button Not Working - Fix for Linux/Wine??
So this issue is quite common now in WoW launchers from all operating systems, and it's gone and happened to mine. When I open the shortcut on my desktop, the client opens, and when I click on the 'play' button, it closes and nothing comes up. I've read everywhere that if you start it from the WoW.exe link in World of Warcraft folder, it'll automatically open, but when I click
2008 May 31
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 crash
Hi, all. Since wine 0.9.59 (before I used 0.9.50 and all was O.K., but from 0.9.59 till 1.0-rc2 appear described problem) I am find strange behaviour of heroes 5 at wine. After starting application it begin intensively put on console output string like that: fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x30024,0x00000000,0,2): stub! but that is not so critical as I know. Realy worst things begins when
2010 Feb 24
Sketchup 7 and proxy settings.
Hi everyone, I've got stuck trying to get Sketchup 7 ( Version 7.1.6860 ) to connect to the 3D warehouse via a proxy using Wine 1.1.38 (same problem with older version 1.1.35) on a linux machine ( Gentoo, Kernel ) I have followed the instructions for setting up a proxy for Wine from: ###### My
2011 Jun 20
Heroes of Might an Magic : Tribes of the East
Hey guys, I am trying to start HoMM Tribes of the East but it just gets to the loading screen and than crashes with the following output: Code: fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32f554,0x00000000), stub! fixme:d3d:query_init Unhandled query type 0x4. fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32f4b0,0x00000000), stub! fixme:d3d:query_init Unhandled query type 0x4.
2010 Jul 08
SC2 Beta
Trying too run the SC2 Beta patch 16 which came online last night (EST). It worked perfectly before this new version (using the HOWTO @ I have un-installed and deleted my copy of SC2 prior to setting it up and generating this log. At the end of the log all I have of SC2 running is a black screen and a movable cursor. Code:
2009 Mar 05
Heroes of MIght and Magic V
Please, can someone help me with install Heroes? I was reading HOWTO, but I understund it. > If the setup program asks for 'setup.exe', kill it, and then run 'killall -9 IKernel.exe' > Place d3dx9_25.dll in Wine's windows/system32 directory > To allow camera change by holding down the right mouse button, edit input.cfg found in <game dir>/profiles/<profile
2010 Apr 02
Tableau Public vis software / Ubuntu
Hey all -- First post, so first off thanks for creating this wonderful software and helping out new users like me adapt to the wine-way :) Has anyone managed to get Windows/Mac only data analysis and vis suite Tableau Public ( running with any version Wine yet? It goes through the motions of installing, but then won't run. I'd welcome any
2012 Apr 29
SC2, Kubuntu 11.04, Can't Create AI Games & No Maps in List
Hello; I researched the wine install of SC2 and I was able to correctly mount my DVD drive to read the hidden files on the UDF optical drive. That helped a lot. The install ran perfectly and the patches downloaded/installed with no problems noted. I can now run SC2, but when I go to single person the screen changes to the one with a list of maps on which I should be able to create a game, but
2009 Mar 02
WoW runs *only* as root (openSUSE 11.1, GeForce 8800GTS)
Before I say anything, I should probably say that I do realize that I should not be running wine as root, however for the purpose of debugging I tried it anyways ... and to my surprise found it worked. 1 The situation First of all, this is the same installation, using the same configuration file on the same computer, etc. As a normal user Wow.exe does not even start (note that Launcher.exe does
2008 Mar 08
World Of Warcraft perfomance problem.
Hello. I'm running WoW 2.3.3, my wine version is wine-0.9.56. My PC: 512 ram, Athlon 300+ and ATI radeon 600x. Problem: 4pfs under Arch Linux and up to 12 under Ubuntu. Drivers: Fglrx (catalyst-8.3-1) Rendering: Yes Code: glxinfo |grep direct direct rendering: Yes fglrxinfo display: :0.0 screen: 0 OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc. OpenGL renderer string: RADEON X600/X550 Series