similar to: Re: Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create objec

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Re: Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create objec"

2008 Nov 18
Re: Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create objec
Okay, I've stumbled upon this thread whilst looking for a solution to 429. I copied the file from my office XP station to my laptop, and followed the registration instructions from your post to no avail. I'm on Mint 5 Gnome, which is built upon Ubuntu 8.04. I was thinking of combining all the solutions I've read: copy sscrun.dll and regv32.exe into /.wine/yadda yadda Has anyone
2008 Aug 23
Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create objec
Hi there, I've been trying to crack this for a while now and have made no progress, whenever I run my exe in wine from the console I get: Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object. The console output is as follows: Code: fixme:ole:OleLoadPictureEx (0xb0e3c4,3782,0,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x32f9fc), partially implemented.
2010 Jul 21
VT Cashbook
Hi all, I am trying to get a very simple little program called VT Cashbook to run on wine. I keep on getting the following error: ActiveX component can't create object. I then click ok and then get Run-time error '-2147221166 (80040152) Automation error The prog can be downloaded from It installs 2x programs, but I am only interested in
2005 Jul 06
Problem with Scripting.FileSystemObject
Hi: I'm trying to make run a windows application with wine. It has been made with visual foxpro (I don't know if this information is useful, but just in case...). The application uses the class Scripting.FileSystemObject included in scrrun.dll The application starts properly, but at one point it shows a message stating that it cannot find the Scripting.FileSystemObject class, and stops
2006 Feb 21
newhidups and hidups drivers
I just installed NUT and my UPS is an APC Back-UPS ES 500. I looked in the list of drivers and found APC Back-UPS ES 350 listed in "drivers.txt" -- that list said I should use either the newhidups or hidups driver. I looked in the installation and I found headers and c files to create these drivers (I think), but in /usr/local/ups/bin there is no driver named, "newhidups or
2011 Dec 27
Unable to register the DLL/OCX
I am new to Wine and anything like it. I want to run the application "ATCS Monitor". When I installed ATCS Monitor I received an error message: C:\windows\system32\wshom.ocx Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x1 -From Terminal- err:typelib:sltg_get_typelib_ref Unable to find reference err:module:import_dll Library ScrRun.dll (which is needed by
2008 Oct 15
VT Accounts
Hi I am trying to get this program (accounts package) running under wine. It installs OK but when I run it I get an error that tells me; ActiveX component can't create object but I am not convinced it is an ActiveX problem (or a permission problem). When run in terminal I get the following output; gjj at samson:~$ env WINEPREFIX="/home/gjj/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\VT
2011 Mar 18
probleme 429 activex
mi evryboby i try to une micro application to learne drining car i have this error [Image: ] is there a solution?? thank you
2010 Feb 11
Runtime Error 429: Activex component can not create the obje
Hello everibody, i tried ti start the program, but i get an error like in the subject of this mail. How can i resolve it? I have: Ubuntu 9.10 massimo at ThinkCentre9636-71G:~$ wine --version wine-1.1.31 This is the console log: massimo at ThinkCentre9636-71G:~$ wine .wine/drive_c/Programmi/TARGET/Target.exe fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationA
2009 Feb 13
[Thinkwave] Run-time error 429: ActiveX
I am working to transition a primary school to Linux on the desktop. So far, the only stop I've encountered is getting their gradebook software to run. They use ThinkWave Educator. You can d/l the app here; I would appreciate any help and pointers. Thank you
2001 Aug 05
Run-time error 429: ActiveX component can't create object
Hi! I'm trying to run Direct Connect (www.neo-modus) using wine, but I'm getting the following error message when running (wine --dll oleaut32=n Direct\ Connect.exe): - Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object - Anyone know what might be causing this? I'm using a fresh install of wine, and I really don't have much experience using it. Any help
2007 Dec 28
LIKE clause in rails
Hello, I am trying to achieve a search functionality in the following manner i have an table called people which has first_name,last_name,etc... After the user form to search people is submitted i get the params hash as params[:persons]={"first_name"=> "%John%","last_name"=>"%Stevens%"} NOTE : I have changed the params hash to include the %. Now
2004 Aug 24
IE6 and downloading
I have current wine from CVS as of 3:46 P.M. 08/24/2004 pacific time (California) I am using Debian Linux kernel 2.4.24 I have IE6sp1 installed and running (looks very good) I get all the crappy pop-ups and everything. I have Sun java JVM 1.4.2 installed. What I am trying to do is run a java applet for example: These don't work and
2003 Nov 21
Asterisk Call Manager for Windows 0.0.1 (Alpha)
If anybody is interested, I have an early version of my Call Manager for Windows application integrated with Asterisk. CMW is an application bar (like the task-bar) that docks to the top of your desktop window. It provides the following functions: 1. View Call-Related Information (Caller ID, Call State, Call Direction) 2. Monitor Status of Asterisk Stations (Channels) -- BLF or "Busy
2008 Apr 09
Testing basic direct x capability
Hi, I am running wine 0.9.58 and having problems running Counter Strike: Source, Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield. I think this is caused by the direct x layer in wine. My system runs opengl programs fine using the ATI driver (Radeon 3850). Is there any way I can test directx functionality without having to download a game? Dxdiag.exe is not included in wine. Best regards, Chris
2008 Mar 04
VMWare error: Use of uninitialized value in string eq
Hi all I hope anyone can help me with this. I'm trying to get vmware to play along nicely on CentOS 5.1 x64, but I get errors when I try and start a vmx image, or list them. This the the error: [root at backup vmware-mui-distrib]# vmware-cmd -l Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/VMware/ line 114.
2010 Dec 16
{ActiveX}{VBscript}{scarddlg.dll}Fail to open html pages with VBscript and ActiveX using wine builtin IE
Dear All, I have some problem using my online bank (IE only) with wine builtin IE. Here is the link: This page runs well in wine Microsoft IE, follow these steps: *ENV*: wine1.3.9 from wine ppa winetricks_r2045 Ubuntu 10.10 x86_64 1. download winetricks_r2045 from ( Thanks
2006 Nov 02
Step by step installing vmware server on centos
hi could you please give me a notes to install vmware server on centos i will be thank full to you thanx _________________________________________________________________ Get today's hot entertainment gossip
2006 Jul 10
Session variable data validation
I''ve been using rails for about a month and I''ve been noticing that most of my controller functions use values from my session variable. I find that I write something like: person = Person.find(session[:person] if( person ) # ... else flash[:notice] = "unable to retrieve person" redirect_to( :action => index ) end It seems redundant to write similar code for
2009 Apr 29
Request for homepage
User: MatsK