similar to: A Couple of problems with Wine

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 110 matches similar to: "A Couple of problems with Wine"

2008 Nov 26
Cybermotion v13
Hi I am brand new to Linux and Wine and so far have found getting everything working has been very easy. My only problem has been with my favourite 3D program - Cybermotion v13. I see from the apps database that version 12 worked okay but I am having problems getting the latest version to run. When run the splash screen appears but problems occur when the main display loads. Everything looks
2008 Dec 14
Wine fail to launch game in Steam
A few weeks ago I reinstall my laptop with Debian etch (upgraded to lenny), kernel, wine 1.1.10, fglrx v8.11 (ati x2300) and Steam api version v007 There is no problem to launch Steam.exe (`wine /path/to/Steam.exe &`). However, after Steam.exe startup, I can not launch Day of Defeat. No specific error displayed on the screen, the `Preparing to launch Day of Defeat' dialog popped
2010 Dec 29
Photoshop Elements 7
Ok to start I'm a noob. Not a complete noob, but you may as well assume I wont know how to do something more complex than opening a terminal. I just switched my own computer to ubuntu and I wanted to bring along my copy of pse7 if possible. I followed the guide listed here and after a few fumbles and near miss
2008 Aug 02
Photoshop Elements 6.0 setup hangs (in InstallShield)
Window says: <begin window> ... Please wait while the InstallShieldWizard installs Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0. This may take several minutes. Status: Removing applications ... ... Button: <Back (disabled) Button: Front> (disabled) Button: Cancel (enabled) ... <end window> When I press Cancel it asks me if I am sure. And regardless of the answer it brings me back to the
2008 Sep 02
No subject
fixme:shdocvw:navigate_url Unsupported args (Flags 0x33ca48:3; TargetFrameName 0x33ca58:8) However that's just a guess. Regards, Andrew On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 11:05 PM, mono <wineforum-user at> wrote: > ... to patchserver > > Hi Wine-Community. > > Many friends of mine and i want to play Archlord on Linux. > We all have the same problem: installing just
2008 Dec 05
Online-Game: Archlord - stuck while trying to connect....
... to patchserver Hi Wine-Community. Many friends of mine and i want to play Archlord on Linux. We all have the same problem: installing just works fine But on launching the game it starts an update routine searching for patches. and there it stopps while trying to connect. The same error under different versions of wine, and on different distributions (e.g. Debian 32bit) I am running wine
2009 Mar 06
Explorer - DirectX and ActiveX
Hello! I'll be running a web project in a future that has a "3d city" built in. Unfortunately the makers of this 3dcity were enough braindamaged to make it as activeX component, so it only works for IE users. The first rational step was to install explorer with ies4linux script and it works briliantly (IE6)! The activeX component does install and start, however it is saying there
2011 Jan 14
Steam can not be launched
I follow the instruction at to install wine in order to play Steam. However `wine Steam.exe` throws Code: err:menubuilder:init_xdg error looking up the desktop directory fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation ((nil),0x32e49c): stub fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0x1dcfc00,0x32e49c): stub
2010 May 24
problems running 123di
Hello, Wine users! I am having trouble making 123di work under wine. (123di is an interactive "ebook" about photography and a demo version of the software can be downloaded from for free) I have tried different versions of wine including 1.2rc1. It crashes on 1.2rc1. On the stable version of wine it doesn't crash but I get a browser window with the message "page not
2009 Aug 22
Ok I got IE7 working, mainly because of Steam, but I wanted to see if I could get flash working, aparently activex controls won't install correctly. Is there a way to fix this? (i've tried Winetricks for flash but it tells me the .exe hash doesn't match or something). Anyways, just curious, not to use ie in linux but mainly to get flash working since steam seems to use IE for
2008 Feb 24
adwords on eee-pc
Hi, I am a total wine noob - trying to get adwords editor running under wine (version .9.55) ll seems to be finie, installed the adwords .msi under the msi installer, added a couple of missing DLLs (mscvr71 & mscvp71) but now adwords edit I get the following errors: ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware
2011 Feb 25
32bit to 64bit game migration
Hello all, So I just upgraded my computer from arch 32 to arch 64 and went to reinstall my game of choice (champions online) the same way I had it set up in my 32bit setup. I am using WINEARCH=win32 installed the following winetricks packages gecko, corefonts and ie7. The game requires that you use ie for updates and launching the game. In my 32 bit system it work well enough, but now in
2011 Oct 28
Switched distros, now my applications don't work.
Hello, I had previously installed an MMORPG (Champions Online) and Internet Explorer 8 on Ubuntu 11.04 using Wine 1.2 and they both worked fine. When I upgraded to 11.10 I lost sound in the game and when I checked it had been upgraded to 1.3, so I switched back to 1.2 and the problem was resolved. I recently changed to Xubuntu 11.10 (being unable to move the Unity launcher bar was incredibly
2008 Aug 15
VCb0.crt....C++ runtime error.....
After installing 2005&2008 C++ , msxml 6, xmlparser I am getting an error box when running the App "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library" "R6034 An Application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly" from term I get [/code]ncts at ncts:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/NEC/SV8100 AU PCPro$ wine AppMgr.exe fixme:actctx:parse_depend_manifests Could not
2009 Feb 21
Sid Meier's Pirate's HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah this game has a GOLD rating, yet the game wont even start, it seemed to install fine, but when i try to open the game it never even starts ? i click the .exe and tell it to open with wine and i get some crazy window here is a screen shot... (a picture is worth a thousand words... ) im using: wine-1.1.15 installing from a download off EBGames (not using C.D.) ubuntu 8.10 [Image:
2008 May 27
Dogfood Challenge
SmartFTP installs but fails to start with: "Fatal Error: sfFTPLib.dll is not registered correctly" System: Fedora 9 Wine: 1.0 rc2
2008 Apr 11
Steam just keeps crashing, version after version...
So, steam doesn't seem to be working very well, (at least on my computer) with about the 10 latest wine versions. I'm running: Kubuntu 7.10 on an old, nvidia nforce2 amd athlon 2400+ nvidia fx5900xt with proper working drivers (glxgears gives me +5000fps) 512mb ram. Here's console output: alex at Burken:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam$ wine steam fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No
2010 Nov 04
Proxy/Auth Problem?
The program is QuickTel, a proprietary telecom billing software. All records and data are stored on their remote servers. The application is merely a front end. When it loads, it attempts to connect to their servers. I understand this is a questionable relation to wine, but as far as I know the program has ZERO support for linux and wine (although I have sent in a ticket but have not received a
2008 Jul 16
close to running framemaker 8
Hello felllow wine users, Using some of the dll packages from my vista machine, I managed to complete the installation of framemaker 8. When the application is run for the first time, it asks for the EULA to be accepted. The first time this happened, wine asked to install 'Gecko' for html to display (im assuming the EULA is a form based in html). The buttons to accept, reject and cancel
2009 May 09
Please Help!
I am trying to run a program called EWR 4.2 using wine, but it says to change my default language to English, can someone please help me and tell me how to do this?