similar to: Call of Duty 4: Corrupt fastfile only on Ubuntu?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Call of Duty 4: Corrupt fastfile only on Ubuntu?"

2008 Jun 12
Call of Duty 4
Hi I have tried all the guides I can find on the internet to run COD4 in Wine but everytime I fell short somewhere. I new to Linux and am running the latest version of Ubuntu (Hardy). I have an Nvidia 9800gt installed and running on my machine and can't wait to play COD4. I have the latest release of wine => 1.0-rc4. If anyone could help me out I would much appreciate it. I know there
2008 Oct 01
Call of Duty 4
Good day guys! :) I have a few questions for you ) Archlinux "overlord" on samsung r25 laptop (ati radeon x2300, 1.6ghz core 2 duo, 2gb ram), + wine 1.0 from sources with [3dmark patch] and wine 1.1.5 from arch reposit. :) i'l try to start Call of duty 4, and specially CoD4 multiplayer with Pb =) With patched wine 1.1.5 or with this from the repositories cod4 doesn't start
2009 May 16
Call of duty 4 gamestop download
hey all, i recently downloaded COD4 from it installed fine, im using the latest ubuntu 9.0.4 release. Yet when i start it up, after the full install, plus direct X, it tells me it cannot reach some server, for a license verification. Does anyone know about this?
2009 Mar 07
Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer
Hi guys I have a problem installing COD4 modern warfare on ubuntu intrepid. I use wine 1.1.4+3dmarkPatch I can play in single player easily,but I can't find the way to update it to the patch 1.7. When I try to install it it says to me that I need patch 1.6 but I have already install it.. Can someone help me please? I would like to play online as I saw here
2008 Oct 12
COD4 alpah blend problem.
video card: X1950gt with ati limited driver linux: ubuntu 8.04 wine: 1.1.6 updated from the apt-get today, i try to install cod4 which is my favorite game.And it is my first time to use wine. i just mount the iso file, and run the setup.exe in the iso.Everything is ok at begin,but the error came out when the installation was going to finish.A window came up,said some errors with
2010 May 22
Autocad-call of duty help
Can Autocad be installed in linux or not. I have been trying to use linux however i am a big call of duty gamer and autocad user these two things does not like linux. i have wanting to switch to linux for a while, been playing with is but after a couple of min. i end up going back to windows because of the two items above. i keep reading that wine is the answer however i suck at linux stuff i
2008 Aug 06
Re: Call of Duty 4 black screen and error
Same with me. But I have an older nvidia card. NVidia GeForce Go 7200 Driver: 173.14.09 Tested versions: wine 1.1.0 + 3D mark patch without dll overides wine 1.1.1 + 3D mark patch with and without dll overrides Compiled with gcc 3.3.6 It first shows a dialog: It appears that Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare did not quit properly the last time it ran. Do you want to run the game in the safe mode?
2011 Feb 28
Hi folks, Could anyone walk me through getting Punkbuster working for a game of COD4 on Steam? I've got other games working but not COD4, I believe it's a PB issue, but on searching I've tried everything to no avail!
2008 Nov 24
COD4 Performance
Hey, I've installed COD4 V1.6 in Intrepid using wine 1.1.9 from the repos on an x64 machine with an E2180 and Asus 9800gt ultimate. I'm using the Nvidia restricted drivers Anyone seeing better than 20fps? That's all I seem to get, even if I kill compiz beforehand. Any help would be awesome! Thanks
2008 Jun 17
Recommend an Amazon EC2 AMI for CentOS?
I see one mention in the forums of someone using the CentOS5Web AMI, but I can't find anything about its provenance.
2008 May 16
Patching Wine 1.0-rc1 with 3dmark.diff
Hey guys, I'm a new Ubuntu convert (installed through Wubi, and am blown away!) I'd love to get wine working so I play games etc, but I've got a lot of learning to do when it comes to installing and getting things working. So, I want to use the 1.0-rc1 version of wine, but CoD4 requires the 3dmark.diff patch. This is what I think I need to be doing: with the 3dmark.diff file
2008 Dec 10
Should i report this bug in Battlefield 2?
Hello! Today i tried to launch BF2 with following config: Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 Wine 1.1.10 Geforce 9800GT Latest nvidia driver in repository (177.82) I applied a crack (that's working on windows) and copied following dlls in the BF2 directory: d3dx9_25 and d3dx9_36, as they are needed to run the game! When i run it in fullscreen mode (wine), it crashes on a black screen, here's the
2008 Oct 17
CoD4 multiplayer = black screen
single player works fine multiplayer doesnt start, just black screen or nothing useing wine 1.1.6 ubuntu x64 hardy
2011 Jul 29
when i go to play the game it says ERROR: the game hasnt been installed... help someone please.
2008 Oct 12
Call of Duty 4: Unable to start
Hello! When trying to install CoD4 from the DVD, the installation works pretty well, i disagree to install DirectX and PunkBuster, and when finishing i get following error: I don't know if it's a bug, error or both, but it seems like it is installed, so i tried to launch multiplayer. Then i get following on my screen:
2009 Jun 02
Call of Duty 4 Won't Run
After installing CoD4 in Wine, the install went fine, I tried starting it up and now every time I try to run it I get an error saying that I needed to insert the correct DVD-ROM, even though I do have the correct DVD inserted. Any ideas what's up?
2012 Jan 01
what is the problem and how to fix this?
I have downloaded cod4 multiplayer only.exe is about 2.8 is a self extracting zip file in exe format.i have extracted cod4 multiplayer from this for 5+ time.but then when i tried to open it again it doesn't is the terminal log "WINEPRELOADRESERVE range 00400000-b1916000 overlaps preloader 7c400000-7c404000 wine: Not enough memory" what is this problem and
2008 Aug 15
Do I have to recompile wine to apply a different patch??
I just installed and set up COD4 and compiled wine 1.2.2 from git as per instructions on the AppDB page, applying a patch to wine. Now I installed C&C3 ( and have it working, but there is a nocursor patch on that page and instructions to compile wine and apply it. I am wondering, I have a wine-git folder as I just compiled
2008 Nov 10
Running games in wine
Hey all im new to the forum and somewhat new to wine. I have ran wine before for running application such as Microsoft office and what not but recently i started to try and play games in Linux without using programs like Cedega. I have recently discovered that you need to install dependency's in to wine such as direct x files and what not to allow for better support while running such programs
2009 Jan 17
I can't install anything in WINE. What am I doing wrong?
Here is my setup: Wine version 1.0.1 Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex x64 I have tried installing Call of Duty 4, since my friend has a copy and the app db says it works. However, during the installation, direct x fails to install. I downloaded direct x 9c and tried to install it, but it fails immediately. I have tried different programs over a period of about 9 months, and nothing will work. Is