similar to: LMTools

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "LMTools"

2008 Nov 15
fixme:ntdll - What I supposed to do to solve this problem?
When I am trying to run an application under wine, I am getting this error in console. Code: fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for bias 180, std (d/m/y): 17/02/2008, dlt (d/m/y): 19/10/2008 What is this and what I can do to solve it? The application is an license manager (lmgrd). I am using Ubuntu 8.10 x64 and wine is 1.1.8 []'s
2008 Nov 29
Re: LMTools
The license I was running with the command line Code: wine lmgrd This will UP the license service. Then I just run the software executable. Code: wine hmopengl In one of my tests (This is for Hyper Works) I will try to make it work with the following softwares: - Hyper Works - I-Deas 12 - NX 6 []'s
2010 Dec 14
Wine+Rosetta Stone(yes, this again)
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub! fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership ((nil) 0x12a4a0 0x35fd0c) stub! fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership ((nil) 0x12a4a0 0x35fd0c) stub! ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"root" (nil) 0x33f864 (nil) 0x33f868 0x33f85c - stub fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW
2008 Mar 09
Wine and Data Execution Prevention
Hi! I have still the problem of the flexnet licensing server not working and throwing me the following error: Flexible License Manager status on Sun 3/9/2008 17:16 Code: [Detecting lmgrd processes...] License server status: 27000 at linux-da28 License file(s) on linux-da28: c:\Programme\SDL International\License Server\License Files\license.lic: lmgrd is not running: Cannot write data to
2010 Apr 02
Tableau Public vis software / Ubuntu
Hey all -- First post, so first off thanks for creating this wonderful software and helping out new users like me adapt to the wine-way :) Has anyone managed to get Windows/Mac only data analysis and vis suite Tableau Public ( running with any version Wine yet? It goes through the motions of installing, but then won't run. I'd welcome any
2012 Sep 27
rename network card device /dev/p3p2 to /dev/eth0
Hello, My name is Manfred. I have to install a flexlm license server on a pc with centos 6.3 as operating system. This machine contains two network cards. An Ethernet card and a wifi card. For the Ethernet card centos generates a device called p3p2. For the wifi card centos generates a device called wlan0. In this configuration the flexlm license program called lmgrd only got the mac address of
2010 Aug 28
I have a laptop that has no CDROM, so I have to use an ISO. Anyway, I use to be able to mount the ISO at /media/cdrom and wine would recognize it as a cdrom. Now, when I try the same thing it doesn't recognize it as a cdrom. I have added /media/cdrom as a cdrom in winecfg, but still no luck. Can someone help me out, because this is the only thing preventing me from using my program (damn DRM).
2015 Feb 12
Cronjob and sudo
I need to remove empty files out of a directory that are over 6 hours old so I created this script and put it in cron.hourly. #!/bin/sh cd /var/list sudo -u matt find /var/list -mmin +360 -empty -user matt -exec rm {} \; I want to run it as matt rather than root for just an added bit of safety. Problem is I get this. "sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo" Is there another
2008 Jul 10
Re: Problem with FlexLM licensing
I have the same problem. copying the dll to system32 and/or win32xoem don't fix this problem... :(
2004 Oct 28
xm save error
Hi, I tried to issue: xm save VMID FILE, and got the following error: Error: Error: [Failure instance: Traceback: twisted.internet.error.ConnectionRefusedError, Connection was refused by other side: 111: Connection refused. xm create works fine, xend is running on domain 0, I can log in the VM through xm console VMID and ssh without problems. I can also stop and restart the domain.
2010 Oct 11
Rosetta Stone
I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and WINE 1.2. WineHQ APPDB states that Rosetta Stone is not installable. I have installed it, so the information there is not correct/complete. When I installed, it ran perfectly. I created an ISO of the install disc and the first lesson. I then loop mounted each of them in turn for them to run and assigned each of them a windows directory, configuring them as CD-ROM.
2007 Sep 28
Problem with FlexLM licensing
I'm trying to run up ModelSim (a commercial simulator for hardware description languages), which is licensed on FlexLM, using the hard disk number. This program isn't listed in the apps database. I have a valid license, and the Flex tools are correctly identifying, under Wine, that there's a licence and that it's valid. They find the appropriate env variable, identify the
2001 Jul 20
Here we go again...
Hi: Saw this in Edupage today. Grrrrrr. Geoff. From: EDUCAUSE <educause@EDUCAUSE.EDU> COPY-PROTECTED CDS QUIETLY SLIP INTO STORES Macrovision, in coordination with several major recording labels, has for several months been piloting new technology to prevent music consumers from copying CDs onto their PCs. The technology distorts CD recordings with a series of audible pops and clicks
2008 Nov 29
Error with OpenGL screen
What does it means? Code: mag00 at Q6600:~/.wine/drive_c/Altair/hw8.0/hm/bin/WIN32$ wine ./hmopengl.exe fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for bias 180, std (d/m/y): 17/02/2008, dlt (d/m/y): 19/10/2008 fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for bias 180, std (d/m/y): 17/02/2008, dlt
2009 Sep 22
trying to install plotrix
Here are the error messages: > install.packages('plotrix') Warning in install.packages("plotrix") : argument 'lib' is missing: using '/Users/dbae/Library/R/library' --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Error in .install.macbinary(pkgs = pkgs, lib = lib, contriburl = contriburl, : unable to create temporary directory
2001 Jan 31
New TransGaming Patch
This worked with: Wine CVS from Jan 29th + Transgaming patch XFree 4.0.2 NVidia drivers 0.9.6 Had to turn off DGA, and force wine to manage created windows, otherwise I get a glXMakeCurrent error when it tries to set the current GLX rendering context. The frame rate isn't quite windows, but the demo is certainly playable. Good luck, Dan "Chris Howells"
2011 Oct 19
Update Broke Rosetta Stone
I have RS version 3.4.7 and I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 x64. When I start the app, everything works up until I click my username, then the main application area is blank (title bar and exit and help menus are still visible and functional). It has worked fine for months; the only thing that has changed is that I recently accepted the latest system wine update. I ran the app from the command line:
2010 Aug 10
Rosetta Stone question
I accidentally sent this to, so I'm re-sending it just in case... Braun Brelin Hello all, I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and mounting a Windows XP partition under /mnt/win. I'm also running Wine 1.2. When I try running Rosetta Stone under wine, I simply get the following error from RS: "Fatal Application Error 2111" Error #2302 I did some research using AppDB and
2011 Nov 19
on latest update world something wrong with wine
it fails to start my programs which run flawlessly previsouly, wow and rosetta stone. does anyone else hit the same stumbling block? Code: [I] app-emulation/wine Available versions: 1.2!t 1.2.1!t 1.2.2!t 1.2.3!t ~1.3.0!t ~1.3.1!t ~1.3.2!t ~1.3.3!t ~1.3.4!t ~1.3.5!t ~1.3.6!t ~1.3.7!t ~1.3.8!t (~)1.3.9!t ~1.3.10!t ~1.3.11!t ~1.3.12!t ~1.3.13!t ~1.3.14!t ~1.3.15!t ~1.3.16!t ~1.3.17!t
2011 Dec 31
Pressure sensitivity not working on Photoshop CS or CS2
Hello! I have a problem with my Genius tablet. It works on GIMP (native) but not on Photoshop, I tried CS and CS2. I got how to make a log file from another thread, but it was old and photoshop version was different. Tablet is a Genius G-Pen 4500. Name UC-LOGIC Tablet WP5540U. Distro is Arch Linux, Wine package version is 1.3.36-1. Thanks a lot :). Here is the log: Code: