similar to: msiexec errors with photobook installation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "msiexec errors with photobook installation"

2008 Sep 30
Error message when running an install.exe
In a terminal, I try to run an install program "swb32c100.exe" ie: [pat at pat .wine]swb32v100.exe I see a progress window (horizonal progress bar) for a split second, then it goes away and I get the error message: Usage: Install a product: msiexec {package|productcode} [property] msiexec /i {package|productcode} [property] msiexec /a package [property] Repair an
2008 May 05
failed autoexecutable msi installer
Hi all, I'm trying to install a piece of software that seems to be an autoexecutable MSI installer (if that's the correct term). When I run it a small 'Setup' window pops up for about 30 seconds but the content never gets painted. Then the installer quits and I get the msiexec usage message. The installer runs OK on native Windows and the previous version of the same software
2010 Jul 01
how to install freephoneline.exe from CLI
Looking at: What are the steps to install this application? Yes, it's a garbage application, but I'd like to at least give it a go. Looks like msiexec apparently isn't the right approach. Should that be through wcmd instead? thufir at ARRAKIS:~/.wine/drive_c$ thufir at ARRAKIS:~/.wine/drive_c$ msiexec
2008 Jun 24
msiexec --help output in the middle of wine install log
I've installed an application from the command line with: wine 'F:\Setup.exe' 2>&1 | tee wine.log In the log, somewhere towards the end of the install, appears the same output as you get with the command line: msiexec --help which suggests to me that my application's installer or Wine has messed up an invocation of msiexec and as a consequence the installation may be
2007 Mar 19
wineprefixcreate: msiexec.exe -- "Failed to open the service control manager"
When ~/.wine does not exist, or more specifically the system.reg does not yet exist, wineprefixcreate delivers the message "Failed to open the service control manager." I have tracked this down to the fact that HKLM\CurrentControlSet\Services does not yet exist when the msiexec.exe is registered and hence OpenSCManager fails. What is the proper way to register this key. In
2005 Jun 09
msiexec errors while installing paint shop pro
Hi all. I try to install pain shop pro 9 with Wine 20050310 and i get some errors fixme:thread:NtSetInformationThread Set ThreadImpersonationToken handle to (nil) fixme:thread:NtSetInformationThread Set ThreadImpersonationToken handle to 0x48 fixme:msiexec:main /regserver not implemented yet, ignoring fixme:msiexec:main /unregserver not implemented yet, ignoring err:module:import_dll Loading
2008 Apr 30
How do i issue "msiexec /i msxml3.msi" in the terminal...
I found a way to install MS Office 2007 on ubuntu but the thing is i need to run something in the terminal. (Install msxml3.msi file from the Terminal window by issuing msiexec /i msxml3.msi) I downloaded the msxml3.msi file and saved it to my desktop. Now when i just put in "msiexec /i msxml3.msi" it gives me the following error (in the terminal): gogga at gogga-laptop:~$ msiexec /i
2010 Aug 04
Installing .msiexec file
Hi. Newbie here. Read that Wine 1.2 will run .msiexec files and the way to install it is as user in terminal window: cd Desktop, then type msiexec /i filename. Is that right or should I do something else? Thanks. Bob
2008 Jul 17
msiexec hangs during XML setup (used to work)
Hello all Previously, it used to work. But now, on a clean Wine install (including .wine directory suppression), the msiexec /i msxml3.msi "hangs" after the welcome dialog box. I Waited a few hours to be sure but nothing happens, and I have to kill the process. Using wine 1.1.1 on Ubuntu Hardy Heron... Is there anything more to "clean" when you want to restart a wine
2009 Jan 09
msiexec /quiet
I'm trying to run a msi with msiexec /quiet and it either doesn't support that or it doesn't work as you would expect. The wiki and manual are very brief on this subject should this work?
2011 Apr 15
Problems extracting python-3.1.3.amd64.msi under wine's msiexec (works on WinXP)
I was attempting to extract the contents of python-3.1.3.amd64.msi under wine 1.3.17 32bit, using the following command: wget msiexec /a python-3.1.3.amd64.msi /qb TARGETDIR=out #tried c:\\out as well and it exits immediately with the following (which I believe is a red herring, 32bit also says this) fixme:storage:create_storagefile
2005 Dec 14
Hello, I have installed wine on my gentoo and I not find MSIEXEC. If it is implemented, could you tell me how to get it ? (sorry for my bad english I'm French)
2008 Sep 14
billiard game
hi everybody, i'm trying to run a small billiard game with wine, but i cannot make it works the game is here: windows version when i run wine setup.exe a small window pop up and then disappears, but i have no entry in wine menu i use ubuntu 8.04 and wine 1.0 bye
2007 Mar 19
Problems installing MapSource
Hello! I am trying to install a software called Mapsource with wine. I'm starting up with entering "wine /media/cdrom/Setup.exe" The installation seems to start but then stops and I can read the following in the terminal window " fixme:msiexec:main /regserver not implemented yet, ignoring fixme:msiexec:main /unregserver not implemented yet, ignoring fixme:advapi:SetEntriesInAclA
2008 Oct 04
How to get started installing a Windows app under Wine
I hope you'll tolerate some real beginner questions. I'm new to Linux (Kubuntu 8.04) and even newer to Wine (1.1.5). I've installed Wine via Adept Manager - install seems to have run correctly. I'm now attempting to install my first application (PDFill Tools - not rated, and I wouldn't be surprised if it won't work). My problem... I'm not sure I'm even starting
2010 Sep 11
[Borderlands]Installation Problem
Hello, I'm french and i have a problem when i want to install this game. When i launch "msiexec /i Setup.msi", the installation works correctly but when i launch "msiexec /i Setup_French.msi" to install the game with the French language, Wine crash at the beginning of installation. I have this error message in the console : Code: berillions at debian:/media/cdrom0$
2009 Mar 21
Problem with winetricks and msxml3, msxml4 and msxml6
Hi all. I'm a bit of a newbie with wine, so please excuse me if I've messed up somewhere. I'm trying to install msxml3 installed, so I've tried using winetricks thus: sh winetricks -v msxml3 This gives: ... + echo Executing wine msiexec /i /home/nonroot/.winetrickscache/msxml3.msi Executing wine msiexec /i /home/nonroot/.winetrickscache/msxml3.msi + wine msiexec /i
2009 Jan 18
Digital Image Pro installed in OpenSUSE 11.1
I'm trying to get Digital Image Pro 7.0 installed in opensuse11.1 (one of the conditions of my wife switching to linux). I've had a multitude of problems over the course of this. I've been unable to find a downloadable trial for this version. I am using wine 1.1.13 First when I tried installing it off the bat, it required MDAC, and would run the same script over and over saying
2008 Nov 23
updating Zbrush 3 to 3.1
Hello all, I'm trying to run zbrush 3.1 on wine. Zbrush 3 works fine, but update to ver. 3.1 doesn't work at all. It should work great: but when I type "wine ZBrush3.1_Update.exe" Install shield wizzard appears, and it has a crash on "extracting Patch3.1.msp" Code: wine ZBrush3.1_Update.exe
2011 Mar 17
Unable to instal vcrun2005/vcrun2008 MSCOREE.DLL
Hi Guys, Trying to install Photoshop CS5 under Ubuntu 10.10, I understand I need to ensure that I've got other supporting drivers etc installed. I'm trying to install vcrun2005 and vcrun2008 with winetricks and manually, each time, the install is fails the command line shows this: Code: rhobit at novux:~/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2005-ms09-035$ wine vcredist_x86.exe