similar to: The Tournament Director 2 won't run

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "The Tournament Director 2 won't run"

2015 Jul 07
Pasar un listado de variables como argumento de una función
Hola: Gracias de nuevo por la ayuda! La solución, como no, funciona. Pero yo quería alguna cosa más flexible y universal que le pudiera pasar como parámetro diferentes opciones de incluir i excluir variables. Si estuviera fuera de la función seria: ===================== DATOS <- data.frame(SE = c("M", "H", "M", "M", "H"),
2002 Apr 05
Unreal Tournament 2003
I've just gotten around to reading the IRC chat with the developers of Unreal Tournament 2003. Looks like Vorbis support is a possibility: [21:53] <Mancubus> Has the idea of a built in mp3 player been introduced? :) [21:53] <Orpheus> Mancubus, wont happen [21:53] <Orpheus> Fraunhofer owns the rights to Mp3. [21:53] <Mancubus> Why not? [21:53] <Orpheus> Epic would
2012 Feb 09
Unreal Tournament 2003 help - one last bug to overcome!
Hi all, this is my first post here! :) I've managed to get the PC version of Unreal Tournament 2003 working in wine on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. It took about 4 hours of fiddling to eventually get it installed properly from the discs, patched, and running at the correct resolution in widescreen. (1280 x 800) The game runs beautifully and looks really nice on my Macbook pro, however, I have
2012 Jan 29
loaded Unreal Tournament (GTOY) runs choppy Ubuntu 11.10
I loaded Unreal Tournament in wine 1.3.37 and everything works that I tried but the video is choppy. The sound was not choppy but the video was. It did not matter if I was playing online or the bots on my computer the video was choppy. I tried raising and lowering the video resolutions and it did not seem to effect the problem for better or worse. I am using Ubuntu 64 bit 11.10. I am on an AMD
2011 Jun 20
Need help with unreal tournament
I installed Unreal Tournament '99 and at first it was going too fast so I set the frame rate limit to 60 and swap interval to 1 in UnrealTournament.ini. I still have one problem. The game stutters. Every 1 or 2 seconds it stops and skips that part completely making it unplayable. I even downloaded the new OpenGL engine and I still have the problem. Please help.
2009 Mar 08
PokerStars/Tournament Indicator
Has anyone gotten Tournament Indicator to work with PokerStars under wine? ?For me, it finds the table, but can't get info from it, even when I increase dealer chat to "everything". Phil -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2009 Jun 03
Unreal Tournament 3 Mouse Bug
Yeah, can't wait for the native client and anyway it was Steam free weekend so I went ahead and downloaded Unreal Tournament 3, the game runs immaculately and performs surprisingly well on my rather low-end 8400gs, but one problem: I can't aim. The mouse works fine in the menus but during actual play im unable to aim,the mouse can move but only slightly, I put mouse sensitivity up to
2008 Sep 20
Unreal Tournament - variable speeds during gameplay
Unreal Tournament works great in 1.1.4, but with one 'little' problem - the speed of game (not fps, just speed of gameplay) is changing chaotically during gameplay - for example it speeds up whe looking on the floor - strange, isnt it?? Ofc I do own dual core processor, but commands taskset 0x01 and -cpuspeed dont work. I dont understand, the Native UT goes ultra fast (and with graphic
2008 Sep 06
Unreal Tournament
I installed unreal tournament '99 on WINE and whenever I try to open it, it says "Starting Unreal Tournament" in a new tab at the bottom and then it disappears and nothing happens. Any suggestions? I'm using a x64-Opteron 1.8Ghz Dual-Core, x64 Ubuntu, 2gb of RAM, Nvidia 6150 with Restricted Drivers. P.S. - Please give me a somewhat step-by-step because I'm all-knowledgeable
2008 Jun 02
Installing Unreal Tournament 3 and Neverwinter Nights 2
so I pop my dvd's in, double click the "setup.exe", select the location where I want to install it ( it's a mounted NTFS drive ) and it keeps reporting that I don't have enough disk space to install it on Is this because wine doesn't work well with NTFS, am I doing something wrong or something? any suggestions thanks
2001 Oct 29
Getting mouse to work using wine and Unreal Tournament
Hi, Wine seems to run UT fine and is nice and quick. The only problem I have is that the mouse does not seem to work for looking up and down (or side to side). The mouse buttons fire the guns, but the mouse movement seems to be locked to standard X11 window functions. Is there any way or setting ut to control the mouse fully? Thanks, Neil
2011 Jul 14
Help with Unreal Tournament
The mouse doesn't work properly. It moves suddenly and skips frames. I use Direct 3D support. The speed is ok but I don't know what to do about the mouse. I heard that this version of wine has implemented some new version of mouse support and I guess that that's the cause but I don't want to install an older version of wine cause I have other games that work just fine and I
2002 Sep 15
Unreal tournament 2003 uses ogg vorbis?
Just downloaded the demo. Comes with vorbis.dll and ogg.dll. Plus the music files are oggs. This is the first mainstream game use of vorbis that I've seen. Are there others? --Anish --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the
2008 Jan 26
double-click in RData file versus load( file )
hello all, when I start up the R and I execute o follow code: > ls() character(0) > x=123 > assign("test_x", x, envir = .GlobalEnv ) > ls() [1] "test_x" "x" > setwd('C:\\R\\etc') > save.image('TEST.RData') > q('no') I have two different behaviours: (a) - when I start up R again by "double click" in
2015 Jul 06
Pasar un listado de variables como argumento de una función
Hola: Quiero que una función realice una serie de cálculos pero eliminando las variables que no interesan (diferentes según e fichero a analizar). Intento pasar esta lista como argumento con un c("VAR1", "VAR2", etc), pero no lo consigo. Un ejemplo seria: DATOS <- data.frame(SE=c("M", "H", "M", "M", "H"),
2007 Jul 20
RDCOM and R versions
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible Url :
2013 Sep 15
Lo que deseamos realizar es una prueba no paramétrica para demostrar que el IMC encontrado difiere significtivamente entre aquellos que tienen a_HTA (entecedentas HTA) y los que no lo tienen ( en SPSS de forma fácil utilizo varios métodos ¿Cuál es la sintaxis para hacerlo posible en R? a_HTA IMC si 26 si 25 si 26 si 21 si 25 si 23 si 28 si 24 si 27 si 22
2008 May 27
Dogfood Challenge
SmartFTP installs but fails to start with: "Fatal Error: sfFTPLib.dll is not registered correctly" System: Fedora 9 Wine: 1.0 rc2
2013 Sep 16
Estimado José, por lo que estuve mirando aqui, en ?wilcox.test y en libros de papel ... los datos deben cumplir ciertas condiciones, quiza la mas restrictiva es que sean pareados ... si no lo son, quiza esta variante del test es mas apropiada: la que en R se aplica usando el mismo
2013 Sep 15
En la ayuda ?wilcox.test hay varios ejemplos. En tu caso, creo, lo siguiente deberia funcionar: wilcox.test(IMC - a_HTA, data = tusdatos, alternative = "two.sided") Saludos, Jorge.- 2013/9/16 Dr. José A. Betancourt B. <> > > > deseamos r > > ealizar es una prueba no paramétrica para demostrar que el IMC > encontrado difiere