similar to: DRb error when using rails_spec on OS X

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "DRb error when using rails_spec on OS X"

2006 Dec 25
Issues with 0.7.5
I installed 0.7.5 and the corresponding Rails plugin. Now it seems that the rake command is: rake spec:autotest I immediately ran into several problems: 1. rspec_autotest.rb line 30 has curly quotes and makes Ruby choke 2. Same line, rails_spec is spelled solid, when it should have the underscore But fixing these didn''t get me back going. Now I have to have a rails_spec_server
2006 Sep 28
upload_progress and DRb.start_service crashes
Whenever I tried to start mongrel_rails with the upload progress script, it would die with the following error: /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:837:in `getaddrinfo'': getaddrinfo: No address associated with nodename (SocketError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:837:in `open_server_inaddr_any'' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:860:in
2006 Jan 27
Multiple Apps running under Lighttpd with scgi on a Windows Box ... possible?
I''ve run into a problem on one of my development machines. I''m trying to run multiple rails apps on one dev machine that runs Windows. Problem is that is seems that I can only run one scgi_service at a time, meaning that only one of my apps will function at a time. Anyone know how I can get around this, other than getting a *nix box (which I should have soon, hopefully) ?
2006 Feb 09
breakpointer error
Hi, I can''t get breakpointer to work on locomotive. Pretty sure it used to work... Any ideas?? Jeroen jeroen$ ruby script/breakpointer /Applications/Locomotive/Bundles/rails-1.0.0-max.bundle/Contents/Resources/ports/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:828:in `getaddrinfo'': getaddrinfo: No address associated with nodename (SocketError) from
2006 Feb 02
breakpointer failing
Hey there, I got a new workstation going on here an Intel iMac, and I''ve compiled and installed everything with intel binaries. Everything works fine, I even got that cool clever lighttpd script running ( But the one thing that doesn''t work is breakpoints and the breakpointer script. When I run script/breakpointer, I get the
2006 Feb 17
HELP: Strange problem with breakpointer - stopped working
Hello, I am in the middle of my first ROR project and suddently the breakpointer script (./script/breakpointer) does allways return the error listed below. All time before it was working without problems - but the funny think, I did not change anything on the system (despite downloading the Suse Security Patches). I am running: Suse 9.3 Rails 1.00 Ruby 1.8.3 Please help, if you have any
2008 May 30
Mongrel error since updating to OSX 10.5.3
Howdy, I''m getting an error message when trying to run one of my rails apps, which seems to have started after updating to 10.5.3. mattdaw-2:v1.5_patch mdaw$ mongrel_rails start ** Starting Mongrel listening at ** Starting Rails with development environment... /usr/local/ruby-patched/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/../ lib/mongrel/tcphack.rb:12:in
2007 Dec 11
Mongrel not starting: `initialize_without_backlog'': Cannot assign requested address - bind(2) (Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL)
Hi I have a rather strange problem with mongrel and I would be grateful if anyone could assist me with resolving. I have an application running mongrel 1.1.1 and rails 1.2.5 with ruby 1.8.6. It was all working fine and starting as expected. But I did a server reboot once and mongrel has refused to start up since. I get the following error:
2006 Nov 01
strange issue with backgroundrb behind apache/lighttpd
I''m getting strange data back from my worker whenever I run our rails app with more than one dispatcher under lighttpd. just to give some info on what the app does: user submits data to rails app. rails app hands off data to worker, which goes and does it''s thing, storing results in an array of response objects (the array is an attribute of the worker). the response object
2007 Apr 04
Exception when doing DRb remote calls from a BackgrounDRb worker
Hello, I am trying to make DRb calls to a external server from a backgrounDRb worker, but I''m getting always the next exception when I make the remote call. > ERROR: > drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.11175/experimenter_worker_3e899de945f0803a82cd257cfac316d0_0_0.0738904928422051 > - #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - >
2006 Sep 23
Connection to backgroundrb is lost when exiting action method
Hey. I have a very annoying problem, and was wondering what is wrong. Suppose I have backgroundrb running, and then I have an action in some controller. In the action I define a worker. When leaving the action, suddenly the connection to backgroundrb is lost: DRb URI: druby://localhost:22222 Pid: 3976 Autostart... done druby://localhost:42531 - #<Errno::EBADF: Bad file descriptor -
2006 Dec 04
Question about acls
Hi, I''m not much of a developer but I''ve been using backgroundrb for a while now and with the release of 0.2.1 it looks like I can finally upgrade from the old version (0.2.0 had some weird issues when jobs just wouldn''t run, seems to have cleared up now - Thanks!). Anyhow, while I''m doing this, I would like to tackle this problem. Most tasks I run in
2010 Nov 30
db migration fails
I''m deploying new rails applications. Everything works well except when it comes to the db migration: * executing "cd /var/rails/benefits_test/releases/20101129190121 && /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.02/bin/rake RAILS_ENV=production db:util:migrate" servers: ["ps-test-app1"] [ps-test-app1] executing command ** [out :: ps-test-app1] (in
2005 Jan 28
breakpoint not working
I keep getting: No connection to breakpoint service at druby://localhost:42531 (DRb::DRbConnError) Tries to connect will be made every 3 seconds... This happens every time i run ./script/breakpointer using 0.9.5 on OSX or Windows. Any ideas?
2010 Feb 27
Cannot migrate DB due to "getaddrinfo: Name or service not known"
I am using Rails 2.2.2 and try to do a DB migration, but got the following error. I am using Centos 5.4. Can someone give me a clue? >> rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production" rake aborted! getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (See full trace by running task with --trace) [current]$ rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production" --trace ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) **
2007 May 24
Strange Problem with AAF DRB connection
Hi all! We use the DRB-Server Backend and are getting strange DRb::DRbConnErrors lately. It started with: too large packet 687865856 (druby:/ /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:573:in `load'' and later only this one: premature marshal format(can''t read) (druby:/ /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:580:in `load'' Do you have any ideas what that
2007 Nov 11
undefined method `add''
We''ve been running into problems with ferret indexing lately. The problem is intermittent and some times it persists. Just got this after wiping the index and redeploying: NoMethodError (undefined method `add'' for Solution:Class): (druby:// /data/releases/20071111152414/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1238:in `method_missing''
2006 Jan 25
Global Data, where can it go?
I''m developing a stateful Ruby application that needs to keep data in one location where all people accessing the site can modify its contents. This data will be read-from/written to often, so I would prefer for rails to keep it in memory, rather than a database. My frist try involved global variables. After discovering that they were being "re-initialized" with each new
2006 Jul 14
Using BackgrounDRb to replace nested loops?
In response to my Rails Weenie post today[1], someone mentioned that I try BackgrounDRb to help take the strain off my application. 1: best-way-to-send-messages-to-blog-subscribers I''ve just tried to install and use BackgrounDRb with my app, but I''m afraid that I''m not too versed in running processes
2006 Jul 19
A couple of problems
Hi Ezra, Thanks for the great work on BackgrounDRb. I have come across a couple of problems. 1. I wanted to define a simple class in the worker file to wrap up and pass back some data to my controller. It seems that if I create the class either inside or outside of my worker class (in the same file) it gets wrapper by a DRb::DRbUknown object and therefore cannot be accessed from my controller.