similar to: Re: FL Studio 8 regcode isn't accepted

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Re: FL Studio 8 regcode isn't accepted"

2008 Jul 07
Re: FL Studio 8 regcode isn't accepted
I have FL8 registering now by simply compiling Wine (1.1.0-253 git) with gcc 4.1.3 instead of gcc 4.2.3 that I typically use. I would be very interested to know if anyone here can duplicate this workaround. Bill
2008 Mar 27
FL Studio 8 regcode isn't accepted
Has anyone else experienced this? Running the latest wine 0.9.58. FL7 installed alongside accepts the new regcode, FL8 doesn't.
2008 May 31
Re: FL Studio 8 regcode isn't accepted
Now that wine is 1.0rc3 has anything changed with regards to getting FL Studio 8 out of demo? Does wine recognize the reg key? Please post your feedback.
2012 Jan 12
Trying to run FL Studio results in invisible main window
I installed FL Studio (version 10) in Wine (version 1.3.36). Installation works correctly. The program also starts correctly after installation, and appears to be fully functional, but it's totally invisible. Only the task bar entry in the KDE task manager bar appears and the initial dialog from FL Studio that informs me about this being a demo version. I know that the application is
2012 Feb 15
Can't install FL Studio 9
Hello, I've just installed Linux Ubuntu and I was trying to install FL Studio 9 using Wine. When I try to open FL Studio installation file, I got an error: Code: Error opening file for writing: C:\users\MYUSERNAME\Temp\OpenCandy\OCSetupHlp.dll I've tried to delete whole OpenCandy folder, but I still got that problem. How do I fix it?
2012 Feb 09
Removing Wine source directory
After installing wine from the source, I find out that the directory is consuming some significant amount of space, so I decided to remove it. But then I remembered that since I installed from source, I mighty need the source directory in the future, in case I decide to uninstall wine. After checking the documentation, I saw that was true. So I wonder: Can I remove the directory and in the future,
2009 Feb 27
(a) WinPower RPM available? (b) where to install if use tar.gz file?
Two quick and simple questions; I want to install the "WinPower" software for my new UPS. On their web site, they have a tar.gz file available for download. I know the reasons for staying with RPM, if at all possible. I''ve Googled and Yahood for ""WinPower"+RPM+Linux and get hits, but no obvious RPM. I tried "yum install winpower" and the response was
2011 Oct 04
using R-devel independently of sid packages
Hi, I'd like to run R-devel in a sid system that has the corresponding R packages installed (most of them). I'd be using this primarily for testing how packages that I maintain would build and check there. I know this is available via, but in some cases I need more control. I thought I'd have R-devel trunk live in /usr/local/src/R-devel, and
2010 Mar 04
[Possibly OT] rpm conflicts has me confused
Hi list, I can install the default ppp-2.4.4-2, but when I try to install an rpm I built from Sangoma's ppp- (using checkinstall-1.6.1) I get this error: # rpm -ivh ppp. error: Failed dependencies: ppp < 2.4.3-3 conflicts with kernel-2.6.18-162.2.1.el5.i686 Isn't > 2.4.3-3 ??? trying this: yum localinstall ppp.
2009 Mar 18
Updating wine with GIT
Hi. Ive used git for some time to download an update wine sources. However, Ive notices a couple of things i dont understand quite much. My general procedure to download sources and compile is this: git clone git:// ~/wine-git cd ~/wine-git ./configure --prefix=/usr make sudo checkinstall --fstrans=no --pkgversion=1.1.12 Here I've noticed that I have to
2010 Jan 14
Problem with checkinstall
I installed checkinstall 1.6.2 on CentOS 5.4 VM (VMWare Server on WinXP). After getting the dependencies installed it compiled with no errors. But when I run it in its own source directory, I keep getting an error that I can't track down. The message is: install: cannot change ownership of '/usr/local/lib/': No such file or directory. But not only does the file
2010 Nov 30
Help with yum and cpio: MD5 sum mismatch
I am trying to install Ruby-1.8.7p302 on a CentOS-5.5 server in preparation for a Rails-3 application deployment. I have downloaded the source from, unpacked it, and ran ./config and make. Everything built without error. I then ran checkinstall to create an rpm package. That too completed without error. However, when I try to install the resulting package using: yum localinstall
2009 Nov 11
software installation - good practice
Howdy, I tend to try out many open source apps/packages - games, editors to media tools. I have a bad habit of downloading and extracting source in the /var/tmp directory and then doing configure-make-install process. I am not sure of best practice (good practices) to be followed when installing any software. For example how and where to keep the src. Any comments and/or resources would be really
2008 May 16
Patching Wine 1.0-rc1 with 3dmark.diff
Hey guys, I'm a new Ubuntu convert (installed through Wubi, and am blown away!) I'd love to get wine working so I play games etc, but I've got a lot of learning to do when it comes to installing and getting things working. So, I want to use the 1.0-rc1 version of wine, but CoD4 requires the 3dmark.diff patch. This is what I think I need to be doing: with the 3dmark.diff file
2005 Mar 21
how to keep Asterisk up to date on many servers
Hi Everyone. Asterisk is one of those applications that need to be built from cvs on a regular basis to keep up with the changes. I have always used package management tools like apt. How does everyone manage their Asterisk servers? Geoff
2009 Jan 16
howto install 1.1.13
hello i need to install Wine version 1.1.13. i tried but i cant succeed. so my question is hoq can i install wine 1.1.13 cause i get all the time 1.1.12 again :S
2014 Nov 06
building latest stable for ubuntu 14.04
Hi list, Does anybody have some notes/blog post/etc about building dovecot deb packages?
2006 Jan 03
Debian Package Installation
Hi: I've successfully installed Xapian under Ubuntu Linux using APT but when I tried it on an older Debian machine I got a broken package error: ------------------------------------------ # apt-get install libxapian8 Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are
2014 Nov 05
Can almost boot on UEFI win8.1 laptop
I have used syslinux 4.0x and earlier for many years, with Puppy Linux and more recently Quirky Linux. Though, my knowledge of all the capabilities of syslinux remains rudimentary. I am new to UEFI. I recently got my hands on a win8.1 laptop, 64-bit system, and decided to tackle booting Quirky on it, from a USB stick. I turned off Secure Boot. I wrote /usr/share/syslinux/gptmbr.bin to the flash
2008 Jul 06
Still un-answered: How-To build Xen (3.2) to override XenSource''s linux-kernel (2.6.18) with a xenified kernel (your own or distribution)
Hello,   I can say that I have searched the entire ''world wide web'' and still haven''t found ''complete  and clear answers'' to the often asked question of: Given a Xen (release) build (say 3.2.0), which by default tries to get and build and assume Linux kernel-xen 2.6.18 from the mercurial repository, HOW TO override the build and make it work with a