similar to: How to change the default fonts of wine?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80000 matches similar to: "How to change the default fonts of wine?"

2007 Mar 19
How to fix Wine menu fonts that are too small
I just installed WINE and got it working to some extent, but the menu and dialog box fonts are too small. See an example at this URL: After searching and Google groups and various other places, the only remedies that have been suggested have not worked. One suggestion was to copy the fonts found in such places as /usr/share/fonts/ttf and
2006 Jul 15
No fonts are shown in winecfg
Hi, i've downloaded the latest wine release and the other packages necessary (fontforge, cabextract) but after the installation was fine i tried to run winecfg ... i see a window with a few tabs but i see no text at all! I tried to copy some fonts from ie4linux into my /home/use/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts directory but nothing changed. Does someone know where i can get some error output
2007 Mar 19
No fonts in "Magic Online"
Hi all, I'm in trouble with wine in playing with Magic Online: I'm running Mandriva 2006 and I have tried several versions of wine, without success: - wine-20050725 (version included in Mandriva 2006): The app hangs, I can't have the intallation to work. - wine 0.9.17 (last rpm for Mandriva available on the wine
2005 Oct 26
Wine fonts
Today I've upgraded wine to wine-20050930. I know this version has no config file and I must use winecfg and regedit instead. But I have a question. How to specify [FontsDir]? I can not see cyrillic fonts. Thanks, Kryol
2008 May 13
Wine : Windows and Fonts Are Huge
I have Ubuntu 8.04 and installed wine but the windows and fonts are extremly big and wont show the whole window .. here are some screenshots What could be the reason for this ?
2006 Jun 22
Latest CVS: no fonts?
Is this bug 5057? ... I've just installed the latest version of wine from CVS and created a new .wine directory. Upon running winecfg, there are no letters on any of the buttons or tabs. After reading the text of bug 5057, I checked .wine/drive_c/windows/fonts and there are no files. I copied and pasted all of the font files from the equivalent location in one of my backups to this
2006 Jan 05
Font Question
I use wine to run a program called SciFinder (a remote science/chemistry literature/patent database search tool). It runs perfectly, except for two minor problems: 1. The application has a preferences gui that, among other things, allows me to choose a font and fontsize for parts of the information displayed. When I exit the program, these changes are lost. 2. The default font (and the font
2008 Mar 08
Fonts are too small in menu bar
Hi. Is there any chance I can increase the size of my fonts for the applications opened with wine? My resolution is 1600 x 1050 and the size seems to be from 5 to 6 pixels (or dpi) and it really hurts my eyes. All my linux apps are just ok at 10 pixels (or dpi) Thanks in advance Luis
2009 Apr 24
Garbled/blurred fonts.
I installed office 2007 using this howto over on the ubuntu forum Everything went great. The programs run and seem to work fine, except that the old issue of wine not rendering fonts right occurs. This issue is documented here The solution is to add "ClientSideWithRender"="N"
2008 Feb 25
Font anti-aliasing in wine?
One of the things that DOES make a big difference for me is font-antialiasing (AA). (OK, maybe I am picky). Does anyone have experience/knowledge on that subject? What surprises me is that for a few fonts (BitStream Vera Sans, for instance), it is active, whereas it is completely absent for most others. Why is that? (BTW, I just found out that I get the best results so far for the new MS font
2007 Mar 19
font replacement not completely,howto?
i added the following in ~/.wine/user.reg [SoftwareWineFontsReplacements] "System"="AR PL New Sung" "Arial"="AR PL New Sung" "Fixedsys"="AR PL New Sung" "Microsoft Sans Serif"="AR PL New Sung" "MS UI Gothic"="AR PL New Sung" "Tahoma"="AR PL New Sung"
2009 Feb 01
Wine & .PFM/.PFB fonts
Does anybody know, is there any way to use post-script fonts (.pfm for windows or .pfb for *nix) in windows application running throw the Wine (eg. Adobe Photoshop or Macromedia Flash)? I copy fonts to the wine's Windows/Fonts folder but no app see them :((
2005 Oct 10
No Fonts
I've just installed wine after being away from it for a while (been using Cedega and CXOffice) and after using both winecfg and Sidenet Wine to configure and install, I have no fonts in dialog boxes and on Windows buttons. I've heard of this problem before, but can't find a solution. Can anyone offer a solution? Thanks Rick Knight
2006 Jun 29
REPOST: No printing possible in wine 0.9.15
Hello List, sorry, that I have to repost my question a third time (last postings on June 23.), but unfortunately my problem remains unsolved. Here we go again: In short: I can print from any application except wine. My systems (first try): Workstation ray ( Gentoo 2006.0 wine-0.9.15 Cups-1.1.23 no /etc/printcap no local printer connected /etc/cups/client.conf contains the line:
2006 Apr 01
I get this when running, well, anything under Wine (including fx. "winecfg"): err:font:ReadFontDir Can't open directory "/usr/local/bin/../lib/../share/wine/fonts/" Where does Wine get the path "/usr/local/share/wine/fonts/" from? What exactly is it supposed to contain (don't just say "fonts" ;-))?
2009 Jan 19
"gdi32.dll" failed to initialize, aborting
I have a really weird issue which started when I installed some truetype fonts on my system. So far I've been able to verify this with Wine 1.1.3 and am about to test with Wine 1.1.13. doneill at mandy /World of Warcraft $ winecfg doneill at mandy /World of Warcraft $ winecfg err:module:attach_process_dlls "gdi32.dll" failed to initialize, aborting err:module:LdrInitializeThunk
2006 Feb 15
Font problems with remote X11 displays
I'm trying to use wine on a remote X11 desktop (my Mac iBook), and everything works except for the system fonts. I can see fonts in the system menus (File, Edit, Help, etc), but not anywhere else on the application. For example, when I run winecfg on the remote linux box (running Slax "Kill Bill" edition), I see *no* text whatsoever. When running winemine, I can only see text
2011 Mar 17
Wine font problem
Hi all, I got a problem with Wine. I compiled Wine from source on Debian Squeeze. Everything is working perfect, only fonts aren't loaded well. The Window buttons are always showed as weird characters (differs sometimes) and in games all text exists of squares. See the screens: winecfg: [Image: ] GTA San Andreas Multiplayer: [Image:
2011 Dec 01
Having problems after installing Wine [osxwinebuilder]
Hello, I installed Wine today using the instructions on the osxwinebuilder page: All went good, until trying out to launch iexplore, or winecfg or anything else. I get the following error message each time doing the command: wine winecfg or wine iexplore: Code: $ wine winecfg Wine cannot find the FreeType font library. To enable Wine to use TrueType
2006 Jun 10
wine 0.9.14, Xorg7.1 and nvidia driver
Hi all Of interest to developers and Linux users with nvidia cards running Xorg7.1. 3 days ago I built wine-0.9.14 from source on a linuxfromscratch system. The built went fine. However, the fonts on all wine dialog boxes (e.g. winecfg) were invisible. I spent several hours rebuilding, trying out different combinations of freetype / fontforge etc. Anyway, my box uses an nvidia card and for