similar to: should_redirect_to in advance - feels unnatural

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2007 Jun 19
Problems translating should_render from 0.8.2 to 1.0.5
<font size="2">I''m working on a large Rails site and we want to move from RSpec 0.8.2 to the latest and greatest.&nbsp; So we ran the translator and yet we''re having a lot of trouble translating should_render.<br><br>I found this on the web:<br><br>We will NOT be supporting the following in the new syntax:<br>&nbsp;
2006 Nov 23
Some tips for testing respond_to block and making controller tests work with simply_helpful
Hi, Here''s two blog posts for those that need to test respond_to blocks and/or are currently using simply_helpful extensively. types-with-rspec rspec-controller-tests - Lourens
2007 Jan 21
Collection proxies need to be stubbed ?
Hi all ! I just started writing specs on a new project. I would just like to validate that this is the way you would write it. I know about mocks, stubs and expectations. I don''t think this is a problem for me. My question really boils down to: def index @projects = end My spec needs to return the proxy, no ? Here''s my code: context "A
2007 Feb 01
should_redirect_to in rspec-0.8.0 / rspec_on_rails 1453
I have a spec: specify "a post with no user id should add a record" do post :edit_or_create, :user => {:login => ''joeschmoe'', :email => ''joe at'', :email_confirmation => ''joe at'', :full_name => ''Joe Schmoe''} assigns[:user].should_not_be_nil
2007 Sep 16
I lost the RSpec fight
I''ve been working on a Rails project with one other developer; he was using Test::Unit, and I was using RSpec. That works OK for a while, but obviously it starts causing pain when you have to check in two places to see if a piece of code is properly tested/spec''d, you can''t use TextMate shortcuts to switch back and forth between code and test, you have to duplicate
2007 Aug 24
testing behaviour or testing code?
hypothetical question for all you BDD experts: I want to make sure that a :list action always returns widgets in alphabetical order. There''s at least 2 ways of doing this: it "should fetch items in alphabetical order" do Widget.should_receive(:find).with(:order => "name ASC") get :list end it "should fetch items in alphabetical order" do [:red,
2007 Aug 27
Foreign key constraints, fixtures, and rake task
I''ve got a spec that loads a fixture in the "before" block. This works fine running scripts/spec, but when I run rake spec instead, I get: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ''User in fixture :quentin with an IM service but no IM name should be invalid'' Mysql::Error: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
2019 Aug 10
samba-tool ou create "OU=del-ou, dc=atest, dc=com" fails with /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb: No such file or directory
Hello, I am trying to use samba-tool to create OU on active directory. 1. Joined to domain. # net ads join -U <> 2. Listed GPO's on domain to check samba-tool script can pull the GPOs. # samba-tool gpo listall GPO : <> display name : test-Computers-GPO-1 path : \\\SysVol\\Policies\<> dn :
2024 Jun 09
HI all, My I am trying to convert character date (mm/dd/yy) to YYYY-mm-dd date format in one of the columns of my data file. The first few lines of the data file looks like as follow head(Atest,10);dim(Atest) ddate 1 19/08/21 2 30/04/18 3 28/08/21 4 11/10/21 5 07/09/21 6 15/08/21 7 03/09/21 8 23/07/18 9 17/08/20 10 23/09/20 [1] 1270076 1 I am using the following
2007 Sep 08
Hi All, I''m trying to make use of template.expects_render, is outlined in David''s post( template-expects_render). I get an undefined method error on expects_render. I made sure I had the 1.0.8 gem as well as reinstalling the plugin and redoing the bootstrap. Still no luck. So I created a clean project, installed the
2006 Nov 21
Documentation Nit
I''m trying to wrap my head around rspec_on_rails and ran into the following documentation nit: -------- what it says -------- You can specify :template, :text, or :action. controller.should_render :template=>"path/to/template/for/action" controller.should_render :text=>"expected text" controller.should_render :action=>"expected_action" --------
2006 Oct 17
Should fixtures be transactional?
I started using the new Model.should_have(1).records expectation in rspec_on_rails, and quickly realized that my fixtures were remaining loaded, even in contexts that didn''t use them. Bug or feature? Jay Levitt
2007 Apr 09
changes in 0.8 and greater - should_
Has the should_... syntax changed? I''m getting errors when running the following: should_render(:index) should_be_valid should_not_be_valid should_respond_to should_be should_render I thought the syntax changed to something like the following: obj.should render(:index) but this doesn''t seem to work. Scott
2007 Aug 13
Backtrace tweaker - broken or me?
Using 1.0.8, I just realized that I''ve been scrolling through pages of backtraces when rspec is supposed to clean them up for me. This is a new development machine, so I''m not sure if older versions worked or not. I''m running Ruby 1.8.6, Rails edge, Mac OS X 10.4.10. I''ve verified that the QuietBacktraceTweaker is the one that''s running.
2007 Jan 05
Using RESTful routes in controller tests
Why can''t I use the RESTful route helpers in my specs? In my controller I''m doing a redirect: redirect_to list_path(:id => @item.list_id) Now when I write: controller.should_redirect_to list_path(:id => 2) I''m getting the following error: NoMethodError in ''POST on /lists/2/items should redirect to index on succesful POST'' You have a nil object
2007 Oct 19
Assumption tests
Hi all, I''ve been thinking about the whole validator/relationship speccing issue, and I came up with a suggestion, which I''d love to get some feedback on. The full article is available at 2007/10/19/what-to-test-and-specify-and-where-to-do-it/ , with the relevant bit being about halfway down, but here''s the gist of it: 1.
2006 Aug 23
Rename folder bug dovecot-1.0RC6 ?
Dear All can someone confirm this bug please ? I am using Thunderbird 1.07, TB, Horde/IMP webmail as test clients, all running on FC4. Server is 1.0RC6 on CentOS 4 with maildir-sep set to ';' To reproduce: In your favourite mail client: 1. Create a top-level mail folder "atest" 2. Rename "atest" to "atest-extra" (basically
2007 Mar 24
Two Problems while trying to aggregate a dataframe
Hello! Given is an Excel-Sheet with actually 11,000 rows and 9 columns. I want to work with the data in R. The contents are similar to my following example. I have a list with ID-number, personal name and two kinds of loan-values. I want to aggregate the list, that for each person only one row remains and where the loan-values are added. First I tried some commands with tapply but had no
2006 Mar 26
[ win32utils-Bugs-3924 ] Segmentation fault under Windows
Bugs item #3924, was opened at 26/03/2006 22:12 You can respond by visiting: Category: win32-taskscheduler Group: Code Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: David FAROI (dfaroi) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: Segmentation fault under Windows Initial Comment: I''m trying to make
2007 May 26
Hi RSpec Mailing list, I''m new to RSpec and I am trying to get it running with the sample rails app. I installed the current version of rspec with rspec_on_rails I tried to run rake spec but received: 330-07:~/desktop/restful_auth_rspec/vendor multimedia$ rake spec (in /Users/multimedia/Desktop/restful_auth_rspec)