similar to: [OT] Co-location center in Singapore or Hong Kong

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "[OT] Co-location center in Singapore or Hong Kong"

2011 May 11
[OT] Co-location center in Holland
Anyone have recommendations for a highly reliable datacenter located in Holland? Thanks -- Craig White ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ craig.white at 1.800.869.6908 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Need help communicating between generations at work to achieve your desired success? Let us help!
2012 Aug 15
stupid bash question
the relevant snippet is... NAME="*.mov" cd $IN if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name $NAME -print -quit)" and if there is one file in this directory - ie, this works fine but if there are two (or more) files in this directory -, then I get an error... find: paths must precede expression So my code is evidently wrong. I just want a test for 1 or
2011 Jul 12
puppetrun/puppet kick
Can''t seem to make it work puppet 2.6.8 (client/server) # puppet kick -f ubuntu4.ttinet Triggering ubuntu4.ttinet Host ubuntu4.ttinet failed: Error 400 on SERVER: ''save '' is not an allowed value for method directive ubuntu4.ttinet finished with exit code 2 Failed: ubuntu4.ttinet root@ubuntu4:~# cat /etc/puppet/auth.conf path /run method save allow *
2012 Jan 05
suppressing openssh server identification
With all of the discussions regarding getting p3wned, I am feeling paranoid and can't seem to figure out how to suppress this... telnet $SOME_CENTOS_5_SERVER 22 Trying $SOME_IP_ADDRESS... Connected to $SOME_CENTOS_5_SERVER. Escape character is '^]'. SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3 'Banner no' doesn't do it. Is it possible to suppress the version? -- Craig White
2012 Dec 06
awk awk
a little out of my comfort zone and have practically gotten what I want but awk seems determined to send a message via std error which is problematic and annoying. Basically trying to get a list of virtual host names from nginx config files like this: $ awk -F" " '/./ { if ( match ( "^server_name$", $2 ) ) print $1 }' /opt/nginx/sites/*.conf \ | grep -v server_name |
2011 Jul 20
parameters in a string for ENC
I am hoping that someone could post a working example of how they use a ''define'' has in a parameter string because I have been working on this for days to no avail (and googling & checking documentation on puppet & foreman sites. What I am trying to accomplish is to define things within foreman ENC and duplicate the functionality I can get from just using node
2012 Jan 09
node parameters
I''ve been using foreman as an ENC and assigning node parameters for some time and it was clearly working but it apparently broke somewhere along the way and I can''t tell why. Here''s part of the modules/sudoers/manifests/sudoers_hostgroup.pp class sudoers::hostgroup { case hostgroup { default: { file{"/etc/sudoers.d/admins_web": ensure
2011 Nov 30
bundle exec fail
WTF... how to solve? (REE ruby/Ubuntu 10.04) $ dpkg -l |grep ruby ii ruby-enterprise - 1.8.7-2011.03 - Ruby Enterprise Edition. $ bundle exec /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/cli.rb:344:in `exec'': wrong number of arguments (ArgumentError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/cli.rb:344:in `exec'' from
2011 Dec 13
continuous jquery partial update
Rails 3.1.x - jquery drag_drop.js $(function() { $( "[id^=moveable]" ).draggable(); $( "#droppable2" ).droppable({ drop: function( event, ui ) { $( this ) .addClass( "ui-state-highlight" ) $.post( "groups/add_member/", { "add": ui.draggable.text() }, function(data) {
2011 Jun 14
puppet dashboard
I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and ruby-enterprise (not ubuntu ruby) and installed puppet via gem. How can I install puppet-dashboard if I don''t see a gem available and if I use the ubuntu package, i get the whole slop of ruby packages sucked in (which i am trying to avoid)? # dpkg -i puppet-dashboard_1.1.0-1_all.deb Selecting previously deselected package puppet-dashboard. (Reading database
2011 Oct 11
recursive finds
I am trying to supplement and ultimately provide a patch for ''foreman'' which is an adjunct to puppet. Essentially, there is a Hosts class which belongs_to Hostgroup and Hostgroup class has a column called ''ancestry'' which is actually a Hostgroup (probably what is referred to as STI but I am not sure) and thus within Foreman, nesting Hostgroups is not uncommon.
2011 Jul 14
Seems straight forward enough but I keep getting errors. On a client... err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Failed when searching for node ubuntu5.ttinet: LDAP Search failed on the puppet master... puppet.conf [master] # ENC (external node classificiations) node_terminus = ldap ldapnodes = true ldapclassattrs = puppetclass # LDAP ldapserver =
2011 Jun 13
puppet clients
I''ve gone over the documentation several times now and I can''t figure out how to ''apply'' a manifest to a client. The client does have a signed certificate but the only thing in the /etc/puppet folder on the client is an ssl directory. I have a manifest that works fine on the puppet ''master'' I have added the client into
2005 Dec 31
Looking for Ruby and rails in Grater China region (china/taiwan/Hong Kong)
Hi Everyone, I am located in Greater China region and working on rails and ruby on some personal project and looking for people who are doing same here. Vikrant
2004 Aug 29
Your Hong Kong Call Centre
If you are setting up a Call Centre in Hong Kong, our company can provide: 1. Dedicated Hong Kong Fax Line (US$20.00 per month) Unlimited fax receiving and every incoming fax will be converted into TIFF file and forwarded to your email address. 2. Dedicated Hong Kong Phone Line (US$20.00 per month + IDD Charges) Every incoming call will be forwarded to your company phone
2004 Jan 20
T400P / T100P with Hong Kong IDA-P Lines
2005 Mar 16
Hong Kong DID
Hi there, Anybody on this list knows where I can obtain Hong Kong DID's from ? Cheers, Sahil
2008 Nov 22
Where is Hong Kong in maps?
It seems that there is no Hong Kong in maps' world cities. >world.cities[substr(world.cities$name,1,3)=="Hon",] name country.etc pop lat long capital 14623 Honami Japan 26040 33.61 130.68 0 14624 Honaz Turkey 8073 37.75 29.27 0 14625 Honda Colombia 28055 5.19 -74.75 0 14626
2011 Nov 02
activeldap and migrations
Stupid activeldap is messing with my mind ;-) rails (3.1.1 activeldap (3.1.0) rubygems-update (1.4.2) I have activerecord (database.yml/postgresql) and activeldap (ldap.yml) as configured sources for my models. I want to add some more things to my models but activeldap is killing my attempts to create migrations... cwhite@nxpc:~/tti_framework$ rails generate migration AddSettings error
2019 Apr 16
Measure network bandwidth per process
Hi, Is there a way to measure network bandwidth per process in CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core) using any utility? I was reading about nethogs but it does not have the option to run it in daemon mode so that we can take a look at historical data to figure out the process which was consuming high network bandwidth instead it is a good tool for Live monitoring. Please suggest. Thanks in