similar to: Ruby Enterprise Edition

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Ruby Enterprise Edition"

2009 Sep 10
passenger with ruby enterprise edition
Hi I am failing to start apache2 with ruby enterprise edition and passenger 2.2.5 [Wed Sep 09 17:38:20 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8g Phusion_Passenger/2.2.5 configured -- resuming normal operations *** Exception LoadError in PhusionPassenger::Rack::ApplicationSpawner (no such file to load -- puppet) (process 16544): from
2009 Jan 26
Using Puppet to deploy Ruby Enterprise Edition
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone had any experience getting puppet to install Ruby Enterprise Edition (http:// via puppet? It''s installed via a script which is included in the tar package it comes in. The installer is quite straight forward, just a call to "./ruby- enterprise-1.8.6-20090113/installer --auto /opt/ruby". Figuring out which
2009 Oct 18
Passenger Best Practice
I want to move from running puppet under it's own web brick server, to using passenger. I'd like to get an idea of how folk are running passenger? Ideally I'd like to keep everything rpm based, so would need ruby enterprise rpms, and then the mod_rails / passenger plugin? How are you folk doing it? I've seen:
2011 Mar 07
has_one :dependent => :destroy error (in `configure_dependency_for_has_one': compile error (SyntaxError))
Hi I''m getting the following error : /Users/nikosd/.rvm/rubies/ree-1.8.7-2011.02/bin/ruby -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) /Users/nikosd/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2011.02@.../bin/rake test Testing started at 12:00 PM ... (in /Users/nikosd/Work/.../.../...)
2011 Mar 16
Increased memory and cpu usage when migrating from MRI 1.8.6 to REE 1.8.7
Hello, We''ve been migrating our fairly large Rails 1.2 application from MRI 1.8.6 to REE 1.8.7, and in the process we''ve encountered some fairly odd behavior. Namely, instead of the expected reduction in memory usage, we''re seeing an increase in memory usage by around 40% and, along with it, an increase in processor usage. The stock 1.8.7 implementation performs
2017 Jun 06
Hola Javier, Hola usuarios, Muchas gracias por contestar y por el interés. Sí es cierto que re-leyendo el correo la información es escasa? Red Eléctrica, a través de ESIOS , publica los datos del mercado eléctrico. Estos datos pueden descargarse a través de la web de la API: Si ponemos un ejemplo concreto, para saber los precios del
2010 Apr 02
Uncaught exception failed to allocate memory
Hi! I have a recipe that''s supposed to download ree from a master and install it. It looks like: # Install ree file { "/root/puppet-setup/ruby- enterprise_1.8.7-2010.01_amd64.deb": source => "puppet://$servername/files/ruby- enterprise_1.8.7-2010.01_amd64.deb", mode => 0644, owner => root, group => root, notify =>
2009 Feb 03
Ruby EE: Problem with BigDecimal
I have a strange problem with my setup of Passenger and Ruby Enterprise Edition. Sometimes the loading of BigDecimals from the database and session fails (silently) and the variable containing the BigDecimal is just empty. I cannot pinpoint where/when/how it happens, and it IS only periodic. I am using the newest versions of both Passenger and REE - I have even tried to run with latest commit
2017 Jun 05
Hola, Estoy intentando descargar datos de la API de ESIOS, de REE, pero estoy teniendo problemas al introducir el token. Estoy usando httr, rCurl y jsonlite. Alguien ha podido descargar los datos? Cómo lo ha hecho? Gracias, Javier [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Oct 19
Passenger Woes
Hello, I really didn''t expect this to be difficult, but I''ve been struggling with this all day :( I''m running CentOS 5.3, with rubygems, rack and fastthread, from EPEL. I''m running puppet-0.25.0-1 built from the spec file in the latest stable tarball. I''m using mod_passenger-2.2.5-2.el5 from Jeroen van Meeuwen (kanarip), which is effectively EPEL
2010 Jun 17
unicorn 1.0.0 - yes, this is a real project
Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on low-latency, high-bandwidth connections and take advantage of features in Unix/Unix-like kernels. Slow clients should only be served by placing a reverse proxy capable of fully buffering both the the request and response in between Unicorn and slow clients. * * mongrel-unicorn at
2009 Nov 13
Rescuing svn repo from *IDIOTS*
Hello, A moron has checked in a DVD iso into subversion. How can I undo the damage, and make the repo a sensible size again? Also, is there a cunning way to get subversion to say: "Oi! Moron! This file is huge, you can't check it in!" ? S.
2009 Nov 27
Best way to secure apache web root
I have a site running drupal. The apache user therefore needs to be able to write certain files (CSS files for example). I also have a directory under my web root which is a SAN mount, to which apache must be able to write. What is the most secure way to implement this? I am thinking: chown -R root:apache /var/www/html chmod -R 0750 /var/www/html chown apache:apache for where need to write
2011 Mar 15
How do you distribute ruby-augeas for ruby-entreprise?
We are using ruby-entreprise, instead of redhat''s default ruby.... I was trying to deploy the needed gem using: /opt/ruby-enterprise/bin/gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri /tmp/ruby-augeas-0.3.0.gem But found out this would require gcc to be installed! How can I preb-build this gem to remove the need for gcc on the nodes? is there an option of the gem command to generate a distributable
2012 Nov 20
Ruby rails rpm package
Hi all, Somebody knows if exists some rpm package for ruby rails?? Thanks.
2011 Jan 13
[RVM,Ubuntu]ruby installed from rvm doesn't work
I''ve installed ruby1.9.2 from rvm but ruby doesn''t work on my ubuntu there is a picture showing my situation. plase give me a help -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2007 Jan 08
delete a file from the server
Hi all, i want to create a vcs file. when i am creating the vcs file it is getting creatd in the server as well as in the local drive. But i dont want to the vcs file to be saved in the serve. when i am trying to delete the file from the server it is throwing the error,"Cannot start Microsoft Outlook.Cannot import vCalendar file". here is the code that i am using. def vcs f =
2009 Jan 30
plotting lines with missing data for x values
I have some data (REE plots - geochemistry) where I have values 1:14 for the x axis, but have no data for some x values. Here for example, let's say that I don't have data for x=2,5,8. So x<-1:14 y<-c(4, NA, 5, 9, NA, 3.4, 8, NA, 19, 22, 12, 14, 15.3, 15) if I plot the data plot(x,y) and then I want to join with lines lines(x,y) How do I get it so the points join across the
2011 Apr 12
RVM no such file to load
Hi, I installed rvm recently I have a problem when I launch the rails 3 console ( or rails 3 app) it doen''t find my gems. Here is my console: Loading development environment (Rails 3.0.3) ree-1.8.7-2011.03 :001 > require "rubygems" => nil ree-1.8.7-2011.03 :002 > require "simple-rss" LoadError: no such file to load -- simple-rss from
2011 Mar 25
undefined method `init' for Mysql:Class on Mac with rvm and Passenger 3
I tried to find some help in the Passenger group without luck. I would not like to use mysql2 gem (it gives an error too) because in production I have to use mysql gem anyway. I moved to Passenger 3 and I am not able to run a Rails 2 and a 3 apps. They both uses Passenger 3 (latest) and ree 2011.03. The Rails 2 app gives uninitialized constant MysqlCompat::MysqlRes The Rails 3: NoMethodError