similar to: perplexing permissions issue

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "perplexing permissions issue"

2009 Aug 18
WebDav on CentOS?
Hello, I'm trying to set up webdav on apache on centos. My web area has dav on set, it's permissions are 775 owner of the apache user and group of the webdev group which i put users in who can write to the area. As a user locally logged on to the machine i can cd to the area and create content though it is owned and has a group of the user who made it i don't think this is what i
2003 Dec 16
Tinc on windows XP Problem?
Hello All , I installed tinc for windows. But it doesn't seem to work. I want to connect two computers(for testing purposes) computer1(webdev) and computer2(gis) I have installed the tap-win32 on both of them. Both computers are windows XP. Also I don't have a router. Computer1:webdev ----------------------- C:\Program Files\tinc\vpn1\tinc.conf Name = webdev ConnectTo = office
2008 Apr 16
valid users = +group doesn't work
Hi all, I seem to be having a problem identical to this bug: in Samba 3.0.28, however the bug is supposed to be fixed by now. I have a Fedora 7 box joined as a member to Windows 2003 domain. All my Windows users have accounts on the Samba machine, with the same user name in Windows and in Unix. I have a share with valid users = +group, where
2006 Apr 28
Apache proxy to lighttpd leads to Rails routing error
Hello, I have an issue I am having trouble figuring out. I have a Rails app running through lighttpd which is accessed through an Apache proxy. My apache config: <location /rails/> ProxyPass http://localhost:81/ ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:81/ </location> RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/rails/(.*) http://localhost:81/$1 [P] So when apache sees /rails/ it
2003 Dec 10
Can't access remote server
RedHat 9, samba-2.2.7a-8.9.0. Fresh install. No iptables or any firewall settings. I can access my server fine locally with smbclient, but using smbclient from a machine located in a network I get this: [kwang@gorgon kwang]$ smbclient // added interface ip= bcast= nmask= added interface ip= bcast=
2009 Oct 23
Does this mean that my samba is ready to connect to LDAP server? root at webdev # ./smbd -b |grep LDAP HAVE_LDAP_H HAVE_LDAP HAVE_LDAP_ADD_RESULT_ENTRY HAVE_LDAP_INIT HAVE_LDAP_INITIALIZE HAVE_LDAP_SET_REBIND_PROC HAVE_LIBLDAP LDAP_SET_REBIND_PROC_ARGS root at webdev # Thanks! Paras.
2008 Jan 17
Webdev tools
I want a tool that will allow me to download files from a webdev site. All I have found is the other direction: my files to a webdav server. In particular (some of you might be interested) is the whole IEEE 802.11 meeting documents webdav site:
2017 Nov 14
SMTP and IMAP authentication critically fails out of the blue
Hello Community and first things First: dovecot --version2.2.9dovecot -n# 2.2.9: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf# OS: Linux 3.13.0-042stab125.5 x86_64 Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTSauth_mechanisms = plain logindict {? sqlquota = mysql:/etc/dovecot/dovecot-dict-sql.conf}listen = *,[::]log_timestamp = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S "login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lip=%l mpid=%e %c
2009 Jun 17
weird permissions issue
Recently some folks in our engineering group started encountering a problem where they can't write to or alter files or folders they did not create. Anyone know what could be causing this type of problem? The users having the problem are all in the eng group is /etc/groups. smb.conf for that share: smb.conf: #smb.conf is the main Samba configuration file. You find a full commented #
2003 Apr 15
Samba access denied or only shows top level directories
When ONE PARTICULAR user connects to \\mydev\oubsgout <\\mydev\oubsgout> the user (running win95) connects( from windows explorer) but only sees top level directories in the share. Any ideas as to why only one user should be affected?The network between the client PC and the server checks out ok. When the user attempts to expand one of these top level directories a messagebox appears stating
2010 Mar 03
Memcached: "no such file to load -- memcache-client" when running script/console
Hi folks. I''ve started down the memcached path and everything was running grand until I decided to start up my console. I have manually installed libevent 1.4.13 and memcached 1.4.4 into /usr/local, following which I sudo gem installed memcache-client and SystemTimer. development.rb has been modified to do caching with the mem_cache_store. The memcached process seems to work and my
2007 Dec 06
WebDav/CalDav in Rails
Has anybody done anything with WebDev, or for that matter CalDav, in Rails? I''m looking to do stuff with CalDav and the spec seems pretty simple. I''m just wondering if the HTTP methods, like REPORT, natualy work or if I have to install/configure anything. I''m running Rails on Apache through FastCGI. Thanks, Jeremy --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
2009 Jun 14
Permissions of new files on samba with other read on.
Daniele Palumbo <> wrote: >hi. > >I have troubles of global readable bit on new file created on samba. >I wish to have a 660 permission on new files, instead i've got 664. > >also, if i create an empty files it will get 644 permmission, instead of 660. > >directory creation instead seems fine. > >Below my environmnent and tests.
2007 Nov 29
Rollbacks, Sqlite3 bug. Has this been reintroduced ?
Hey, I just updated from the edge and it looks like this _issue_ has resurfaced. Yesterday things were working (stories and specs). No code base changes, only rspec and rspec_on_rails After updating today I now need to set <config.txn...fixtures> to false in the spec_helper.rb to get the specs running, the stories are fine. Looks like the fixture loading is trying to start a txn. I
2014 Jun 11
umask setting in /etc/profile not working
Hey all, We have the following set in /etc/profile : umask 0002 so that it will affect all users. That should create all files as 664 and all directories as 775 if I'm not mistaken. Well I logged into the machine after this was set and just created a file as one of the users who complained about permissions settings on files. And this is what I saw: [user1 at qa_host ~]$ ls -l test_qa
2017 Aug 06
Volume hacked
Hi, This morning one of our cluster was hacked, all the VM disks were deleted and a file README.txt was left with inside just " :D" I don't speak the language but with google translete it looks like it's just a webdev company or something like that, a bit surprised .. In any case, we'd really like to know how that happened. I realised
2011 May 16
allowing users to write to a web content area
Hello, I've got apache running on a centos 5.6 machine. All of my users have a umask of 077 set in /etc/bashrc. I'm now wanting to give several of them permission to write to a web area so they can place content visible to the web server. I've got two groups webdev1 and webdev2 which I want one to be able to write to site1 and the other to site2. I've got between 3 and 5 users in
2009 Aug 30
virtual ftp users, web permissions
Hello, I'm running CentOS 5.3. I've got an ftp server set up a pure ftpd server using virtualchroot so that sym links are followed. One user i'll call him user1 in the ftpuser/ftpgroup which is the user and group the server is running under has a symlink in his home directory pointing to the documentroot of a web site. I've got the sticky bit set on the documentroot and have
2004 Jul 06
Windows users can create files but Linux users can not?
I have a Samba server running on a Fedora Core 1 Linux server, and my problem is that Windows users can create files but Linux users can not. This is my smb.conf file: [global] workgroup = IDG_DK server string = WebDev log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log max log size = 50 [jfl] path = /var/www/websites/jfl valid users = jfl read only
2007 Oct 01
Permissions question
My www directory is owned by "apache" and the group is "todd" and the permissions are 775. My Windows computers use Samba and they log into Linux with "todd". Under the www directory there are various directories which may have a group belonging to a user e.g. "viewpoint". Using this example, there is a directory under www (acutally called httpd),