similar to: favicon.ico and robots.txt

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "favicon.ico and robots.txt"

2006 Mar 17
Favicon.ico doesn''t show in IE 6
Hello All, I put favicon.ico under "public" folder. Also, I put a copy into "public/images". And I put these 2 lines in my layout file: <link rel="icon" href="images/favicon.ico" type="image/ico" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico" type="image/ico" /> It works fine in
2005 Mar 03
Whats ''favicon.ico''
I''m seeing the following in the WEBbrick console output after every GET - - [03/Mar/2005:15:35:19 AUS Eastern Daylight Time] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 200 60 - -> /favicon.ico What does /favicon.ico (which doesnt seem to exist in my source) do for Rails? _______________________________________________ Rails mailing list
2007 Jan 17
can i force a favicon.ico ?
lo there all, i am running two websites on one server. Both use the same code and both domains point to the same public folder. I use different logos by using a session variable called session[:domain] that i find with env_table[''HTTP_HOST''] so anyway, both need a different icon to go in the bookmarks and url, i know this is done with a favicon.ico, but can i force the server
2006 Jan 23
favicon.ico placement
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/public/favicon.ico" > This causes a routing error, and the icon doesn''t load. Should I add something to my routes.rb file, or should I change the href in the above link? -- Posted via
2006 Mar 04
I''m sure I''m missing something rudimentary here... I seem to be having difficulty getting my favicon to appear. I have my favicon.ico in the public folder. I''ve configured my route.rb to route the intro page to my "home" controller. I''m using application.rb in my views to template the headers and footers. Here is the tag in my <head> in the
2006 Dec 01
im trying to figure out how to serve a favicon.ico for my app, does anyone have a line for Mongrel::Configurator? all i can see is that everyone seems to use the 404 boring.. uri "/favico", :handler =>"/favicon.ico") is sort of close, but it says The image ?http://m/favicon.ico? cannot be displayed, because it
2011 Apr 23
Extract ip address from a kvm guest
Hi all, Somebody knows how can I extract/know an ip address used by a kvm guest using a script?? For example I have the following guests: [root at kvmsrv01 bin]# virsh list --all Id Name State ---------------------------------- 1 linclunode01 running 2 linmgmt running 5 win7desktop running I know that linclunode01 has as
2011 Jan 07
Deployment issues
Hello, For those of you who have solved the learning hurdle of rails deployment, all I can say is congratulations! I''m struggling, frustrated that my app, which runs so well on my linux box, generates such odd errors on my vps and completely fails to do anything. For example, at the moment my production.log file has the error: ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches
2010 Mar 24
dispatch.cgi, dispatch.fcgi, dispatch.rb not present in Public folder
I''m doing a series of ruby on rails tutorials and it got to a part where i need to edit the following files that should be automatically inside the public folder: dispatch.cgi,dispatch.fcgi,dispatch.rb but I have none of these inside my public folder. Is there a reason for this? And how can i change it so they are back The only files in my public folder at present are 404.html 500.html
2010 Dec 19
favicon.ico (shortcut icon) & Internet Explorer 8 & rails
For all the poor programmers out there who have been scratching their heads ... If you do something like <link href=''/images/UltraDedup-icon-003---16x16.ico'' rel=''shortcut icon'' type=''image/x-icon'' /> and place it immediately after the in the <head> section of a webpage then you may experience the following bizarre behavior:
2005 Nov 22
What? - 500 unless class Cart included
I have been struggling with a problem for a while, and now have a workaround, but I want to understand if something is borked in my config or if this is a bug. Setup: Mac OS X 10.4.3; Ruby 1.8.2; Rails 0.14.3 Problem: When I create a brand new project, I get an HTTP 500 status. If I add a Cart model, the 500 goes away: $ rails test create create app/controllers [etc]
2006 Feb 22
Using ez_where
Hi All, I am trying to pass values to ez_where to construct my conditions. I need to know how the params need to be formated for ez_where. My search class looks like this: def search @display_ad =[:display_ad]) cond = do pub_date == ''@display_ad.pub_date'' io_number =~
2008 Apr 20
mod_rails showing plain text instead of actual page
hello! i got this forum powered by apache and mod_rails lately when i create / edit posts, i get plain html text showing up instead of the actual page. here''s what i see: -- Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Set-Cookie: _mysite_session=BAh7CzoOcmV0dXJuX3RvMDoKdGl0bGV7BmkVdToJVGltZQ2IDhuAK1UeADoL %250AdG9waWNzewZpBnU7Bw2HDhuA2%252FZJ7zoJdXNlcmkGIgpmbGFzaElDOidBY3Rp
2008 Jan 13
access to webpage code
dear R user, I need a function that download the code of web page as html, to further parse it. something like >site="" >code=function(site) >code !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>The R Project for Statistical Computing</title> <link rel="icon"
2011 May 10
Webrick script/server file does not exist
Hello all, I worked fairly enough with PHP and MySQL, but am very new to Ruby. I have Windows machine with Apache and MySQL installed previously. Both Apache and MySql were stopped while installing Ruby. I tried several ways to install Ruby 1.8.7 and one-step installer. I can use Ruby with netbeans 6.0.1 with its own Ruby or with the one I installed now. The problem starts when I try to create
2006 Jun 22
rails on Oracle 10g - missing controller ?
I am trying to generate my first scaffold but I am getting a 500 error from . Below is the information about my system, as well as the commands I am typing. I have also included the DDL ( Oracle 10g ). I am mid way through chapter 6 of "Agile Web Development w/ Rails". Why aren''t there any files under app/controllers/ ? C:\tmp\rubyWork>ruby
2010 Jan 16
httpd and robots.txt
would anyone out there care to share their robots.txt experience using centos as a webserver and their robots.txt files? i realize this is a somewhat simple exercise, yet i am sure there are both large and small hosters out there and possibly those that have high traffic modify their robots.txt files differently that others ??? please share if you can or care to please? for years we have just
2007 Aug 01
Extracting a website text content using R
Dear useR, Just wandering whether it is possible that there is any function in R could let me get the text contents for a certain website. Thanks a lot! Best, Leon [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Aug 06
Hi all, I have again noticed that the wiki does not really show up in search results and wonder if it has any impact that robots.txt on is empty. Perhaps it should at least contain User-agent: * ? Best Regards Marcus
2006 May 11
Problem running application in cpanel
Hi, I installed rails following the instruccions from but when i try see the application i have a 500 Internal Server Error, this is only with apache because i can run with webrick Please i am desesperate -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: