similar to: sticky folder permissions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "sticky folder permissions"

2018 Jun 15
Bug: Loosing Group Permissions in Archive Mode with Sticky Bit and ACL Mask
Hello, I currently try to copy a directory locally between two ext4 filesystems while preserving permissions and ACLs using the -aAX options. Under some conditions, rsync does not copy the posix permissions completely, it changes the group::rwx to a group::--- permission. The latest rsync available on Debian Jessie is 3.1.1, but the changelog for 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 did not seem to mention such a bug
2009 Aug 19
replacing permissions on uploaded windows files
Hello, I've got a CentOS box and users are putting Windows long files on it, files with " " and " - " in their filenames. I'm trying to adjust the permissions as well as user and group membership and i'd like the changes to be sticky. On the tld i've set permissions of 2755 and am trying to batch convert the files and subfolders in it. I've done this: find
2009 Jun 16
OT - Tomcat CLASSPATH issue
if this is ignored then fair enough as its not really the place for it but if anyone has seen this it would be good to know tomcat is 6.0.18 CLASSPATH is set in /etc/sysconfig/<appname> and this IS getting used as _some_ configuration items are being picked up from /etc/<appname> but the issue is when default setting from within the webapp are not being overwritten by settings in
2011 Aug 11
multiple levels of group permissions on some folders in a share
trying to figure out the best way to accomplish this, running samba 3.x on a debian system in share level mode (workgroup) have a shared folder for all the staff that they have permssions to by membership of being in the "staff" group, this share has about 40-50 subfolders. now they have an intern starting and want to restict that intern to 5 of those folders which they'll
2012 May 15
setting up the SQLite database
I know this isn''t Python, but I''d like to get a view on the ''one obvious'' way to set up an SQLite (or other) database and its location per-app. I''ve got a bit lost with the Camping 2 changes and various code snippets I have kicking around. 1. is it best to set up the DB creation/connection: 1.1 at the end of the app
2006 Apr 06
Apache as proxy for webrick
Hello, We have a webrick server running our nice app, and an apache server being used to serve the rest of the site and act as a proxy for the webrick app. <code> <IfModule mod_proxy.c> ProxyRequests Off <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Proxy> ProxyPass /appname ProxyPassReverse /appname
2023 Mar 28
[External] subfolders in the R folder
The "good reason" is all the tooling in R doesn't work with subfolders and would have to be rewritten. All the package check and build stuff. And that's assuming you don't want to change the basic flat package structure - for example to allow something like `library(foo)` to attach a package and `library(` to attach some subset of package `foo`. That would require
2006 Apr 10
Capistrano/SwitchTower "current" dir deployment question
All, I have successfully executed the "deploy" task in Capistrano/Switchtower to establish a symbolic link named "current" which points to the current version of my app. on my remote server. My app. was already deployed to the existing Rails root directory (call it "appname") though. I have Apache fronting my app. through a virtual host whose doc. root is itself
2013 Nov 08
Question about folder sharing
Hi, I run dovecot (2.1.7) on debian wheezy in conjuniction with postfix, samba4 (as ldap backend) and sogo. I configured folder sharing but have an few issues. With my current config users can share the inbox and other folders. If the acl allows creatings subfolders this does work for all folders beside inbox. What i want to archiev is the following: If an user shares his inbox, others
2006 Feb 16
Multiple Rails app on the same server?
I have a rails app on a debian server running lighttpd and I''m trying to set up typo so that it also works (with a different url). I have 4 URLs running -- let''s call them,, and I am starting lighttpd by going into the directory where my app is and typing either ruby script/server or script/server -e production -- either
2023 Mar 28
[External] subfolders in the R folder
A quick drive-by-comment: What if 'R CMD build' would have an option to flatten R/ subfolders when building the tarball, e.g. R/unix/a.R R/windows/a.R R/a.R becomes: R/00__unix__a.R R/00__windows__a.R R/a.R ? Maybe that would be sufficient for most use cases. The only thing I can imagine is that source file references (e.g. in check NOTEs) will be toward the latter and not the
2012 Jan 03
Samba Folder Permissions
Hello list members, my name is Stefan, this is my first post to this Mailinglist, so please bear with me. ;) I am working as a Network Administrator of a small Office Network. We use Debian Server as Samba PDC and Fileserver. The Domain runs pretty well with all the Windows 7 Clients. I have just one thing that bugs me. In the groupshare we set up, users can only access folders that are world
2012 Nov 16
Folder layout after Cyrus to Dovecot migration
# dovecot --version 1.2.15 We're trying to migrate a server from Cyrus to Dovecot, and we're mostly there. On Cyrus, the folder layout in the MUA is: INBOX subfolder subfolder ... Sent Drafts Queue Trash Users cannot create sibling folders to the Inbox, only subfolders (and sub-subfolders, etc). We've replicated that with:
2013 Aug 20
files got sticky permissions T--------- after gluster volume rebalance
Dear gluster experts, We're running glusterfs 3.3 and we have met file permission probelems after gluster volume rebalance. Files got stick permissions T--------- after rebalance which break our client normal fops unexpectedly. Any one known this issue? Thank you for your help. -- ??? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2012 Feb 10
folder hierarchies with migration from cyrus to dovecot2
Hi, I finally migrated my IMAP server from cyrus to dovecot2. I have been using cyrus since many years and have not much experience with dovecot yet though. I've converted my imap server using cyrus2dovecot (several times until I thought it was correct) but there is one thing left which confuses me and I'm not sure what I can or need to do to change it. With Cyrus I used
2006 Mar 21
RoR and Growing Pains
I have persuaded my company to move towards an RoR shop... from a PHP 5 (with in-house-built framework)... so the jump is not terribly bad. I''m REALLY excited actually! My problem: I am overwhelmed with all the setup Loops I have to jump through to get RoR setup. I tried it on my current Apache 1.34 and decided it''d be easier to make the Lighty (1.4.11) jump. So I did. I get
2007 Dec 13
Weird Mongrel error: Not starting.
Hi list, I have a problem with Mongrel which is really bugging me. I would really appreciate any help that anyone can provide to help me in solving this problem. 1. My setup: Apache front_end with mod_proxy_balancer in front of 4 mongrel/rails instances of my application. Rails 1.2.5 Ruby 1.8.6 Mongrel 1.1.1 2. I noticed that the CPU consumption on my server was 100% being consumed by ruby so I
2006 Jul 22
using MongrelDbg
I coded up a handler, using the MongrelDbg module to help me debug. I deployed my code and found it royally broken in production because it couldn''t include that module. What''s the best practice for having MongrelDbg in code and not breaking in different environments? Is this just a bug? I commented out all my MongrelDbg usage and redeployed, and it works now. -- Cheers,
1999 Sep 23
shared folder permissions
Hi everyone! First off, thank you all. By trolling thru all of your messages I've managed to get Samba up and running (albeit in "share" mode). I have a few "folders" (shares) mapped to everyone's computer along with a "personal" folder (home dir) that is only accessible by them. The other folders are "wide" open for everyone. I need to find a
2009 Nov 25
rsyncing large sized folder
Hi I have to rsync a folder say 0. This folder inside it contains sub folders [0-999]. Inside this subfolders i have further subfolders [0-999]. so my directory structure is: /0/0/0/file /0/0/1/file /0/0/2/file | | /0/0/999/file /0/1/0/file /0/1/1/file | | /0/0/999/file and so on