similar to: how "big" (in RAM and/or disk storage) is each of these objects in a list?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "how "big" (in RAM and/or disk storage) is each of these objects in a list?"

2006 Jul 17
error_message_on / error_messages_for
Hi, just a simple question between error_message_on / error_messages_for ... Well, if you use error_messages_for in your web page, there is no problem even if anObject==nil (for example , the first time you load your form) whereas error_message_on must be use with an instanciated object ... So, you always has to double check if anObject is not nil before using error_message_on ? I
2011 Aug 30
Why does loading saved/cached objects add significantly to RAM consumption?
Dear list, I make use of cached objects extensively for time consuming computations and yesterday I happened to notice some very strange behavior in that respect: When I execute a given computation whose result I'd like to cache (tried both saving it as '.Rdata' and via package 'R.cache' which uses a own filetype '.Rcache'), my R session consumes about 200 MB of
2012 May 09
out of memory (java heap space) on zip creation (jruby)
I am using rubyzip and am trying to put a huge csv file with 1.4 million rows into the zip file. Using jruby I get a out of heap error. I believe the error happens in the block below: do |zos| zos.put_next_entry(File.basename(csv_path)) zos.print end -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
2019 Apr 20
Does devtmps and tmpfs use underlying hard disk storage or Physical Memory (RAM)
Hi, I am running the below command on CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core) # df -hT --total Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/xvda1 xfs 150G 8.0G 143G 6% / devtmpfs devtmpfs 7.8G 0 7.8G 0% /dev tmpfs tmpfs 7.8G 0 7.8G 0% /dev/shm tmpfs tmpfs 7.8G 817M 7.0G 11% /run tmpfs tmpfs 7.8G 0
2013 Mar 31
Storage of automatically loaded workspace and command files
When I close R and answer yes to save workspace, R automatically loads it and apparently also the command history at start up. I would like to know where R stores this information. I know that I can save .RData and .Rhistory files, but I would like to know how(where) R stores this information automatically. I have not found any .RData or .Rhistory files associated with start up. I am running
2014 Aug 11
Re: issue when building/making package from git
> You can avoid testing gnulib (not very interesting anyway) by running: > > ./configure --disable-gnulib-tests I personaly do not care, but in case i make a libguestfs-git PKBUILD, I want everything be OK. I just realised than I followed the libguestfs PKGBUILD, but NO virt-p2v and virt-v2v binaries are installed in /usr/bin. Shame. I am rewriting the git PKGBUILD.
2011 Jan 05
categorize a character column
Hi, I know I can do this with a for loop with strsplit and grep, but is there more efficient way? Given a data dataframe (input) and a category column (lst), > input item loc 1 item 1.1: earnings <sep> item 1.2: w2 <sep> shelf 1 2 item 1.3: deductions drawer 1 3 item 1.1:
2008 Feb 01
Saving a big table or matrix
Dear R-users, How do you save a big table or matrix as an independent object and attach it to your Rdata-project when needed? Atte Tenkanen University of Turku, Finland Department of Musicology +023335278
2010 Mar 11
sieve fileinto rule (pigeonhole)
Hello, i discovered that when a sieve rule "fileinto drawer;" tries to deliver a mail into a non existent drawer, the drawer gets created. This is neat, but is there also a way to automatically subcribe to the created folder ? Regards, Oliver Eales
2006 Jan 12
Loading Excel file into Limma
Dear mailing group, This is my first time here. Glad to have this resource! I am currently trying to load an Excel file into R (limma package loaded) using the source(*name of directory*) command, but it cannot open the file. I renamed the file as .R and .RData, to no avail. The Excel data contains one gene name per row and about 100 data points per gene (columns). I am only used to
2012 May 03
Cannot read or write to file in Linux Ubuntu
I am the proud owner of a new laptop since my old one died the other day. Currently I have a dual-boot Windows 7 Home and Ubuntu 12.04 . I'll leave the Windows problems for another post. I know practically nothing about Linux so I am probably doing something stupid but ... at the moment I cannot seem read or write files in Ubuntu. I am not having any problem saving other documents to the
2019 Jun 29
storage class 0 symbol is generated for a double constant in COFF-x86-64 object file
Hi, I am using the llvm codegen facility (version 7.0.1) to translate LLVM IR for different platforms. I have this error particularly in win64 platform. In my IR code I have such code snippet: %50 = call i8* @my_function(i8* %48, double 2.000000e+00, double 2.000000e+00) ... declare dllimport i8* @my_function(i8*, double, double) By passing it to llc.exe, I find following symbol is declared in
2005 Oct 11
Q: Suggestions for long-term data/program storage policy?
Dear list, we are a statistical/epidemiological departement that - after a few years of rapid growth - finally is getting around to formulate a general data storage and retention policy - mainly to ensure that we can reproduce results from published papers/theses easier in the future, but also with the hope that we get more synergy between related projects. We have formulated what we
2010 May 09
Plot polygon in 3D with rgl
Dear R-helpers, an rgl-ers in particular, what is the easiest way to plot a section of a plane in 3D, that is given by the xyz coordinates of the outline? Suppose I have a polygon - which I know for sure is a set of coordinates on the same plane. One method I found is to use surf.tri from the geometry package, and then plot the triangles with rgl.triangles. This method is not perfect though,
2006 Sep 30
Textmate project drawer: is there a Windows alternative?
I was reading about the project drawer feature in Textmate, which is Mac only. Is there a similar feature in a Windows based text editor that works with R. This feature sounds really useful. Thanks, Graham [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Dec 05
SMB server with CentOS 4
Hi, I need to set up a small server for a group of ~10 employees (all using Windows 2000/XP, used to use a windows 2000/exchange setup). I have a linux server already running CentOS 4, so I'd like to do all I can with this. I thought about using Samba for file/print sharing and OpenXchange (commercial version) to have a nice collaborative/mail/calendar/etc server. Of course, it would
2012 Apr 17
Problem accessing .Rdata objects in a loop
Hi, I am trying to access many .Rdata objects and do some operations with them using a loop. I can load the files but can't access them. The files' names are stored in a character vector called "names". After loading the objects, I can view each one using ls() and see that two objects are present for each. I am trying to access the one with the name which is the same as the
2019 Jul 02
storage class 0 symbol is generated for a double constant in COFF-x86-64 object file
Hi Reid, Sure. Here I attach the trimmed IR(sim_0.ll) which llc.exe takes and produces a 0 storage class symbol. The IR is fairly long but there is only 1 usage of real constant as actual argument passing to function iki_vlog_time() at line 137. The version of llc.exe is $ llc.exe --version LLVM ( LLVM version 7.0.1 DEBUG build. Default target: x86_64-pc-win32 Host
2011 Jan 17
Samba 3.4 / 3.5: Printer settings not available for normal users
Hello, since samba 3.4 we have the problem, that printer options, preconfigured by the admin (number of paper trays, output etc.), are not available for normal users. They only see the default settings. Domain Admins and users with SePrintOperatorPrivilege doesn't have this problem. Guenther already started fixing this issue about 3/4 year ago
2007 Jul 30
problems saving and loading (PLMset) objects
Hi I'm running the latest R on a presumably up to date Linux server. 'Doing something silly I'm sure, but can't see why my saved PLMset objects come out all wrong. To use an example: Setting up an example PLMset (I have the same problem no matter what example I use) > library(affyPLM) > data(Dilution) # affybatch object > Dilution = updateObject(Dilution)