similar to: pairs(), expression in label and color in text.panel

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "pairs(), expression in label and color in text.panel"

2011 Jan 11
Postscript function Bug at R x64 2.12.1?
Hi list. I was saving my modified pairs graphic using a custom panel from the R Graphics site, and I got an interesting difference in the final image when I save it as eps or png. This custom panel make possible to show at the left side of the pairs plot the p-value as symbol and the correlation r value with its cex proportional to the r value itself. Well, when saving as a png file
2009 Jan 31
display p-values and significance levels
Hi there, I got a piece of code for the Iris data which allows to display correlation coefficients for each Iris species in the lower panel (color coded). I would now like to add e.g. a "*" to show the significance of each correlation next to the correlation coefficient. Furthermore I would like to make a t.test between the species "setosa" and "versicolor" for
2012 Mar 26
Enhance Pairs Scatterplot Matrix
Hi, I am trying to do plot a scatterplot matrix using pairs() from the package graphics. There are now a few things I'd like to improve for a better understanding. 1) My scatterplot uses two log-scaled I don't know how to set them in pairs() I calculated the log before but now the labels are not as I want them. I'd like them as 10^1,10^2 etc. What is the best way to handle
2010 Sep 30
panel.pairs in splom
Hello, I have a customized pairs () fonction as follows that displays correctely my data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ panel.cor1 <- function (x, y, digits=2, prefix="") { usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr)) par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1)) r <- cor(x, y,use="pairwise.complete.obs",
2007 Oct 02
splom pairs and groups argument
Hello, I'm trying to pull off a certain graph using splom, and can't quite get my panel functions right. Basically, the equivalent using pairs would be something like this (using iris data set as an example): panel.corval <- function(x, y, digits=2, prefix="", cex.cor,col,pch) { usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr)) par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
2012 Apr 10
Scatterplot matrix with partly transformed axis
Hi, I am wondering if anybody has experience with scatterplot matrices where some (but NOT all) axis are transformed and the labels are nicely plotted. So far I looked into 1) pairs() 2) scatterplotMatrix() from package 'car' 3) splom() from packagae 'lattice' 4) plotmatrix() from 'ggplot2' I can see no easy way to get what I want which is: *) a scatterplot matrix of
2009 Jan 05
Error : unused arguments in pairs()
Hi there, I am just starting in R and this might be a very basic question. I applied one on the examples of pairs() to my own data. The examples shows scatter plots on one side of the matrix and the correlation coefficients on the other which works well. I then modified it slightly because I want different colors in the plots. Now i am getting the error of unused arguments, because the color
2010 Aug 31
"pairs" with same xlim and ylim scale
Hi list, I have a function which basically is a wrapper of pairs with some useful panel functions. However, I'm having trouble to pass the "xlim" and "ylim" into the function so the x and y axes are in the same scale and 45 degree lines are exactly diagonal. I've looked at some old posts, they didn't help much. I think this is b/c I have multiple panel
2007 Jul 10
Plot dies with memory not mapped (segfault) (PR#9785)
Full_Name: Clay B Version: 2.5.0 (2007-04-23) OS: Solaris Nevada Build 55b Submission from: (NULL) ( I find that running this script causes R to segfault reliably. However, running just for one system at a time (modifying the for loop updating iter to run just for a system at a time works). The system is a Sun W2100z with 12 GB of ram, and R segfaults using only around 360 MB of
2008 Feb 24
Jitter in correlation matrix?
Hi, I am just starting to use R for a graduate course, and I like how the correlation matrix at I did something similar by copying from the examples(pairs), but it seems that I need to jitter the bottom panel... and I have no idea how to do that, and I mean no idea at all. I'd appreciate any help... Here are the graphs:
2010 Jul 14
Add Significance Codes to Data Frame
I was hoping that there might be some way to attach significance code like the ones from summary.lm to a dataframe. Anyone know how to do something like that. Here is the function i'd like to add that functionality to: add1.coef <- function(model,scope,test="F",p.value=1, { num <- length(model$coefficients) add <- add1(model,scope,test=test) sub <-
2004 Mar 03
Adding text (coefts) to pairs panels
Hi, First of all, thanks for the efforts of all the developers and contributors - I'm very new to R and at the moment am just using it to create some graphics, but it seems to be quite powerful. I've googled the archives and wasn't able to find anyhting that dealt with this problem, so would appreciate any suggestions/tips. In a pairs plot I'd like to plot a linear regression line
2008 Oct 30
A question about pairs()
Greetings R users, I am an R graphics newbie trying to produce a custom trellis plot using pairs() with R 2.7.2. I have spatial data on which I run a geographically weighted regression (gwr, using the -spgwr- package). I want to check the gwr coefficients for multicollinearity and spatial association, following Wheeler and Tiefelsdorf (2005), and I would like to summarize the results of this
2008 Mar 05
Correlation matrix one side with significance
Hi there! In my case, cor(d[1:20]) makes me a good correlation matrix. Now I'd like to have it one sided, means only the left bottom side to be printed (the others are the same) and I'd like to have * where the p-value is lower than 0.05 and ** lower than 0.01. How can I do this? And another thing: Is there a way to output that table as a latex table? Thanks, Martin -- Ihr
2008 Oct 09
Exporting symnum() result from cor()
Hello, I am trying to export the results from symnum() while maintain their readability. I tried using sink to text file and also copying and pasting but the results end up looking like this: > symnum(c5.s) bC bED bEN bLP bLS bPA bPD bPR p bbContag 1 bbED + 1 bbENN_MN + B 1 bbLPI , , , 1 bbLSI + B B , 1 bbPAFRAC , * * , * 1 bbPD , B B
2003 Feb 28
summary.glm() print problem(?) with cor = TRUE
Hi, I've had a look the bug list and searched though the R documentation, email lists etc. but didn't see anything on this: when I do: summary(species.glm1, correlation = TRUE) I get a correlation matrix like this: Correlation of Coefficients: ( p I(H C pH * 1 I(pH^2) * B 1 Ca . . 1 I(Ca^2) . . B attr(,"legend") [1] 0 ` ' 0.3 `.'
2012 Nov 30
(no subject)
Hello R usuer, The code given below superimposes a pie diagram on another plot containing some points. However, I would like to center the pie diagram on the xy location on the plot, but not on the center. is there any way to re-center pic diagram. Any suggestion or better alternative are highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help. Regards, Bibke library(visualFields) library(car)
2006 Aug 29
passing namees
R 2.3.1 I wrote a little script to do some cross correlations. The symbols are in a text file like so: symbols.txt ibm dd csco """ require(tseries) symbols <- scan("symbols.txt", what = 'character') for(line in 1:(length(symbols)-1)) { assign(symbols[line], get.hist.quote(instrument = symbols[line], start = "2005-09-01", quote =
2001 Jul 26
Fancy pairs(), scatterplot matrix?
(I have checked the 2000 &2001 archives) Awhile ago, someone posted a function to plot a scatterplot matrix with the upper triangle containing plots (and maybe fitted curves?) and the lower triangle containing the correlation coefs. I have lost that code and would love it again if anyone has it. Thanks, Henry ***************************** Martin Henry H. Stevens HStevens at tel:
2009 Mar 27
color vectors other than gray()
I'm trying to create a graph where different cells of a grid (a shapefile) will be painted with a color share scale, where the most easy way is to use gray(). Can I somehow get a vector (gradient) of colors, a vector of colors with other methods but gray()? I'm doing this until now quad_N_sp <-