similar to: Read from HTML file, print if see a specific string

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Read from HTML file, print if see a specific string"

2011 Jan 28
Help with ape - read.GenBank()
Hi, I am trying to work with the ape package, and there is one thing I am struggling with. When calling the *read.GenBank()* function, I can get it to work with an object created like this: *>x <- c("AY395554","AY611035", ...)* *>read.GenBank(x)* However, I am trying to use the function to fetch several hundred sequences at once. So I have been testing with small
2002 Feb 13
large file error is now SIGUSR1 or SIGINT error
I just ran this again and got this error: leelab/NCBI_Data_old/GenBank/htg write failed on leelab/NCBI_Data_old/GenBank/htg : Error 0 rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(243) Received signal 16. (no core) rsync error: received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT (code 20) at rsync.c(229) The command I am running is: /usr/local/bin/rsync -auv --delete --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh lpgfs104:/share/group/*
2017 Jun 17
write.dna command
Hi all, I am learning R by "doing". And this is my first post. I want to use R: 1- to fetch a DNA sequence from a databank (see bellow) and 2- store it as FASTA file. The problem: neither an error is prompted nor the fasta file is created. Testing the code (see bellow), I notice that everything works until the *"write.dna" *command - which is not creating the fasta file.
2020 Jan 03
Exclude-from file format?
I have seen two main styles in examples for using rsync with exclude-from. The first is simply a list of filename, one per line. The second is a list of filenames, one per line, prefixed with either a - or a + to indicate exclude/include. Which is correct? Also, none show the correct style with a filname containing spaces, though I assumed quoting is OK Exclude1.txt: - filename1 - ?file name
2010 Jun 16
Is there any function to read genbank flat files.
Hi I am trying to read genbank est flat files. Is there any function in R to do that. I was looking for something similar to SeqIO.parse(input_handle, "genbank") in bioPython that convert the genebank sequence into fasta sequence. (One option is to call biopython from R but I am not familiar with python functions so I want to avoid that and I am keeping it as last resort) Thanks and
2017 Jun 17
write.dna command
I suspect you meant WD <- "~/Documents/Scripting/R_Studio/Sequences/" but I am entirely unfamiliar with the packages you are using, and know nothing about what is on your hard drive. For future reference: A) Read the Posting Guide. This is a plain text email list, and your html formatting gets removed leaving a mess that is not always readable. B) Most frequent users of R
2007 Aug 20
system() fails with fc.exe (PR#9868)
Full_Name: Jens Oehlschl?gel Version: 2.5.1 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( Even when specifying the full path, the output of fc is not sent to R (neither shown nor returned). For example > system('c:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\fc.exe /?',intern=TRUE) character(0) When I do the same from python 2.3, I get >>> import os >>>
2006 Feb 10
Question on big JPG plots in function warpping format
Hello: I have problems generating big JPG plots in functions. the following code runs fine in the script: #### runs fine in script, generate 40k "test1.jpg" in the given directory plotPlatesAlong <- c(1:5) plotDirPath <- paste(dataPath, "OutputPlots\\", sep="") filename <- paste(plotDirPath,"test1.jpg", sep="") jpeg(file=filename)
2008 Mar 28
Problem redirecting output stream of wine
Hi all, I'm using an Ubuntu 7.10 and the latest (?) version of Wine ( 0.9.58 ). I'm running a windows application that seems to work properly, but i cannot manage to redirect the output to a file: $ wine cmd.exe Usage : cmd.exe [filename1] [filename2] ... $ wine cmd.exe > /dev/null Usage : cmd.exe [filename1] [filename2] ... $ wine cmd.exe 2> /dev/null Usage : cmd.exe [filename1]
2002 Feb 12
error in rsync protocol on large file
I'm trying to rsync a filesystem from a Solaris 7 server to a Solaris 8 server. I keep getting the following message when rsync attempts to update a particular file: write failed on leelab/NCBI_Data/GenBank/htg : Error 0 rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(243) Received signal 16. (no core) rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (22672537 bytes read so far) rsync error:
2007 Dec 13
MPI-Blast + Lustre
Anyone have any experience with MpiBlast and Lustre. We have MpiBlast-1.4.0-pio and lustre-1.6.3 and we are seeing some pretty poor performance with most of the mpiblast threads spending 20% to 50% of their time in disk wait. We have the genbank nt database split into 24 fragments (one for each of our OSTs, 3 per OSS). The individual fragments are not striped due to the
2007 Jun 07
problem with multiple file attachment
hi, actually i have done single file attachment in ruby on rails, now i want to do multiple attachment, but the problem is when i am trying to display the second file name from the params for the testing purpose, i got the error, please can anyone correct the error. in view: <tr> <td bgcolor="#F6F6F6"><%= file_field("picture", "file")
2002 Jul 25
memdisk and harddisk image creation under Linux
I read the following about memdisk : .... For any other size, the image is assumed to be a hard disk image, and should typically have an MBR and a partition table. The disk C/H/S geometry is determined by examining the partition table, so the entire image should be partitioned for proper operation. .... I'd like to create a bootable cd, wich boots a linux and some other tools. While
2007 Oct 15
The "condition has length > 1" issue for lists
I have the following code: list1 <- list() for (i in list.files(pattern="filename1")){ x <- read.table(i) list1[[i]] <- x } list2 <- list() for (i in list.files(pattern="filename2*")){ x <- read.table(i) list2[[i]] <- x } anslist <- vector('list', length(list1)) for(i in 1:length(list1)) if (list1[[i]] & list2[[i]] >1)
2017 Apr 09
failed to set times on ... Invalid argument (22) and what to do with it
Dear All, Along with the files that suddenly disappear, we have a bit of a problem with these that do not. Namely, in my test runs I can see a small but stable set of files, that rsync is repeatedly trying to transfer, and then repeatedly fails to updates their times ; and then the story repeats itself. The situation is illustrated by the log snippet below, where I have changed file names to
2008 Jul 17
Passing array to the email body using ActionMailer
Hi, all I am new to actionmailer. I am writing a script that sends emails contains lots of file names. So the email will look like: hi, filename1 filename2 filename3 . . . filenameN So I want to pass an array containing all the filenames into the email body. My code is below: class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base def log_report(recipient, files) from
2003 Sep 18
bad hardlinks with rsync
Hi List I've experienced some problems with rsync. I'm backuping a complete machine's rootdirectory. After completion I see in the log of the output, that rsync links some files which are surely *not* the same on the source System. Or well, it says, that it makes links, using the filename1 => filename2 notation. On the source System this files are not the same and some files are
2010 Sep 10
convert "1", "10", and "100" to "0001", "0010", "0100" etc.
Hi, Is there an easy way to convert numbers into a form such that they all have the same number of digits? e.g.: "1", "10", and "100" ...become... "0001", "0010", "0100" etc. I ask because I am producing a large number of files that need to sort consistently by filename. Currently I get this kind of sorting: filename1 filename10
2005 Dec 23
file_column and HABTM
I have several models that will be using file_column by way of the "Picture" class (HABTM). Right now, all pictures are stored in: public/picture/image/1/filename1.jpg public/picture/image/2/filename2.jpg Is there a way I can dynamically define the "store_dir" based on the model? For example, if I have "user", "product" and "place" models all
2006 Jun 18
analyze amino acid sequence (composition)of proteins
Dear R-helpers: thank your for your attention. i am a newer to R and i am doing some protein category classification based on the amino acid sequence.while i have some questions urgently. 1. any packages for analysis amino acid sequence 2. given two sequences "AAA" and "BBB",how can i combine them into "AAABBB" 3. based on "AAABBB",how can i get some