similar to: How to read the contents .dat file

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "How to read the contents .dat file"

2011 Apr 27
read.table: fill=T for header?
Dear ExpeRts,t I am trying to read tab delimted data produced by somewhat brain dead software that seems to think it's a good idea to have an extra tab character after the last column - except for the header line. As explained in the help page, read.delim now assumes that the first column contains the row.names (which is not even wrong) but now and all col.names get shiftet by one column.
2010 Jul 28
I am reading in a very large file with names in it and R is truncating the number of rows it reads in. The separator in this file is a pipe '|' and so I use dat <- read.delim('pathToMyFile', header= TRUE, sep='|') It turns out that it is reading up to row 61145 and stopping and I think I see why, but am not sure of the best solution to this problem. I see the name of
2011 Jan 14
read in data, maintain decimal places
Good day, All, Is there any way to maintain the number of decimal places in the type of situation below? I would like to maintain the number of decimal places in 0.667, despite the fact that its column-mates have a fourth decimal place. Thank you for your time. Jim dat.txt contents: MARKER ALLELES FREQ1 RSQR EFFECT2 STDERR CHISQ PVALUE rs6599753 C,T
2009 Mar 23
read in large data file (tsv) with inline filter?
I have a very large tab-delimited file, too big to store in memory via readLines() or read.delim(). Turns out I only need a few hundred of those lines to be read in. If it were not so large, I could read the entire file in and "grep" the lines I need. For such a large file; many calls to read.delim() with incrementing "skip" and "nrows" parameters, followed by grep()
2004 Oct 06
read.delim problem with trailing spaces
I'm trying to read a comma delimited dataset that uses '.' for NA. I found that if the last field on a line was a missing '.' it was not read as NA, but just a '.', and the life variable was made a factor. The data looks like this, income,imr,region,oilexprt,imr80,gnp80,life Afghanistan,75,400.0,4,0,185.0,.,37.5 Algeria,400,86.3,2,1,20.5,1920,50.7
2009 Sep 18
Reading clipboard with read.delim("clipboard") crash (PR#13957)
Full_Name: Liam Gretton Version: 2.9.2 OS: openSUSE 11.1 (x86_64) Submission from: (NULL) ( Reading a large number of rows of delimited data via the clipboard results in a segfault or double free error. I've tested copying from various applications, but gedit will do. This problem exists in the openSUSE-supplied 2.8.1, I've just built 2.9.2 to see if it's still there,
2006 Oct 31
6296379 HP DAT-72 read/writes hang
Author: frits Repository: /hg/zfs-crypto/gate Revision: 8d69100775b1ea2377d09e76f64568111ae160dd Log message: 6296379 HP DAT-72 read/writes hang Files: update: usr/src/uts/common/io/usb/scsa2usb/scsa2usb.c update: usr/src/uts/common/sys/usb/scsa2usb/scsa2usb.h
2010 Apr 01
reading excel into R
Dear all, I am new R user and I am sure that this question has been asked quite often and I have also googled it and read about it! I understood that in order to read excel sheet into R you need to open it and saved it as csv or text, is this true? or you can use read.delim2 and read.csv2 to do this without the following error > dat <- read.csv2(file="C:\\Dokumente und
2012 Mar 10
Subsetting a data.frame -> Read in with FWF format from .DAT file
Hi there, I am having trouble subsetting a data frame by a conditional via one column (of many). I read the file into R through "read.fwf," where I specified column widths. Original data is .DAT. I then utilized "names" function to read in column headings. For one column, PRVDR_NUM, I wish to further amend the entire data set, but only have PRVDR_NUM == 050108. This is
2003 Apr 07
Segmentation error
Hello, I'm using library(spatstat) and trying to use ppp on my dataset. I get a segmentation error when I try to run it. Any suggestions? Code below ... Thanks, Suzanne --------------------------------------- dat <- read.delim(file="trees_R2.csv", sep=",", header=1) P16 <- (dat$Plot == "P1") | (dat$Plot == "P2") | (dat$Plot == "P3")
2012 Feb 08
Problems reading tab-delim files using read.table and read.delim
Hello, I used read.xlsx to read in Excel files but for large files it turned out to be not very efficient. For that reason I use a programme which writes each sheet in an Excel file into tab-delim txt files. After that I tried using read.table and read.delim to read in those txt files. Unfortunately, the results are not as expected. To show you what I mean I created a tiny Excel sheet with some
2010 Sep 10
adding labels above bars in a barplot
Hello, I want to make a general routine to draw barplots with numbers plotted above each bar. See the example below. I could not place the numbers on the middle of each bar because I could not calculate the right position of each x-axis tick. axTicks(1) indicated a unitary step, but it does not seem work. I appreciate any help or suggestions. Best regards, Antonio Olinto
2010 Apr 19
Huge data sets and RAM problems
Dear all, This is the first time I am sending mail to the mailing list, so I hope I do not make a mistake... The last months I have been working on my MSc thesis project on performing data mining techniques on user logs of a software-as-a-service application. The main problem I am experiencing is how to process the huge amount of data. More specifically: I am using R 2.10.1 in a laptop with
2013 Nov 25
Hey guys
Hi, Try: dat1<- t(dat[,-1]) ?colnames(dat1) <- dat[,1] covmat <- cov(dat1) A.K. I'm running into this error and I'm not sure how fix it Error: is.numeric(x) || is.logical(x) is not TRUE This is my data frame geneExpression_Lab10.txt This is the homework instructions in case you want to see Lab10.pdf This is my code dat <-read.delim("~/Dropbox/Homework/R
2012 Aug 01
add vectors to multiple objects
Hi everyone, I try to add many vectors (L1,L2,L3....) to many list objects (a.list, b.list....) in a workspace. Somethings like below, but it is not working. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Best, John lf=ls(pattern=".lst")  for (x in listfiles) {     dat=read.delim(x,header=F)     for (i in 1: lf) {     assign(i$add,as.numeric(dat[,3]))   #or i$add=as.numeric(dat[,3]    
2012 Aug 01
assign vectors to objects
Hi everyone, I try to add many vectors (L1,L2,L3....) to multiple list objects (a.list, b.list....) in a workspace. Somethings like below, but it is not working. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Best, John lf=ls(pattern=".lst")  for (x in listfiles) {     dat=read.delim(x,header=F)     for (i in lf) {     assign(i$add,as.numeric(dat[,3]))   #or i$add=as.numeric(dat[,3]    
2013 Jun 01
error about MCA
Hi,all: I want to perform multiple correspondance analysis via MCA{FactoMineR}. The data is in the attachment. My code: dat<-read.delim("e:\\mydata.txt",header=T) MCA(dat,quanti.sup=7,quali.sup=1:6) Error in `[.data.frame`(tab, , i) : undefined columns selected My question: Why does the error happen? Many thanks. Best. -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and
2013 Mar 19
Error when adding lines to a plot using the mixed-effect model and metafor package
Hi, I am a student using R for my final year project, with the metafor package being particularly helpful. I have been following the steps laid out in the manual 'Conducting Meta-analysis in R with the Metafor package' (Viechtbauer, 2010) and applying it to my own data of infected Anopheles mosquitoes across Africa. In particular, I am attempting to apply a mixed-effect model to my data
2008 Jun 16
error in dat
Hello everyone, I have the following code which keeps giving me an error. The code is: dat<-read.table(file="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\My Documents\\eisen.txt",header=T,row.names=1,blank.lines.skip=F,na..strings="NA") dimnames(dat)((1)) <-as.character(dat(,1)) dat<-dat(,-1) dat<"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\My
2014 Jul 01
combining data from multiple read.delim() invocations.
Is there a better way to do the following? I have data in a number of tab delimited files. I am using read.delim() to read them, in a loop. I am invoking my code on Linux Fedora 20, from the BASH command line, using Rscript. The code I'm using looks like: arguments <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE); # initialize the capped_data data.frame capped_data <- data.frame(lpar="NULL",