similar to: I'm writing this letter to enquire where can I download the package of "lmtest".

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "I'm writing this letter to enquire where can I download the package of "lmtest"."

2002 Apr 19
Durbin-Watson test in packages "car" and "lmtest"
Hi, P-values in Durbin-Watson test obtained through the use of functions available in packages "lmtest" and "car" are different. The difference is quite significant. function "dwtest" in "lmtest" is much faster than "burbinwatson" in "car". Actually, you can take a nap while the latter trying to calculated Durbin-Watson test. My question
2011 Aug 12
Which Durbin-Watson is correct? (weights involved) - using durbinWatsonTest and dwtest (packages car and lmtest)
Hello! I have a data frame mysample (sorry for a long way of creating it below - but I need it in this form, and it works). I regress Y onto X1 through X11 - first without weights, then with weights: regtest1<-lm(Y~., data=mysample[-13])) regtest2<-lm(Y~., data=mysample[-13]),weights=mysample$weight) summary(regtest1) summary(regtest2) Then I calculate Durbin-Watson for both regressions
2006 Mar 02
How can I use r-cran-lmtest?
Hi, I installed the package r-cran-lmtest in a Debian Sid but I can't use it. I typed "lmtest" but nothing occur. Any help? Thanks. -- S?vio Martins Ramos - Arquiteto Rio de Janeiro ICQ 174972645 Pirataria n?o! Seja livre: Linux
2007 May 22
data in lmtest
Hi everyone! I am beginner in using R, so please excuse easy questions in advance. I want to reproduce results from the data available in the lmtest-package. That?s the failure code I get: > data(bondyield) Warning message: file 'bondyield.rda' has magic number 'RDX1' Use of save versions prior to 2 is deprecated Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance! Henning -- View
2002 Jul 12
lmtest build fails, readline problem
Hi everyone, I've downloaded the lmtest package, but I'm having trouble building it. Here's the output: copland:/home/wilson/tmp# R CMD INSTALL -l /usr/lib/R/library lmtest_0.9-0.tar.gz * Installing *source* package 'lmtest' ... ** libs g77 -fPIC -g -O2 -c pan.f -o pan.o gcc -shared -o pan.o -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.4 -lreadline -ldl -lncurses
2001 Nov 21
dw statistic
Hello Uwe First, I want to thank you for spending your time replying to my mail. I'm very impressed with the speed that my question was answered. I'm new at R (about two weeks) and reading your mail made me realize that it was indeed a question of vectors of different lengths. I thinked that I could create a function ("carfun") without creating a "x" vector, since
2004 Jul 21
Testing autocorrelation & heteroskedasticity of residuals in ts
Hi, I'm dealing with time series. I usually use stl() to estimate trend, stagionality and residuals. I test for normality of residuals using shapiro.test(), but I can't test for autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity. Is there a way to perform Durbin-Watson test and Breusch-Pagan test (or other simalar tests) for time series? I find dwtest() and bptest() in the package lmtest, but it
2023 Aug 17
does Xapian::Enquire hold an MVCC revision?
In other words, is it possible to avoid duplicates if new documents are inserted into the DB by another process in-between ->get_mset calls when reusing Xapian::Enquire objects? I do some expensive processing on each mset window, so I always limit the results to limit heap usage even if I'm planning on going through a big chunk of the DB: $mset = $enq->get_mset(0, 1000);
2008 Aug 17
grangertest/lmtest ... what am I doing wrong ?
Dear Achim, R Users, What am I doing wrong in this example ? a<-zoo(rnorm(100), b<-lag(a) regr<-na.exclude(merge(a,b)) plot(regr) grangertest(regr[,1],regr[,2],3) > a<-zoo(rnorm(100), > b<-lag(a) > regr<-na.exclude(merge(a,b)) > plot(regr) > grangertest(regr[,1],regr[,2],3) Error in solve(vc[ovar, ovar]) : subscript out of bounds
2010 Dec 16
Enquire::get_mset() "first" and MatchDecider
Hello, This is a somewhat idle question about Enquire::get_mset(), possibly based on wrong assumptions on how Xapian works, but I would be grateful if someone satisfied my curiosity. Xapian::MSet Xapian::Enquire::get_mset(Xapian::doccount first, Xapian::doccount maxitems, const Xapian::RSet * omrset = 0, const
2005 Jul 15
Problem with Perl bindings (enquire)
Hello list, looks like one can open a Xapian database in read-only mode and do the following: $db = Search::Xapian::Database->new("/foo/bar/"); $enq = $db->enquire("XIDblub"); the same doesn't seem to be possible with a database opened in read-write mode: $db = Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase->new("/foo/bar/",
2023 Aug 18
does Xapian::Enquire hold an MVCC revision?
On Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 09:28:26PM +0000, Eric Wong wrote: > In other words, is it possible to avoid duplicates if new > documents are inserted into the DB by another process in-between > ->get_mset calls when reusing Xapian::Enquire objects? The Database object itself effectively does (it works in a snapshot of the state of the database when you open it, or last called reopen() which
2009 Dec 09
Enquire about XAPI
Hi, Nice to receive your suggestions. Follwing the suggestions, the xapi service does work on a non XCP host and most of the xe interface of get information (such as "xe vm-list ")can work well. However, when I used the "xe sr-create" interface to create a SR, I got a error "The SR could not be connected because the driver was not recognised ". I noted that
2009 Dec 09
Enquire about XAPI
Hi, Nice to receive your suggestions. Follwing the suggestions, the xapi service does work on a non XCP host and most of the xe interface of get information (such as "xe vm-list ")can work well. However, when I used the "xe sr-create" interface to create a SR, I got a error "The SR could not be connected because the driver was not recognised ". I noted that
2009 Aug 03
Comparison of Output from "dwtest" and "durbin.watson"
Should "dwtest" and "durbin.watson" be giving me the same DW statistic and p-value for these two fits? library(lmtest) library(car) X <- c(4.8509E-1,8.2667E-2,6.4010E-2,5.1188E-2,3.4492E-2,2.1660E-2, 3.2242E-3,1.8285E-3) Y <- c(2720,1150,1010,790,482,358,78,35) W <- 1/Y^2 fit <- lm(Y ~ X - 1) dwtest(fit,alternative="two.sided")
2007 Mar 07
where can I find Durbin-Waston test tables for Confidence Level 2.5% or 0.5%?
Hi all, I am doing a two-sided DW test: H0: rho = 0 H1: rho =/= 0 My understanding is that most test statistics tables are one-sided. It's the way they created the table. So from online, by doing Googling, I found a bunch of DW tables for Confidence Level 5%. Those tables can answer my two-sided question at 5x2 = 10% confidence level. But what if I want two-sided test at 1% and 5%
1999 Dec 17
Fw: Durbin-Watson
> Does R have a function for the Durbin-Watson test? > ......................................................... Is there a version of package lmtest for Win 9x? > Steven Scroggin > scrog at > -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info",
2011 Aug 10
xapian enquire.set_docid_order(Xapian::Enquire::DESCENDING so slow!
i have 300 millions records and my search file like this , i want the newest 10 results that match my query , so i use boolean search and "enquire.set_docid_order(enquire.DESCENDING)" , but this method seems a little slow . when i remove "enquire.set_docid_order(enquire.DESCENDING)" it run much faster . how can i fetch the newest 10 results as fast as possible?
2011 Mar 16
Autocorrelation in linear models
I have been reading about autocorrelation in linear models over the last couple of days, and I have to say the more I read, the more confused I get. Beyond confusion lies enlightenment, so I'm tempted to ask R-Help for guidance. Most authors are mainly worried about autocorrelation in the residuals, but some authors are also worried about autocorrelation within Y and within X vectors
2003 Jun 04
Error Using dwtest
Hello all- I have two time series, Index1stdiff and Comps1stdiff. I regressed the first on the second and R returned the summary stats I expected. Then I looked at and plotted the residuals. I then wanted to assess autocorrelation characteristics and tried to run a Durbin-Watson using: library(lmtest) dwtest(formula=Index1stdiff~Comps1stdiff,alternative=c("greater")) I am