similar to: write.arff function in package foreign can't handle Date time

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "write.arff function in package foreign can't handle Date time"

2011 Dec 31
Reading large sparse arff files into R
Hi, I am trying to read in a large and highly sparse ARFF file into R which was produced by WEKA. However the package 'RWeka' just chokes on this file. The data set has about 40k observations and about 20k dimensions. Even after 1hr read.arff method of RWeka is still trying to read in the file, whereas WEKA is able to read it in in less than 20seconds. What are my options at this
2015 Oct 22
alternative read.arff function for the package foreign
?Hello everyone, I guess this is really directed to the R Core Team, but I understand that this is the best channel to submit this (please correct me if I'm wrong!). I would like to submit a function to consideration, as an upgrade for the current read.arff in package foreign. Code in github: This function is a modified
2005 Jul 20
writing matrices (no subject)
Simply gooling for "writing ARFF file in R" gave the following as first hit, which is right on the WEKA page: Miscellaneous code [...] Function for reading ARFF files into the R statistical package (kindly provided by Dr Craig Struble). Function for writing ARFF files from the R statistical package (kindly provided by Nigel Sim).
2012 Nov 12
Weka on command line c.f. using RWeka
Running Weka's command line with calls to system(), like this > system("java weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes -K -t HWlrTrain.arff -o") === Confusion Matrix === a b <-- classified as 3518 597 | a = NoSpray 644 926 | b = Spray === Stratified cross-validation === === Confusion Matrix === a b <-- classified as 3512 603 | a = NoSpray
2007 Jul 11
RWeka control parameters classifiers interface
Hello, I have some trouble in achieving the desired parametrisation for the weka classifier functions, using the package RWeka. The problem is, that the functions result=classifier(formula, data, subset, na.action, control = Weka_control(mycontrol)) do not seem to be manipulated by the mycontrol- arguments Perhaps this should be resepected via the handlers- argument , but the
2011 Aug 03
Rattle loading String to Vector file from WEKA
Hi all, I have been using WEKA to do some text classification work and I want to try out R. The problem is I cannot load the String to Vector ARFF files created by WEKA's string parser into Rattle . Looking at the logs I get something like: /Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, : scan() expected 'a real', got '2281}'/ *My ARFF
2008 Aug 20
Improvements to write.arff (PR#12574)
Full_Name: Martin C. Martin Version: 2.7.1 OS: Ubuntu Submission from: (NULL) ( The function write.arff, in the foreign library: - Can produce relation names with invalid characters - Doesn't use colnames() for attribute names when writing a matrix. Here's a better version: write.arff <- function (x, file, eol = "\n") { if (file == "")
2006 Nov 22
Problem with RWeka-rJava packages
Hello: I´m trying to execute Apriori(file.arff) command of RWeka package. I´m working with: Operating System: Windows XP home R-2.4.0 RWeka_0.2-11 rJava_0.4-11 classpath= .;C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jdk1.5.0\lib;C:\Archivos de programa\R\R- 2.4.0\library\RWeka\jar An error occurs when .jnew command is executed, on class "weka/core/Instances" :
2010 Aug 04
RWeka problem: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
Hi, I'm trying to use RWeka and followed the following example from the RWeka manual. ============ ## Use some example data. w <- read.arff(system.file("arff","weather.nominal.arff", package = "RWeka")) ## Identify a decision tree. m <- J48(play~., data = w) m ## Use 10 fold cross-validation. e <- evaluate_Weka_classifier(m, cost = matrix(c(0,2,1,0),
2009 Jun 05
RWeka write.arff: set @relation
Dear all, I am using the RWeka package to append several arff files. Although it works the resulting arff files always have "@relation R_data_frame", and I have to change this manually to my desired relation name. Can the package accomplish this for me instead? Thank you, Wil Koetsier
2010 Jul 30
help for creating arff file..i have the codes??
I need to create an arff file.i have the necesaary codes as two parts and i need to combine them..if there is anyone who can help i'll send the codes..thank you. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2010 Jul 21
Package RPostgreSQL_0.1-6.tar.gz has been checked and built
Hi Dirk I think there are problems with pg_config, the configure script of RPostgreSQL checks for pg_config and got ¡°checking for pg_config... /usr/bin/pg_config¡±. In Solaris 10u7 X64, three versions of PostgreSQL are installed, there are in /usr/postgres/8.2(8.2.9) and /usr/postgres/8.3(8.3.3), the corresponding bin files are in /usr/postgres/<version>/bin and
2010 Nov 24
R encoding question
Hi, I am using RpgSQL to retrieve data from a PostgreSQL database wich is with encoding UTF8, and I have some Chinese character in one of the columns, unfortunately R can't show it correctly. > df <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from test") > df a b 1 1 ????????\xa2 2 2 ???? EURO\xa1 I see the following option, do I need to change the encoding option to show
2011 Feb 21
J48 / Transform from numeric to nominal
Hi everyone, I am new to field of data mining as well as particularly using R respectively RWeka for writing my master thesis. I intend to create some specific J48 classification trees with the RWeka_classifiers_tree function. When I run the source code it says ?cannot handle numeric class?. I therefore checked the arff-file and indeed there it says that the class variable is numeric although it
2011 Mar 18
Does RHIPE support R on Windows as the user desktop environment?
Hi, Since we can?t access Google Groups here in China, so please forgive me if anyone has asked this question before. Sincerely Xiaobo Gu
2011 Dec 11
as.factor does not work inside function
Hi, I am trying to write a function do cast columns of data frame as factor in a loop, the source is : as.factor.loop <- function(df, cols){ if (!is.null(df) && !is.null(cols) && length(cols) > 0) { for(col in cols) { df[[col]] <- as.factor(df[[col]]) } } } source('D:/ambertuil.r') x <- 1:5 y <- 2:6 df <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
2011 Mar 09
No response after click the "show Rules" button on Tab "Associate".
Hi, I am using Rattle 2.6.4 with R 2.12.2 on win64, is this a bug ? Following is the content after execute the associate analysis process: Summary of the Apriori Association Rules: Number of Rules: 23351 Summary of the Measures of Interestingness: support confidence lift Min. :0.1250 Min. :1 Min. :2.667 1st Qu.:0.1250 1st Qu.:1 1st Qu.:2.667 Median :0.1250
2011 Jan 17
R vs. C
A question, please about development of R packages: Are there any guidelines or best practices for deciding when and why to implement an operation in R, vs. implementing it in C? The "Writing R Extensions" recommends "working in interpreted R code . . . this is normally the best option." But we do write C-functions and access them in R - the question is, when/why is this
2012 Jan 19
What does the : operator mean in glm formulas
Hi, I see the following is the credit scoreing in R guide : m2<-glm(formula = good_bad ~ checking + duration + history+ purpose +amount + savings + employed + installp + marital + coapp +age + other + depends + telephon + foreign +checking:amount What does checking:amount mean? Regards, Xiaobo Gu
2010 Aug 01
Can saved R object .RData files be loaded by more than one R sessions for read only purpose?
Especially for large ff objects. Xiaobo.Gu [[alternative HTML version deleted]]