similar to: spec''ing metaprograming & rails CRUD

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "spec''ing metaprograming & rails CRUD"

2007 Mar 24
Using spec fixtures with integration tests
Hi all, How can I use spec fixtures with rails integration tests ? I''ve tried adding {{ fixtures "../../spec/fixtures/myfixture" }} to the integration test but the fixtures are not loaded when I run the rake task. Rails doesn''t load symlinked fixtures either so I copied the files from spec/fixtures for the time being. Not very DRY. Any ideas ? Keith
2007 Mar 19
controller_name with dynamic controllers
I''m writing a controller which should only be inherited from, something like the generic crud controller seen here: http:// Now, in my spec, I would like to create a controller which inherits from the generic CRUDController, without actually creating the controller. This controller is *only* for testing. How can I
2006 Aug 05
Another generic CRUD controller
I''ve been using this template on most of my CRUD controllers. class CommentsController < ApplicationController meantime_filter :set_scope before_filter :find_comment, :only => %w(show edit update destroy) def index @comments = Comment.find(:all) end def new @Comment = end def create @comment = Comment.create!(params[:comment])
2006 Aug 02
Use Non CRUD with Simply RESTful
Hey guys, I''m trying out the new RESTful bits in Edge Rails, and am having a bit of trouble wrapping my brain around certain things. For instance, say I have a page that is separated into sections with tabs at the top. I want to replace divs on the page with RJS. Now typically before I''d have a method on the controller that rendered an RJS template to accomplish this.
2006 Jul 28
Building a Search Page as part of CRUD
I''ve been experimenting with Rails over the past couple of days and have come across something that seems harder than it should be. In previous frameworks I have used (WebObjects, php) a full search page (which leads into a list view populated with search results) was part of the CRUD that was either dynamically or statically created after specifying table/object schema. In
2010 Jul 04
Generated By handling CRUD Scaffold
Good afternoon. I have two questions: First question: Can be defined at the time that I''m generating the scaffold the size of a string? For example name:string (50)? Second question: I wonder how to proceed correctly to include new fields starting at a CRUD generated by scaffold. Example: First step (I use): script/generate scaffold User name:string login:string Second step (I add
2006 Aug 14
Testing CRUD/Rest Controllers
I have a few simple controllers doing plain, simple crud in a standard way. now it''s not very DRY to write a funtcional test for each controller, since they are all doing the same (apart from a few variable names, but that could be easily inflected or so). is there a way to do this? e.g. does inheritance work with tests, so i define a base test first, inherit my other tests and add a few
2006 Jul 20
Model CRUD via web services
Hello, I was wondering if there was any automated (may be scaffolding) way of exposing Model CRUD via web services. I found this ticket for django, but nothing for Rails. Thanks in advance for your opinions and suggestions. Regards. -- Surendra Singhi, Read my blog at:
2006 Mar 02
custom sql queries beyond CRUD
Hi, I am just starting of in rails. I am trying to understand the features of rails and I have this burning question. (and search is not available now): Apart from relying on the automatic CRUD sql script produced, is there a way I can create my own sql script ex: with many joins between exixting tables (for reporting ). All I need is to declare the custom query and place the result in a
2007 May 04
spec template for CRUD?
Hello, Has anyone already come up with a set of shared behaviours that someone could leverage when adhering to a CRUD concept, with respect to controllers? Relatedly, it would be nice if there were a way to share generalized behaviour specs. -Chris
2006 Nov 04
How do CRUD and REST work for a wizard-style application?
I''m rewriting an application with the intention to use the elegant CRUD and REST design principles as outlined by DHH in his RailsConf Keynote[1]. The question is: how do you use those principles for an application that is of a sequential nature? The application works much like an MS Windows wizard: user begins at screen foo. After doing (or not) some stuff in screen foo, he is taken to
2006 Mar 01
Instant Management Frontend with the Scaffolding Extensions Plugin
I''ve updated the Scaffolding Extensions Plugin[1] recently to add a couple new features: 1) Scaffold all models and associations with one command 2) Show all associated objects on the edit page Example of usage: In an existing Rails application, create a controller (i.e. "script/generate controller crud"), and modify so it looks like: class CrudController <
2006 Oct 28
Seperate admin and public views using one controller REST CRUD
Hello, I want to seperate my admin and public views but only use one controller. How to seperate layouts ist clear but how can I tell the controller to render the *.rhtml files in views/admin/ when logged in or render the *.rhtml files in views/public/ (for example). Thanks for any help! PS: using REST and CRUD in edge rails --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received
2006 Dec 10
model-controller-paradigm: What about admin controllers?
Hi all We all know the model-controller-paradigm: I have a model "News" which has a corresponding CRUD-controller "NewsController". But now I''m quite unsure about the following... Guess we have normal visitors that visit our site www.??.com/news and we have administrators that create and modify news items. The admin should see an "Edit" link and a
2006 Jul 27
CRUD, REST and associations
Let''s say I have the model class Reader and Magazine, connected by join model Subscription. It looks something like this class Reader < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :subscriptions, :dependent => :delete_all has_many :magazines, :through => :subscriptions validates_presence_of :name end class Magazine < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :subscriptions, :dependent =>
2006 Apr 05
Providing limited CRUD access to arbitrary tables through a web interface.
Hi There I''m starting Rails a project for the first time (used to work with PHP). I have to provide administrator ("super-user") access to a large number of tables. The access should be available through a web interface (the tables rendered as HTML forms on the browser, probably through HTML tables inside the form). From the CRUD set mostly R(etrieve) and U(pdate) are
2005 Dec 21
Category/subcategory CRUD
Hello there! This is my first post! ;) I''m starting on ruby on rails, so I have many doubts about it! I''m trying to create a system that uses categories/subcategories. I created a scaffold for a table that has the following fields: - id int(11) - name varchar(50) - keyname varchar(50) - visible enum(''0'',''1'') default ''0'' -
2010 Apr 06
respecting original matrix dimensions
Hi All, I'm hoping someone else can help me out with this. I am doing some matrix algebra using sub-parts of matrices, and sometimes I need only a single row/column of the original matrix. However, whenever I pull out only a single row/column, R returns a row vector, but often this will break my matrix algebra. Is there any *easy* way to get R to remember what the single row/column came out
2006 Mar 03
newbie scaffold question
I''ve got a database with several tables. I''d like to create scaffolding for separate CRUD interfaces for several of these tables. I''m hoping that the scaffold generator can create the CRUD code for all these tables in ONE controller, but I don''t know how to tell it to do that, if it can. Can anyone verify if this is possible? Thanks, David -- Posted via
2006 Jul 31
Simply_RESTful and Bulk Import URLs
Hi, I have a people controller, and want to import bulk import multiple people from a CSV file. In my routes.rb file I have: map.resource :person Now, it''s a little unclear to me how to further configure the routes to allow me to add the following URLs: I need a URL to choose a file to upload, so I need an HTML ''frontend'' for it, so I figured the following URL