similar to: Questions about FMFM with linked servers

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1900 matches similar to: "Questions about FMFM with linked servers"

2010 Dec 20
SIP 420
Hi; I am running asterisk 1.6 from Fonality (Trixbox PRO). I am trying to initiate a call FROM a softphone client to asterisk (either an internal 4 digit extension call) or an outside line via a SIP trunk. In both cases, asterisk rejects the call with a 420. In this case, it?s a call from x3992 to x4415 Does this require a change on the softphone for x-call-detail? <--- SIP read
2009 Nov 25
Questions about static
Using an Asterisk system running 1.2 with Aastra phones. Would be a cause of static for inbound/outbound and ext to ext calls? Its voip both in and out. We swapped, phones, cordes, switches etc?.. Typically a reboot of the phone resolves the problem?person also swears there is nothing on or near their desk to cause interference (microwave, cell phone is purse). Strange?? Thanks
2015 Mar 12
Realtime followme and channel variables
Followme is perfect to handle FMFM and it is now also realtime, but it seems impossible to assign some value to a variable, from within the followme to store info for example about the tenant the followme is running under, like instead happen for example in the queue with the setinterfacevar field. I just need to pass a variable from the channel placing the call to the followme to the channel
2010 Mar 05
Asterisk 1.4 Followme Question
I have a question related to FollowMe on Asterisk 1.4. Is there a way to force Asterisk to always leave VM on the forwarded extension's cell phone, as opposed to pulling the call back from the forward to cell and depositing in Asterisk voicemail? Thanks in Advance! -- *Cory J Andrews* 725 Powell Lane Lewiston, NY 14092 voice - 716.579.6331 email - ipcbcory at --------------
2016 Jun 29
SSH Closes Immediately After Opening
I used the latest version from here: On my other (Windows 10) machine (on which openssh works), I have cygwin installed, but if ssh was using cygwin, I wasn't aware of it. I just ran ssh from the command prompt. Wallace Forman 913-669-4453 On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 4:37 PM, ?ngel Gonz?lez <keisial at> wrote: > On 29/06/16 21:36,
2016 Jun 30
SSH Closes Immediately After Opening
On Wed, 29 Jun 2016, ?ngel Gonz?lez wrote: > On 29/06/16 22:57, Wallace Forman wrote: >> I used the latest version from here: >> >> >> >> On my other (Windows 10) machine (on which openssh works), I have cygwin >> installed, but if ssh was using cygwin, I wasn't aware of it. I just ran >> ssh from the
2002 May 23
PANIC: share_modes_identical
When 2.2.4 was released, I updated my cvs and did ./configure and make (no special options). Since I came in somewhat early today and nobody was around I did the make install. Everything ran fine until I tried to load a particular file and I'm receiving the following error and unable to open the file on a network share. If I place the file on a local drive it loads fine. Permissions and
2016 Jun 29
SSH Closes Immediately After Opening
Hmm... Perhaps not. Is something like cygwin required for it to work? Wallace Forman 913-669-4453 On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 2:48 PM, ?ngel Gonz?lez <keisial at> wrote: > On 29/06/16 18:24, Wallace Forman wrote: > >> Let me know if you have any suggestions how to solve my problem or at >> least >> to enable logging. Thanks! >> > Does the user that
2016 Jun 29
SSH Closes Immediately After Opening
Hello there, I am having trouble connecting to a ssh server installed with openssh recently. I have posted about the problem on Superuser, and I will repost a description of the issue below. If anyone here is able to rescue me from my deep well of ignorance, I will be very grateful. I'm trying to set up an ssh
2013 Feb 18
Cortar una cadena por un caracter solo cuando no forma parte de una subcadena entrecomillada
Hola, ¿qué tal? Tengo el siguiente problema. Me llegan (simplificando) cadenas del tipo 1,2,"algo"; 3,"cosa"; 4,2,3,7; y tengo que partirlas por el caracter ";" para meterlas en una lista. Lo hago con strsplit y no tengo problemas... ... hasta que recibo cadenas como 1,2,"algo;todo"; 3,"cosa"; 4,2,3,7; en las que existen puntos y coma
2009 Apr 24
plugin loading
I just updated from Rails 1.2.0 to Rails 2.3.2 and none of the app plugins seem to load. The server starts without any problems, but none of the plugin code is available. Help! -- Posted via
2003 Feb 23
2.2.7a logon script will not run
I just tried upgrading from 2.2.3 to 2.2.7a on my PDC (2.2.17 kernel). The logon script that I have been using all along without any problems quits executing w/ 2.2.7a. I can manually map the netlogon share after logging in and manually run the script and everything work fine. No error messages appear in the log files. My smb.conf file is included. Don't know quite where to go with this
2014 Sep 30
Clasificacion de individuos
Estimados apañeRos: La duda o propuesta que os voy a plantear es a la vez metodológica y relacionada con R. Me encuentro trabajando con tres variables que son el resultado de un computo de porcentajes. Me explico, se toma una muestra de n casos (unos 6.500 aprox) pertenecientes a i individuos (unos 230 aprox) en la que se comprueba si un determinado evento ha ocurrido o no, anotándose 1 en
2017 Jun 07
Color en líneas (ggplot2)
¡Hola! Espero que estén muy bien. Le he dado muchas vueltas a este asunto pero ggplot lleva ganada la batalla. Les consulto. Tengo un conjunto de datos longitudinales y se hicieron varios ajustes sobre ellos. Ahora, intento colocar las predicciones sobre el mismo gráfico con el código adjunto. Mi problema exacto es que quisiera que la leyenda, además del tipo de línea, pudiera mostrar el color
2016 Mar 30
Is there a way to detect/validate DHCP static IP assignment?
Hi, ?We have tens of networks(VLANs) in data center with a central Linux DHCP server. each network has their router to do the DHCP relay. So, the DHCP server's configuration files has tens 'subnet' statements. Because PXE booting is standard in whole data center, there are also thousands of static MAC-IP mapping 'host' statements in dhcp configuration. The big challenge with a
2014 Sep 30
Clasificacion de individuos
Hola Isidro: También había sopesado esa posibilidad pero por una parte me parecía "complicar" el proceso y por otra tengo mis dudas acerca de que en que el análisis cluster pueda prescindir de la hipótesis de Normalidad en las dos variables "raras" que tengo. De cualquier forma muchas gracias por tu idea. Un saludo {In Archive} RE: [R-es] Clasificacion de
2014 Sep 30
Clasificacion de individuos
En cualquier caso, para nada necesitas normalidad en las variables. De las distribuciones que presentas, y abundando en lo que te indica Olivier, ¿sería interesante considerar sólo 2 grupos (?normal? y ?enhorabuena?) en las variables 2 y 3? Todo esto sin saber de lo que estamos tratando, claro? XD Un saludo, Isidro De: Olivier Nuñez [mailto:onunez en] Enviado el: martes, 30 de
2016 Mar 31
Is there a way to detect/validate DHCP static IP assignment?
Hi tris, ?Many thanks, I'll give the perl script a try shortly.... Best,David On Thursday, March 31, 2016 6:00 AM, Tris Hoar <trishoar at> wrote: On 30/03/2016 18:08, David Copperfield wrote: > Hi, >? We have tens of networks(VLANs) in data center with a central Linux DHCP server. each network has their router to do the DHCP relay. So, the DHCP server's
2011 Jul 13
Extraer datos mensuales de una serie temporal
Hola a todos Estoy intentando extraer un subconjunto de datos de una serie temporal, concretamente quiero extraer los meses de verano de varios años pero no encuentro la manera. Los datos tienen este formato: FECHA;H_SOLAR;DIR_M;DIR_S;VEL_M;VEL_S;VEL_X;U;V;TEMP_M;HR;BAT;PRECIP;RAD;UVA;UVB;FOG;GRID;
2017 Jun 07
Color en líneas (ggplot2)
¡Gracias! Pero al hacerlo R se cae y aparece un "R session aborted"... :-\ ¿Habrá alguna manera manual? 2017-06-07 17:53 GMT-04:00 Carlos Ortega <cof en>: > Hola, > > Para este tipo de ajustes, vaya u otros sobre "ggplot2", este asistente > ayuda mucho a modificar y adaptar la mayor parte de los elementos que > forman un gráfico