similar to: strange issue with iptables + Asterisk

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "strange issue with iptables + Asterisk"

2004 Oct 19
Help with strange vertical line in plot
Hi, I'm ploting a portuguese map with "plot" but I'm getting a strange vertical line. To avoid posting binary files, I've rolled the data file, an R script and the resulted ps file in this tgz file Can someone give me an help on this ? Thanks EJ
2007 Oct 11
R260 cross-compilation
Hi, I'm trying to cross compile R260 in a ubuntu 6.06 linux. I downloaded the Makefile for 251 and simply replaced the R version by 260. However I'm getting an error about mingw. ernesto at gandalf:~/ipimar/devel/R/ccompile260$ make R export
2003 Jul 03
Hi I have a list with several data.frames, all with the same number of colunms but different number of rows, and I'd like to transform this list into a single dataframe. I need to mimic an rbind of all dataframes ... Transform doesn't seem to work :-( Thanks EJ -- Ernesto Jardim <ernesto at> Bi?logo Marinho/Marine Biologist IPIMAR - Instituto Nacional de Investiga??o
2004 May 25
RMySQL problem - SOLVED
Hi, The problem was the row.names that were sent to the database and created an primary key duplicate. Now it works fine. BTW congratulations for the package. It copied 15300 rows by 11 columns in less than 5 seconds, in my PIII 833 with 1 GB RAM. > system.time(dbWriteTable(con, "TBL_SIMDATA", TBL.SIMDATA, append = TRUE, row.names=F)) [1] 3.87 0.05 4.86 0.01 0.00 Just one
2000 Aug 18
cook's distance
Hi Where can I find information about the cook's distance that appears in the plot(lm.object) function ? Thanks ernesto -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ernesto.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 321 bytes Desc: Card for José Ernesto Jardim Url :
2002 Oct 10
Re: [R-gui] NEdit Highligth patterns for R
-----Forwarded Message----- > From: Ernesto Jardim <ernesto at> > To: Agustin Lobo <alobo at> > Subject: Re: [R-gui] NEdit Highligth patterns for R > Date: 10 Oct 2002 14:36:24 +0100 > > Hi > > You have to install the *.pats file. > > Use > > nedit -import R-5.1.pats > > then "save defaults". > > If
2003 Sep 08
New highlighting for NEdit 5.3
Hi, I've just put together a new R syntax highlighting file for Nedit 5.3. I've borrow the "base" functions of Jedit (thanks to Tobias Elze and Zed A. Shaw) so now NEdit highlights a little more than before :) You can download the file here: Just import it into NEdit with > nedit -import R-5.3.pats and save your
2003 Jan 24
memory problems
Hi I'm computing a bca interval using from the boot package. When I try to use this I get an error > library(boot) > boot(,boot.fishpower,2500,coef.vec=coeflm.vec)->blm8901 >,index=29) Error: cannot allocate vector of size 456729 Kb However my machine has 2GB of memory and without R running I only have 112M of memory used. Is there something
2013 Mar 04
Fwd: OpenVSwitch and libvirt integration problem at shutdown/reboot
Hi everyone, I'm forwarding this mail that I wrote to OpenVSwitch dev list because I think that you could maybe help me a little :-) What did you think about the patch to libvirt that I'm using?. At least, it worked for me :-) Thanks. Ernesto ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ernesto Domato <edomat at> Date: Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 2:09 PM Subject: OpenVSwitch
2003 Jan 23
Exporting graphics window
Hi I'm working on a remote computer with R (SuSE 8.1) and I want to do some ploting. Does anyone knows if it is possible to export the graphics window in to my display and how I can do it ? Thanks EJ -- Ernesto Jardim <ernesto at> Marine Biologist Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries Lisboa, Portugal Tel: +351 213 027 000 Fax: +351 213 015 948
2003 Jan 16
bootstraping lm
Hi I'm doing a bootstrap of a linear model using: boot.fishpower <- function(data, i){ data <- data[i,] fplm <- lm(log(U)~Q+S+P+B+D, data=data) fp <- coef(fplm) exp(fp) } > boot(,boot.fishpower,100) Error in "[<-"(*tmp*, r, , value = statistic(data, i[r, ], ...)) : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
2002 Oct 10
NEdit Highligth patterns for R
Hi I've just submitted to the NEdit development team a R highligth patterns for NEdit ( NEdit is a text editor for LINUX which I use to write small R functions. In my opinion is a very good tool for small scripts, maybe for huge projects is not the best. I'm attaching the R-5.1.pats file so you can try it. As usual contributions and comments are welcome. Regards EJ
2007 Jan 30
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi Im willing to update some stuff in the list policy page. thanks! ernesto - -- Ing. Ernesto P?rez Est?vez USA: + 1 404 795 0321 / Espa?a: +34 917617884 Ecuador: +593 2 3412402 / + 593 9 9246504 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with CentOS -
2003 Jun 05
scales in xyplot doesn't seem to work for x axis
Hi I'm doing a xyplot and I wand to reduce the number of tick marks in the x axis. My x axis are month and I want to reduce the 12 tick marks to 4. I used the scales argument but it doesn't seem to work, althougth it works on y axis if I use scales=list(tick.number=4).
2002 Oct 03
Strange behaviour of "image"
Hi I'm using "image" and got some strange results. When I define the color sequence as "col=gray(seq(0.95,0,-0.01))" or "col=gray(seq(0.94,0,-0.01))" I got an error Error in gray(level) : invalid gray level, must be in [0,1]. If I use 0.96 or 0.93 it works ... EJ ps: R 1.6.0 on SuSE Linux 8.0
2000 Mar 01
"is.qr" definition (PR#465)
Might it be possible to tighten the definition of "is.qr". I noticed that after I mistakenly typed example(lm) # make lm object named lm.D9 qr.Q(lm.D9) which exhausted the heap memory and produced two warning messages. As an object of class "lm" has a "qr" component, "is.qr" failed to detect that "lm.D9" was not a "qr" object. The
2012 Apr 15
[LLVMdev] Representing -ffast-math at the IR level
Hi, > I would love to see such detailed models if we have real use cases and people > interested in implementing them. > > However, today we have a feature in moderately widespread use, '-ffast-math'. > It's semantics may not be the ideal way to enable restricted, predictable > optimizations of floating point operations, but they are effective for a wide > range
2001 Apr 03
Importing from Splus (PR#891)
Full_Name: Ernesto Jardim Version: 1.2.2 OS: SuSE Linux 6.4 Submission from: (NULL) ( I wanted to import an array, dim=c(28,12,17), from splus into R.On splus I did dump(c("array"),file="dump.out) I checked and Splus could source it. Than, in R I tryied to source it with: source("dump.out") and got and error message: > source("dump.out")
2010 Feb 05
IPv6 name resolution problem
Hi, I'm trying to set up a small network over IPv6. It will have IPv4 too but the dhcp server may not work and Ubuntu (9.04) automatically configure a .local domain IPv6 addresses, so I must run the samba server and clients over IPv6. Only one machine will act as a server, but samba is up and running in all of them. The problem is that smbclient can't resolve the server's name, my
2011 Dec 10
Reboot problem with Apache
I have CentOS 6 and with webmin/virtualmin panel, and each time that I reboot Apache can't start: Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80 (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down I do: netstat -tulpn| grep :80 tcp 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN