similar to: Feature Request: "SayNumberFiles"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Feature Request: "SayNumberFiles""

2016 Oct 13
Match one OR two digit extension not working as expected without using "dangerous" _. pattern (Ast 14)
Back to basics here. I want to match on one OR two digits. The following two both work, but ONLY for more than one digit, which is not as expected from the docs (see below). exten => _X.,1,SayNumber(${EXTEN}) exten => _[0-9].,1,SayNumber(${EXTEN}) This next one will ONLY match 2 digits, as expected, but the first two SHOULD match one or more, right? exten => _XX,1,SayNumber(${EXTEN})
2007 Apr 16
copying base file rather than complete directory structure
I have a basic directory structure that I want to be able to copy in one of two ways. The base structure is /a/b/c under that structure I have /d/e and finally files 'f'. I create a list of the /d/e/f files and put them in a file and then use: rsync -auvP /a/b/c --files-from=myFileList targetBaseDir That works fine and I end up with /targetBaseDir/d/e/f Now what I also want to do is
2007 Aug 16
99 bottles of beer
; *99: ; 99 bottles of beer on the wall. exten => *99,1,Noop(99 Bottles of beer on the wall) exten => *99,n,Answer() exten => *99,n,Set(bottles=99) exten => *99,n(loop),Noop(There are ${bottles} bottles of beer on the wall) exten => *99,n,SayNumber(${bottles}) exten => *99,n,Noop(Take one done and pass it round and there's) exten =>
2012 Jul 23
file and on SayNumber() app
Hello, I use the SayNumber() with variable. for example the number 1234 - asterisk play the number without and. -- Executing [888 at from-internal:1] Set("SIP/103-0000035d", "LANGUAGE=en") in new stack -- Executing [888 at from-internal:2] SayNumber("SIP/103-0000035d", "1234") in new stack -- <SIP/103-0000035d> Playing
2011 Mar 08
[1.4] Reading phone number the French way?
Hello, I need to write a script which prompts the callee to type a number, and then read it back to them as confirmation: ======= extensions.conf [robocall] ;Expect 10-digit number excluding final #, 2 tries, 20s time-out exten => s,n(nbr2call),Read(NBR2CALL,please-type-number,10,,2,20) exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${NBR2CALL})} != 10]?end) ;exten => s,n,SayDigits(${NBR2CALL}) exten
2011 Mar 18
[Patch suggestion] Adding 3rd arg to tempfile() to set extension
The other day I was working on an example which used tempfile() to create file for use by the graphics device. And while I love tempfile()---as it is portable and clever and the files get cleaned by R and all that---I noticed one missing feature I would like to see: beside a starting name pattern, and an optional directory, an 'file extension' argument would be nice to have. As e.g. in
2004 Apr 19
One, två, tre, quatre, cinq ... International numbers in say.c * Support for other language syntaxes in saynumber Accidentally I opened this can of worms to see if we can add support for other language syntaxes for saying numbers. Seems like Swedish, english and norwegian follow the same syntax. I've integrated existing patches for french, danish and soon portuguese syntax. The steps we're
2000 Dec 20
unlink() is not synchronized with existing connections (PR#783)
> # creating a file > cat("sddfasdf", file="tempfile") > showConnections() class description mode text isopen can read can write > con <- file("tempfile", "r") > readLines(con) [1] "sddfasdf" Warning message: incomplete final line in: readLines(con, n, ok) > showConnections() class description mode text isopen
2003 Dec 14
Error loading modem driver
When I attempt to start asterisk with my modem setup listed it will not start attached are the error messages i get and also the modem.conf that i am currently using. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. running CVS ver 12/7/03, modified only to allow the RxFax and TxFax to compile and run with it (from just e-mail me privately if you need more info Thanks in
2010 Jun 17
tempfile problem
G'day all, The documentation for tempfile states : "The names are very likely to be unique among calls to tempfile in an R session and across simultaneous R sessions. The filenames are guaranteed not to be currently in use." My problem I think relates to the second part of the sentence, which is the guarantee... and it is being met ... but I need to save the files as .png files,
2017 Sep 08
file.copy(from=Directory, to=File) oddity
When I mistakenly use file.copy() with a directory for the 'from' argument and a non-directory for the 'to' and overwrite=TRUE, file.copy returns FALSE, meaning it could not do the copying. However, it also replaces the 'to' file with a zero-length file. dir.create( fromDir <- tempfile() ) cat(file = toFile <- tempfile(), "existing file\n")
2003 Jan 17
More info - S-Plus compatability
Dear all, Thanks to those of you who have replied, the majority of the comments pointed out that the error caused by scan may originate from another function, and closer inspection of the output from traceback() reveals that it is in fact the read.table function where the error is originating from the full output of which I have included below. The error msg I recieve is Error in
2006 May 30
Mongrel Bug
Mongrel''s tempfile generation on win32 is broken meaning large files can''t be uploaded. On line 198 of mongrel.rb (0.13.3) HttpRequest#initialize the tempfile function is called:       if clen &gt; Const::MAX_BODY         @body =         @body.binmode       else Unfortunately this also includes the module name as the example shows:
2020 May 30
2 SSL certificate issues
It's the top of chain CA cert, so browsers are being lazy and helpful to humans by (incorrectly, albeit) relying on the existing trust relationship. libcurl (et al) is not nearly as forgiving. On Sat, May 30, 2020 at 5:01 PM peter dalgaard <pdalgd at> wrote: > > Odd. Safari has no problem and says certificate expires August 16 2020, but I also see the download.file
2004 Apr 28
Asterisk goes international :-)
During the recent week, we've worked hard to add more of the contributed international support to Asterisk. A big step was taken yesterday when Mark added international support for saynumber() to CVS. We now have a first version of support for * Danish * German * English * Swedish * Norwegian * Portuguese * Italian * French All of these require that you add your own sound files. There are
2017 Apr 26
tempdir() may be deleted during long-running R session
On 26/04/2017 4:21 AM, Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>> <frederik at> >>>>>> on Tue, 25 Apr 2017 21:13:59 -0700 writes: > > > On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 02:41:58PM +0000, Cook, Malcolm wrote: > >> Might this combination serve the purpose: > >> * R session keeps an open handle on the tempdir it creates, >
2011 Mar 30
problem with png() and large dimensions on some 32-bit Windows machines
Hello, I encountered this: > png(file=tempfile(), width=1165, height=12983) Error in png(file = tempfile(), width = 1165, height = 12983) : unable to start png() device In addition: Warning messages: 1: In png(file = tempfile(), width = 1165, height = 12983) : Unable to allocate bitmap 2: In png(file = tempfile(), width = 1165, height = 12983) : opening device failed > On the
2006 Dec 08
Windows Tempfile Fix Plugin
Hi all, Yesterday, I had some problems reading JPG files in my tests. Turns out the problem was that Windows Ruby doesn't set it's Tempfile to work in binary mode. Since I deploy on Linux, that has never been a big problem, but now I'm working on some software that works with binary files exclusively. Anyway, I am making this fix available as a Rails plugin. The details can be
2006 Dec 08
Windows Tempfile Fix Plugin
Hi all, Yesterday, I had some problems reading JPG files in my tests. Turns out the problem was that Windows Ruby doesn't set it's Tempfile to work in binary mode. Since I deploy on Linux, that has never been a big problem, but now I'm working on some software that works with binary files exclusively. Anyway, I am making this fix available as a Rails plugin. The details can be
2010 Mar 13
Testing file upload (Sinatra, RSpec, Rack-Test)
Hi. I have a simple application and I want to add a file upload functionality. How can I write a spec? Here''s my try. # directory structure app: - controller.rb - controller.spec.rb - files: [] - fixtures: [test_file.png] # controller.spec.rb require ''rack/test'' require ''controller'' module MyHelpers def app Sinatra::Application end end