similar to: Trillian?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Trillian?"

2004 Jan 23
trouble with german special chars on smb shares
Setup: two Slackware9.1 boxen with Samba 3.0.1 (tried 2.2.x as well), where xerxes: is a file server and shodan: is the client on xerxes there are 3 shared vfats (the errors I am going to describe occur on ext2/3 in exactly the same way) When I do: dexter@xerxes:/mnt/f/smbtest$ touch Umlaute_??? I get: dexter@xerxes:/mnt/f/smbtest$ ls Umlaute_??? Just like it should. BUT: on the client
2007 Feb 14
UTF8 not working
Slackware 11.0, Samba 3.0.23c After two years absence from Samba I need to use it again. A week ago I switched my entire network to UTF8 which works fine locally, works fine via NFS. Now mounting the SMB shares german Umlauts are broken. "F?r alle ein Segen.mp3" becomes "F?r alle ein Segen.mp3" Server config: [global] display charset = UTF-8 workgroup =
2005 Feb 13
Wine 20050111 jeopardizes X on start
Hi, after upgrading to 20050111 I get this behaviour: X goes blank, monitor goes standby. After switching to console and back to X everything is fine and the wine app is running normally. I tried downgrading to the previous version (August 2004 or so) to find this behaviour stays. So I guess starting the 2005 built garbled some config entry which stayed in ~/.wine/config Any idea what to
2004 Mar 07
CIFS, fstab, credentials
Hi, I just installed CIFS support on my machines and must say it works much better than smbfs. special characters alright, transfer speed doubled (from 2.8MB/s to 5.6MB/s on 100MBit). There's two issues tho I haven't been able to root out: -credentials file: tried username=<username> and password=<password> in /etc/credfile, tried user=<username> to match the
2007 Nov 04
share without authentication - how?
Wanna share a dir to win clients so that they can just map it locally without providing any password or login or whatsover. So far I'm at: [foo] path = /mnt/foo guest ok = Yes security = share public = yes writable = yes force user = dexter Still won't work, asks for auth. -- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCS d--(+)@
2012 Nov 22
Lin/Win desktop/games rig with PEG pass-through
Hi all, I''m planning a rig that has SuSE linux in Dom0 and Windows7 in a DomU with the PCIe video card passed through to the Win7-U and an AMD system''s onboard video for the Linux system. Couple xen-newbie questions: does my plan work in such that I intend to have the onboard video''s DVI and the video card (at present an NV GTX-460) on the same monitor and switch
2005 Feb 14
save position of spawned windows?
When I run a windowed application, wine remmebers window size and position. So far, so good. When the running app however spawns a new window, it's always in the upper left corner and has default size - example: ACDSee when switching from browser to viewer mode. Can I make wine remember the spawned windows' geometry? Dex -- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCS d--(+)@
2004 Feb 01
list of values for charset parameters
I'd like to see a list of all possible values for "unix charset" - where can I get one? the examples in the man page are pretty dumb btw. what if I want Windows 1252? what is the option called? cp1252? windows1252? windows-1252? 1252? Dex -- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 FGCS d--(+)@ s-:+ a- C+++(++++) UL+>++++ P+>++ L+++>++++ E-- W++ N o? K- w--(---) !O
2003 Dec 15
ast-ax-snmpd release 0.3
Hi to all, today I have released the version 0.3 of ast-ax-snmpd. It is some code that adds the snmp subagent functionality to asterisk, using the ucd snmp framework and following the agentX standard. It has tested under debian woody, with specific version of ucd_snmp, so your mileage may vary. I am evaluating to transfer this effort under a more recent net-snmp umbrella, this could permit
2005 Jun 14
Trillian On Wine?
Has anyone been able to successfully run Trillian Pro 3.0 on Wine? I just tried today (admittedly, I'm VERY new to Wine) and it started to come up fine, but the Contact List window (which normally does a kind of fade into view thing) just kept moving down the screen back and forth and never rendering correctly. And the execution of the actual account sign-ons never happened, according
2002 Jan 31
Running Trillian freezes X
Hey all I've successfully installed and setup 'Trillian' from It's a consolidated Messenger app ( Yahoo + ICQ + AIM + MSN). It works about 99%. :) The 1% failure is in the 'Buddy list' window itself, and ONLY that window. Anytime I try to move it, it freezes my X. If I kill wine, and kill kdeinit, I can re-login, and try again. Only this window causes a
2011 Dec 07
Trillian stop working since last update
I logged on ubuntu 11.10 as i do everyday and did my apt-get upgrade as always, then a got an update for wine and some other linux stuff, i did em all, then i opened trillian avec some dialog box and pop up menu won't show up properly, it always worked fine, but now it's unusable. what can i do to help wine team to correct this bug ?
2002 Oct 17
newbie problem: can't mount win xp disk into linux (regkey is set)
Got two machines connected via a 10MBit Hub: One Slackware Linux 8.1 with eth0 = Realtek8139 (working fine), one WindowsXP Pro, same NIC, registry key for proper auth is set. The Windows machine is called xerxes on which the C dir is shared, and there is /mnt/xerxes/ on the Linux box. The command: # mount -t smbfs -o username=(username on win machine),password=(passwd on win # machine)
2013 Nov 23
[LLVMdev] GVN fails with bitcasts
Hi, i have the following code: define internal %"struct.dexter::ConditionConstant"* @_ZN6dexter18BinaryConditionAdd8evaluateEv5(%"class.dexter::BinaryConditionAdd"*) { entry: %1 = getelementptr inbounds %"class.dexter::BinaryConditionAdd"* %0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1 %2 = load %"class.dexter::BaseCondition"** %1, align 8 %3 = bitcast
2019 Jun 19
Running debuginfo-tests with Dexter
Hi llvm-dev@, There's been some renewed interest in integration tests for debuginfo, checking that debuggers interpret LLVMs output in the way we expect. Paul suggested a while back [0] that our (Sony's) Dexter [1] tool could be a useful driver for running debuginfo tests -- I'd like to ask whether people think this would be desirable course to take, and what the requirements for
2019 Oct 09
[RFC] Adopt Dexter and use it to run debuginfo-tests
Hi llvm-dev@, This is a proposal for LLVM to adopt Sony's Dexter tool [0], import it into the debuginfo-tests repo, and use it to run integration tests between debuggers and clang/llvms debuginfo. (Sony has approved donating Dexter to LLVM). Background ---------- The debuginfo-tests repo contains an integration test suite for debug data, which builds each test case from its source code
2020 Feb 25
How to help improve debug experience w/ optimizations enabled?
+ 1 to Paul’s suggestions. I’d add that if an open bug report isn’t assigned to anyone, you can assume it’s fair game. Feel free to assign a bug to yourself if you start working on it. To toss another idea out there, you might try picking a small .o and working backwards to figure out why location information in it is incorrect. This can reveal a different set of bugs compared to e.g. running
2009 Aug 19
[LLVMdev] Solaris (sparc) llc bugs
Hello. I have been trying to check, how llvm works on Solaris recently. First I have tested lli, whitch seems to execute the bytecode generated on Linux without any problems. However, llc has failed to generate valid SPARC assembler code even on the helloworld example. Here is the generated code: sakharov at trillian:~$ cat ./test.s .text .align 16 .globl main
2009 Jan 15
trainz 2004 rendering system failure
hi, I'm running mandriva 2008.1 with the latest nvidia drivers, with wine 1.1.12 when I start trainz i get Code: fixme:wgl:X11DRV_wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB unsupported 2004-9 WGL Attribute any help would be appreciated Filmore
2008 Jun 02
Burning DVD with upgrade of cdrtools for cdrecord
I am having problems burning DVD's from commandline. I was wondering if anyone else has had any luck using cdrecord-2.01 and cdrtools that is supposed to add DVD support? Thanks! -- Dexter -- Dexter Fitzgerald Stowers Systems Programmer I Systems Administrator Unix/Linux Systems 142 Freeman Hall College of Engineering and Sciences GSEC, GCIH, GCIA, RHCT, RHCE -------------- next part