similar to: Can't GOSUB_RESULT with Dial U() option ...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Can't GOSUB_RESULT with Dial U() option ..."

2011 May 05
ael context ~~s~~ in macros broke Dial() U() option in and newer
Hi, I think this must be a bug introduced with When I upgrade from asterisk- to asterisk- or, my AEL Dial() commands with the "U" options fail with the following error: [May 3 12:05:54] ERROR[6300] app_stack.c: Attempt to reach a non-existent destination for gosub: (Context:screen, Extension:s, Priority:1) Here are the segments
2010 May 18
About option U in Dial Ast version 1.6.2
Has any one used this? U(x[^arg[^...]]): x - Name of the subroutine to execute via Gosub arg - Arguments for the Gosub routine Execute via Gosub the routine <x> for the *called* channel before connecting to the calling channel. Arguments can be specified to the Gosub using '^' as a delimiter. The Gosub routine can set the variable ${GO
2009 Mar 06
GoSub & Queue
I have a caller screen queue setup. Basically a caller calls in, goes through a IVR, and before that caller is put into the queue, they get a sub ran on them first asking for them to say there name. That gets saved and they are entered into the queue using Queue(mainqueue,,,,300). In the queues.conf i have a list of members these are local/extension at external-default, there are two
2014 Dec 13
How to get BEEP BEEP BEEP when underline sends 486 Busy Here.
Hello There, I would like to play a busy tone (ie BEEP BEEP BEEP) when the underline carrier sends back 486 Busy Here. Looking at Dial parameters (, it mentioned something about the r parameter as not being very professional or something like that... Then there was: U(x): Executes, via gosub, routine x on the called channel. This is similar
2009 Apr 23
BLINDTRANSFER and SIP hardphones
Hi, When a SIP hardphone is transfering a call while ringing (caller and callee don't speak to each other) using phone's Transfer key, it seems BLINDTRANSFER remains empty. Though I can see a 302 MOVED TEMPORARILY message coming in. Is there a work around or something obvious I'm missing (it's the first time I'm playing with Dialplan transfert features. context mylocal {
2009 Mar 11
Are .call files working with extensions.ael ?
Hello, With an extensions.ael enabled system, I keep getting whatever I change into my "" file : [Mar 12 00:13:56] WARNING[2538]: pbx_spool.c:267 apply_outgoing: At least one of app or extension (or keyword message/pdu) must be specified, along with tech and dest in file /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ [Mar 12 00:13:56] WARNING[2538]: pbx_spool.c:457 scan_service:
2019 Oct 11
clarification on gosub, macros and AEL
I'm trying to clarify my understand of gosub, macros and AEL. My understanding is that macros using the Macro() application, which is defined in extensions.conf by: [macro-foo] ... and called in extensions.conf with exten => _9NXXNXXXXXX.,n,Macro(fastbusy) is deprecated in favour of Gosub(). True so far? But then there are "macro"s defined in extensions.ael: macro foo() {
2010 Aug 03
Dial() M parameter in
Hi, I can't figure out what syntax to use with the Dial() "M" parameter for the AEL parser to interpret properly. Creating an AEL macro named "macro-screen()" partly works as a hack, but it must not turn into a gosub properly, so I get warnings about the "return;". Dial(...,tgM(&screen)) with the ael macro named "screen" does not work
2008 Dec 02
Using Dial M option from extensions.ael [SOLVED]
2008/12/2 Philipp Kempgen <philipp.kempgen at> > Philipp Kempgen schrieb: > > Olivier schrieb: > > > >> How can you use Dial application M(x) option from extensions.ael ? > >> (As a reminder, this M(x) executes macro x when Dial called party > answers). > >> > >> It seems to me that asterisk keeps looking for this macro in >
2012 Oct 31
Asterisk 11 and stdexten written in AEL invoked by pbx_config
Almost two years ago, a change between how AEL code is built into Asterisk dialplan between minor versions made clear the need to provide a sane entry point into AEL subroutines and that's how AELSub() born. With Asterisk 11 release, they way [stdexten] at extensions.conf is invoked changed from Macro to Gosub using the 'missing context feature' and this caused that any stdexten
2010 Apr 02
Gosub replacement within AEL2 dialplans
Hello, When reloading a diaplan (asterisk 1.6.1.X), I can see in console : [Apr 2 09:02:00] WARNING[2217]: ael/pval.c:2522 check_pval_item: Warning: file /etc/asterisk/extensions.ael, line 621-621: application call to Gosub affects flow of control, and needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead! What is then the recommended substitution for Gosub() application
2010 Jul 23
application call to Gosub affects flow of control, and needs to be re-written using AEL
Hi, For some reason (outbound call tracking) I've got a few different outbound call process (using a macro for queuemetrics logging, or direct call) i wanted to factorise the routing process so i came up with something like the following. All in one it's working like expected, however every "ael reload" command trigger a lot of warning like that "application call
2008 Oct 06
AEL and swap from macros to contexts
Hi, according to discussion on asterisk IRC, where people said, that macros will be depracated, I tried to migrate from macros to contexts and Gosub but if I try to use gosub in extensions.ael, ael compiler complains, that I shouln't use Gosub app, but I can't find ael keyword, that will be Gosub equivalent, or can I ignore this ael warnings? thanks PJ LOG: lev:3 file:pval.c
2011 Nov 14
Asterisk 1.6 AEL Macro vs GoSub
Hi, I have recently run into the problem with macro implementation in AEL in Asterisk 1.6. I have some older AEL dialplan which runs on 1.4 but it does not on 1.6 and I'm not sure how to solve this correctly. Let me explain... For example, in Asterisk 1.4 I have a macro like this: macro read_digits(digits) { Set(playlist=${SHELL(${PYTHON} ${SCRIPTS}/
2013 Aug 08
queue member ackcall - cpuspikes
hi!, Asterisk Version: OS: CentOS release 5.3 (Final) uname: 2.6.18-128.el5PAE #1 SMP Wed Jan 21 11:19:46 EST 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux Application: Queue Specific Details: Obtain Acknowledgement from queue member before bridging the caller. Language: AEL Similar Example: Scenario: 1. User calls in a General Number
2009 Jul 09
1.6 macro deprecation, dial macros
I understand that standalone macros have been deprecated in 1.6 for gosub routines. I've been working on converting them all but was wondering about dial macros - it doesn't look like there's a replacement yet to call a gosub routine from the dial command. Or am I looking at this wrong? hose
2014 Jul 17
Problem with Read() ?
All, I have a weird situation here and haven't been able to turn up any useful information in searches, so I thought I'd post to the list. Essentially, I have a customer who wants us to forward some of their calls to various cell phones. Normally, I'd use FollowMe() for this (that's how most of our customers are set up.) However, this particular customer has some requirements
2008 Dec 17
ael queue gosub already has PBX structure??
Hello, I want that after client and queue member call would be established, cmd queue runs some 'procedures' . So I am using cmd Queue option 'gosub'. This is my example of ael : context QUEUE { _X. => { Ringing(); Wait(4); Answer(); Queue(${Queue},wr,,,60,,,check-record); Hangup(); }; }; macro check-record() {
2013 Feb 24
AEL Macro are evil :-)
I just discover an "hidden" problem with AEL macro I want to have your feedback. If you use a macro to dial out, like &dialout(${EXTEN}), the leg extension will became ~~~~s~~~~ and if it happens you transfer the call, that will be the callerid appearing on the other phone display. I am just rewriting all the dialplan getting rid of the macro and using gosub, even if asterisk is
2008 Dec 05
Gosubs broken since r160626 (1.6.0 SVN) ?
Hi all, I've just upgraded to latest 1.6.0 SVN from a few days ago and my Gosubs have stopped working. This is from the verbose logs: -- Executing [03333407271 at incoming-aaisp:4] GotoIf("IAX2/aaisp-3802", "1?5:7") in new stack -- Goto (incoming-aaisp,03333407271,5) -- Executing [03333407271 at incoming-aaisp:5] Gosub("IAX2/aaisp-3802",