similar to: StatusComplete is getting me sick !!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "StatusComplete is getting me sick !!"

2006 Jul 07
ASTCC: inuse flag still hangs!
I have patched astcc.agi with the HUP patch, but it still hangs from time to time. Asterisk SVN-branch-1.2-r25165M built by root @ vpbx on a x86_64 running Linux on 2006-05-07 00:31:09 UTC bye Ronald
2008 Aug 19
Help with Asterisk to Huawei SoftX3000 registry problem
Hello Asterisk People, I am having trouble connecting asterisk to a huawei SoftX3000 Switch, i can succesfully connect other softphones like Zoiper, but when it comes to Asterisk SIP Client, the system doesn't authenticate, i have the following configuration: peer: username: 4857768 password: 4857768 the configuration is as follows: in the general section: register =>
2009 Jun 28
BUG in Asterisk and issue in DAHDI
Starting playing with asterisk i found the following problems: In the cdr_pgsql, the sql statement is wrong: 2009-06-25 12:17:01 COT LOG: statement: INSERT INTO cdr
2008 Oct 26
No incoming audio on Dahdi channels (TDM410P)
A previous issue has popped up and once again I'm out of ideas. During the evenings it seems that the TDM channels will spike (dahdi_monitor) and will refuse to listen for audio of any type, this includes DTMF. The only resolution I know of is to stop Asterisk and restart the dahdi service, but that's not a solution. All channels look like this, even the FXS. [root at asterisk Hardware]#
2005 Jan 07
x100p to X-lite works but x-lite to x-lite not (can not transmit audio)
Hello People, I am a newbie asterisk and happy user, i have configured a x100p card and everything works nice, i can forward incoming connections to a x-lite software client and works out of the box, However when i try to make a connection between two x-lite clients then no audio is transmited, i have followed the instructions on, the tutorials on onlamp and i have read some
2019 Jan 02
Erratic local hostname resolution with Dnsmasq
Hi, My local server is running CentOS 7. The machine has two NICs and is acting as a gateway. For DHCP and DNS, I'm using Dnsmasq. I have a strange little problem with local hostname resolution. Before going into more details, here's my configuration. [root at nestor:~] # ifconfig enp2s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask
2004 Jan 31
asterisk php status viewer
since I was annoyed this morning, I wrote this simple php script to output channel status from asterisk manager. <disclaimer> that's very bad written, nor commented... I wrote that just for fun </disclaimer> and if someone will use that / improve it , just lemme know. (wrote with php 4.3.3 and depends on Event: StatusComplete, so a recent * cvs
2008 Oct 28
AMI - Status Event.
Hello All, I'am a new Asterisk user, and i have the following question. The following is the Status of all open channels from my Asterisk system, which was received through the Asterisk Manager Interface ((AMI)). ==================================================================== action: Status actionid: 65066874_3# Response: Success ActionID: 65066874_3# Message: Channel status will
2005 Aug 03
clara - memory limit
Dear all, I'm trying to estimate clusters from a very large dataset using clara but the program stops with a memory error. The (very simple) code and the error: mydata<-read.dbf(file="fnorsel_4px.dbf") my.clara.7k<-clara(mydata,k=7) >Error: cannot allocate vector of size 465108 Kb The dataset contains >3,000,000 rows and 15 columns. I'm using a windows computer
2006 Jan 20
Using same passwords as the linux machine
Hi, I would like to know how to enable samba to use the same user/passwords that those that exists in the linux machine. Best regards, Nestor Mata Cuthbert
2013 Jul 18
[Bug 10035] New: rsync hangs in solaris Summary: rsync hangs in solaris Product: rsync Version: 3.0.9 Platform: All OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P5 Component: core AssignedTo: wayned at ReportedBy: nestor.urquiza at QAContact:
2018 Mar 14
Squid + SquidGuard : static block page not working
Hi, I've been working with Squid + SquidGuard for a few years, though only on Slackware. I'm currently transferring my proxy expertise to CentOS 7, and right now I'm having a little problem with that. Squid works perfectly so far as a transparent HTTP + HTTPS cache proxy. The next step is to add SquidGuard, so I installed it and edited the most basic /etc/squid/squidGuard.conf file
2006 Mar 08
Degrees of freedom using Box.test()
After an RSiteSeach("Box.test") I found some discussion regarding the degrees of freedom in the computation of the Ljung-Box test using Box.test(), but did not find any posting about the proper degrees of freedom. Box.test() uses "lag=number" as the degrees of freedom. However, I believe the correct degrees of freedom should be "number-p-q" where p and q are
2018 Jun 25
Postfix, system notifications and local servers
Hi, I have CentOS 7 running on half a dozen public servers. For some stuff like automatic updates using yum-cron, I have Postfix installed with a relatively basic configuration. This allows me to send important notifications to my mail address info at When there's a batch of updates, I get one mail per machine, so I can check quickly if everything went OK without having to
2015 Feb 18
CentOS 7: software RAID 5 array with 4 disks and no spares?
Hi, I just replaced Slackware64 14.1 running on my office's HP Proliant Microserver with a fresh installation of CentOS 7. The server has 4 x 250 GB disks. Every disk is configured like this : * 200 MB /dev/sdX1 for /boot * 4 GB /dev/sdX2 for swap * 248 GB /dev/sdX3 for / There are supposed to be no spare devices. /boot and swap are all supposed to be assembled in RAID level 1 across
2007 Feb 22
Destroy a zombie sip channel
I am unable how to get a zomebie sip channel to hangup. I've tried the following in the manager but it doesn't work. Action: Status Response: Success Message: Channel status will follow Event: Status Privilege: Call Channel: SIP/2003-09e2bbe8<ZOMBIE> CallerID: 093611168 CallerIDName: <unknown> Account: State: Up Link: SIP/2003-09e719f0 Uniqueid: 1171346560.592 Event:
2004 Aug 06
I am new - how to set client
I am running apache server and listening to port 8000 I am reading the docs and I do not know how to get the client to listen. I have the serve running on 1 machine and when I access the site from the client machine all I get is the XML file and on top of the page it says: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown
2005 Apr 17
generalized linear mixed models - how to compare?
Dear all, I want to evaluate several generalized linear mixed models, including the null model, and select the best approximating one. I have tried glmmPQL (MASS library) and GLMM (lme4) to fit the models. Both result in similar parameter estimates but fairly different likelihood estimates. My questions: 1- Is it correct to calculate AIC for comparing my models, given that they use
2007 Sep 19
Smooth line in graph
Hi, I?m trying to get smooth curves connecting points in a plot using "spline" but I don?t get what I whant. Eg.: x<-1:5 y <- c(0.31, 0.45, 0.84, 0.43, 0.25) plot(x,y) lines(spline(x,y)) Creates a valley between the first and second points, then peaks at 3rd, and another valley between 4th and 5th. I?m trying to get a consistently growing curve up to the 3rth point and then a
2006 Apr 11
Variable not evaluating, returning nil object
There is probably a simple answer to this, but I''m fairly new to rails. Any idea why the variable "b" won''t evaluate on this line? <%=image_tag(thumbnail(items[b].catalognum, 192),:alt=>items[b].view_description,:border=>0)%> If I change it to: <%=image_tag(thumbnail(items[0].catalognum,