similar to: Problem w/ MySQL update from perl AGI script

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2003 Dec 31
AGI - IVR - Time Clock
I wanted to post the beginings of my latest IVR Project for an automated Time Clock software. The customer has over 300 Field Reps that call in everytime they arrive on location and whey they leave that location. This is handled by the receptionist now and she logs in them and out of there Time Clock Software. Which takes up majority of her day. The customer has requested a automated way of
2003 Nov 27
I need some help with some statements..... #!/usr/bin/perl use Asterisk::AGI; $AGI = new Asterisk::AGI; my %input = $AGI->ReadParse(); my $callerid = $input{'callerid'}; if ($optemp != 1) { my $empid = $AGI->get_data('employee',-1,5); $AGI->stream_file(entered); $AGI->say_digits($empid); my $optemp =
2004 Apr 18
AGI Module
Hey all, I'm sorry to bother you with something so trivial, but I seem to be having an issue with the Asterisk::AGI module. I am a relative newbie with Perl so it could be a stupid syntax mistake that I missed. It seems when I try to execute either the stream_file or the get_data subs nothing is actually done. It doesn't seem to stream the files, but on the console it says it played the
2004 Jun 02
Splicing audio clips into one stream
Is there a Linux tool that will splice several gsm sound clips together into one clip? In my agi script, I would like to use 'get_data' with one clip instead of multiple 'stream_file' so the user doesn't have to listen to the entire spiel before responding. Thanks, -- Michael Welter Introspect Telephony Corp. Denver, Colorado +1 303 674 2575
2008 Jul 23
Trouble Playing message file via Perl AGI
Hi all, I'm trying to build an IVR using the Perl AGI module at But, I'm having trouble getting my program to play a message and wait for a keystroke. I am able to use this code to play the file, so I know that the $msg variable points to a valid sound file: $result = $agi->exec("background $msg");
2004 Jan 20
Enter Pin followed by Pound key
Im trying to create a custom application via the AGI. I want to authenticate the users that dial in with a userid and pin. However, the number of digits in the PIN and userid are variable, and therefore I need to allow the user to "press enter" by hitting the pound key. How would I accomplish this in the AGI? stream_file doesnt seem to work, since it only allows one digit to be
2004 Sep 17
AGI Python Clear or Channel Failure?
Hi All, When I call the stream_file function all goes well if the user doesn't clear the call. But if I do clear the call (on the handset for example), I get the following exception: -- Channel 0/31, span 1 got hangup RESULT_LINE: 200 result=-1 endpos=28000 == Spawn extension (default, 600006, 1) exited non-zero on 'Zap/31-1'
2005 Jul 23
Lattice: reversing order of panel placement in conditional histograms
Hi R-people, I have a question about lattice in general, and histogram specfically. How do you control the ordering of factors that controls the placement of the conditional panels. I have a dataset with factors that go 'Q1','Q2',"Q3','Q5' and of course I want the plot to place Question Q1 at the top and Question Q5 at the bottom of the graphical output.
2007 Aug 28
deadagi and billsec or answeredtime
Hello, I want to create php rate script and I'm using Deadagi. But I allways get billsec 0 , or nothing. Can you help me to solve this problem... My extension.conf: exten => _123,1,DeadAgi(rate.php) exten => _123,2,hangup And my simple test php script rate.php #!/usr/local/bin/php -q <?php include_once (dirname(__FILE__)."/phpagi.php"); $AGI = new AGI();
2013 Oct 23
performance on document.get_data()
I got some performance issue for document.get_data() and enquire.get_mset(). It costs 35 seconds for matches = enquire.get_mset(0,200), and 3 seconds for iterating all doc in matches to get_data. Is't normal? My index contains 30millions documents. I use python binding to operate xapian. Bellow it's my index structure # value: 0:date, 1:site # data: json message which contains: author,
2010 Jun 14
xtable with Sweave
Hi, I'm using Sweave to prepare a descriptive report. Are at least 20 tables built with xtable command of kind: <<echo=F, results=hide>>= q5 = factor(Q5, label=c("N?o", "Sim")) ( = cbind(table(q5))) @ <<echo=F, results=tex>>= xtable(, align="l|c", caption.placement = "top", table.placement='H') @ I'm
2013 Jun 11
a title on the map (function gvisGeoChart package googleVis )
Hi I am using the package googleVis and the function gvisGeoChart Is it possible to put a title on the map ? Here is the call of the function : library(googleVis) G1 <- gvisGeoChart(PaysProjets, locationvar=''Pays'', colorvar=''NbProj'', options=list( region= "world", displayMode="regions", height=347*1.5, width= 556*1.5 )) plot(G1) Thank
2011 Sep 01
[PATCH 5/5] resample: Add NEON optimized inner_product_single for floating point
From: Jyri Sarha <jsarha at> Also adds inline asm implementations of WORD2INT(x) macro for fixed and floating point. --- libspeex/resample_neon.h | 101 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) diff --git a/libspeex/resample_neon.h b/libspeex/resample_neon.h index ba93e41..e7e981e 100644 --- a/libspeex/resample_neon.h +++
2013 May 21
[PATCH] 02-
- Use MAC16_16 macros instead of (sum += a*b) and unroll a loop by 2. It increase performance when using optimized macros (ex: ARMv5E). A possible side effect of loop unroll is that i don't check for odd length here. - Add NEON version of FIR filter and autocorr -- Aur?lien Zanelli Parrot SA 174, quai de Jemmapes 75010 Paris France -------------- next part -------------- diff --git
2012 Feb 17
DatabaseModifiedError on get_data - best practice?
Hi, I have previously had a problem with getting this error on a get_mset call, and solved it by subclassing XapianEnquire with a backoff-and-retry algorithm (as suggested by this list, many thanks!). However, I now get it intermittently when calling get_data on a XapianDocument. The same solution doesn't seem to be quite as easy in this case, because: 1. The document is not instantiated
2013 May 21
[PATCH] 02-Add CELT filter optimizations
Please ignore my previous mail and patch, there is a new version :). Patch changes are: - Use MAC16_16 macros instead of (sum += a*b) and unroll a loop by 2. It increase performance when using optimized macros (ex: ARMv5E). A possible side effect of loop unroll is that i don't check for odd length here. - Add NEON version of FIR filter and autocorr - Add a section in autoconf in order to
2005 Oct 05
Caching DTMF tones for get_data AGI?
I'm using get_data in an AGI script and am having a problem when, after a long time in my IVR, when I ask for a 10-digit phone number, the first few tries are always invalid -- the number it reads back is very strange, almost like the DTMF tones from other answers were being cached and then dumped on the call to get_data. Anyone ever experienced this before? I have to do some major
2014 Aug 07
agi get_data noanswer
Hi Guys.. I am making an anoucement machine that is not allowed to "answer" the call due to a billing issue. I found that Playback with "noanwser" is usefull in this case. $AGI->exec('Playback',"$message","noanswer")} But when i request some values to the user with get_data, i think there is an answer anywere. Is there a way to get_data
2008 Feb 01
the "union" of several data frame rows
Hi, I have a question about how to obtain the union of several data frame rows. I'm trying to create a common key for several tests composed of different items. Here is a small scale version of the problem. These are keys for 4 different tests, not all mutually exclusive: id q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 1 A C 2 B D 3 A D B 4 C D B D I would like
2009 Mar 01
php agi and get_data errors.
Hallo, I'm using a self-made script to get the code a user enters on my applications. Sadly, the code doesn't work, i push the digits, but the result is always an empty data. (code=200, result=1, data= ''). Here is the code: set_time_limit(99999999999999); require('phpagi.php'); $agi = new AGI(); $agi->answer(); function printdebug($a) { global $agi;