similar to: Asterisk TV is about to go live

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Asterisk TV is about to go live"

2007 Jul 04
Asterisk TV will go live this Friday
In conjunction with Mark Spencer's visit to our Paris office, we'll be kicking off Asterisk TV ( live during the weekls Asterisk Users Conference. I believe someone from Lumenvox will be back with us on the conference, now that I've had a chance to play with their speech recognition product. I think we're starting to get some great info from the user
2008 Feb 13
Friday Feb 15th @ 12 Noon EST: VoIP Users Conference welcomes Lumenvox
This Friday, February 15th, at 12 Noon EST, 9AM PST, 17:00 UTC, Lumenvox will be joining us on the VoIP Users Conference. This week, the last in a series about IVR, Lumenvox will be there to discuss and field your questions on their speech recognition solutions. - for info on the conference, how to connect, etc IRC #voip-users-conference - to
2007 Apr 25
Asterisk Users Conference Friday 12:30 PM EDT
AUC is Friday at 12:30 PM EDT. See Hi, One of our guests this week will be Jay Phillips to tell us about Adhearsion. Haven't heard about the open-source Adhearsion? Look here: Be with us to ask Jay questions. If you can't be there, download the recorded version (including last week's chat with Mark Spencer) here:
2007 Jun 22
Friday June 22@12:30PM EDT Asterisk Users Conference
Hi, Quick reminder that the conference is happening today at 12:30 PM EDT. I'd like to talk more about updating to 1.4. I now have a test box running asterisk 1.4.5, CentOS 5 and Lumenvox speech rec software. Seems to be fine except for some double NAT issues that could be router specific. Byran Johns from Shelton-Johns is our guest to share some of his extensive experience. More about him
2007 Jul 27
Asterisk Users Conference Friday at 12:30 PM EDT
You can listen or join the Asterisk Users Conference Fridays at 12:30 PM EDT Today's subject suggestions: FAX capabilities, what's your solution? Multiple asterisk server implimentation: ENUM, DUNDI or even two servers connected Your subjects? Share your ideas, ask your questions! See for instructions on how to join or listen
2007 Jul 27
Asterisk Users Conference Friday at 12:30 PM, EDT
> You can listen or join the Asterisk Users Conference Fridays at 12:30 PM > EDT > > Today's subject suggestions: > > FAX capabilities, what's your solution? > Multiple asterisk server implimentation: ENUM, DUNDI or even two servers > connected > Your subjects? > > Share your ideas, ask your questions! > > See for instructions on
2009 Jul 23
Friday 2009-07-24 12:00 EDT: Voxeo Labs on VoIP Users Conference
Hi all, You may have heard yesterday that Adhearsion and Voxeo have created a new baby, Voxeo Labs. From our (non-biz) point of view, I'd recommend following the blogs: to see how what they do might be of interest to you and your asterisk/voip activities, commercial or private. Since I myself know little about what this all means, I've invited a lot of bright
2010 Oct 28
Adhearsion 1.0 - Now Showing
Thanks to the hard work of many people in the Adhearsion community, I am pleased to be able to announce the immediate availability of Adhearsion version 1.0. Since Jay Phillips first began work on the project in 2006 Adhearsion has changed the way developers think about telephony applications. Now with several years of operating experience and multitudes of applications deployed to production,
2011 Feb 23
Adhearsion 1.0.1 Released
The Adhearsion team announces the release of Adhearsion version 1.0.1. Adhearsion is an open source Ruby-language framework for creating telephony applications. This update primarily addresses compatibility with newer versions of other software but also adds native support for Bundler to newly created Adhearsion applications. Here are some highlights from the changelog: Handling of new Asterisk
2007 Dec 03
Adhearsion Install Fails.
Not strictly an Asterisk question. I've tried to install adhearsion on TWO relatively fresh CentOS 5.x systems, and I get this... [root at localhost rubygems-0.9.5]# gem install adhearsion Bulk updating Gem source index for: ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::ENOENT) No such file or directory - /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/adhearsion-0.7.7/bin/ahn The
2009 Aug 04
3 undefined symbol: ast_speech_register
Hi Guys I am new working with lumenvox products, and unfortunately I had not been able to install it properly, I follow the steps in lumenvox site and it looks like it works I mean: ========================================================= [root at pbx-millenium examples]# ./example Connecting to Interpretation 1: 8587070707 count=0, decode returns 1 Interpretation 1:
2011 Nov 25
Install Adhearsion on Debian
Hi, I'm giving Adhearsion a try on a Debian Squeeze. I read here ( that the command "sudo gem install adhearsion" should "automatically add the ahn command to your system". On mine I can't run ahn without specifying full path (/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/ahn). Did I miss something ? Regards -------------- next
2011 Nov 25
Install Adhearsion on Debian [SOLVED]
2011/11/25 Olivier <oza_4h07 at> > > > 2011/11/25 John Knight <john at> > >> Was your PATH variable modified to add /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin perhaps? >> > > No I didn't. > I would have thought that rubygems installation should car of this (adding > installed gems into users paths). > As I'm new to Ruby, I
2007 Apr 20
Friday April 20th Asterisk Users Conference at 12:30PM EDT
Hello again, Mark Spencer will be joining us for questions on at least one of these conferences (we've discussed this and he is definitely onboard with the concept), but his schedule is such that we can't *promise* he'll be there this week. I haven't heard back from him about today, but I'll try to call him right before the conf to remind him. Mark's very busy, so thanks
2009 Oct 18
Asterisk+Sphinx4 for simple mobile phone <-> server speech recognition
Hello! I need to: 1) call special number (or run special application) on mobile phone 2) establish connection between mobile phone and server 3) allow server to recognize spoken numbers (Polish language) and some other control words 4) let the server to say some short answers (prerecorded in mp3) according to some algorithm and recognized words 5) let the server to save little text file on its
2009 Jun 11
Expand a contingency table based on the value in one column
Hi R-helpers, I have the following (dummy) dataframe: > test DATE LOCATION KIND CLASS COUNT 1 1 1 CAR A 2 2 1 1 TRUCK D 3 3 1 1 BUS E 4 4 1 2 CAR E 2 5 1 2 TRUCK A 7 6 1 2 BUS F 1 That I would like to turn into this: > test2 DATE LOCATION KIND CLASS 1 1 1
2006 Jun 01
find not working properly
here is the input view [code] <form method="post" action="found"> <br> <b>Find by</b><br/> <b>Vehicle Number:</b><br/> <input id="truck_vehicleID" name="truck[vehicleID]" size="20" type="number" value=""/><br/> </p> <%= link_to "Find", :action
2015 Apr 27
Asterisk proxying a REFER
Hello, we are using Asterisk with Adhearsion as our application server, with another Asterisk box acting as the office PBX, where all office phones are registered. A REFER to transfer calls within the office results in the Adhearsion application call being dropped, because the leg between the PBX and the app server is terminated by the PBX following the REFER. Is there a way to configure
2015 May 04
Asterisk proxying a REFER
-- Luca Pradovera luca.pradovera at Hello, sorry, I managed to lose the reply amidst the traffic. What we have here is our application server APP with leg A in AsyncAGI in an Adhearsion application, which after some magic dials leg B on the office PBX through a configured peer. Leg B then decides that user C knows more about the subject, and initiates a blind transfer to C?s phone
2008 Jun 04
Lumenvox - Gentoo
Is anyone running Lumenvox on Gentoo? My asterisk install has been running like a champ for a few years now and I really hate the thoughts of changing distros just for Lumenvox. Here is my issue: The engine needs the libs from boost. I emerged boost and noticed that there were four libs that the engine were looking for that were not installed via portage.