similar to: astdb entry in sip.conf

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "astdb entry in sip.conf"

2008 Jan 02
How to stop the update of astdb?
Hello everybody, I am not using astdb (no func_db and app_db) so I am wondering why asterisk is always updating it. The interval of the update is not constant. Using lsof, I noted the intervals are somewhere between 1 minute to 12 minutes. The output of lsof says that asterisk, atd and crond processes were just active, just after the hard disk changed the state from standby to active/idle. I
2009 Feb 24
astdb and Debian : can't use db4.5_dump
Hi, On Lenny, I typed "apt-get install db4.5-util " then (as root) : # db4.5_dump /var/lib/asterisk/astdb db4.5_dump: /var/lib/asterisk/astdb: unexpected file type or format db4.5_dump: open: /var/lib/asterisk/astdb: Invalid argument # file /var/lib/asterisk/astdb /var/lib/asterisk/astdb: Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86 (Btree, version 3, native byte-order) Is db4.5_dump appropriate to dump an
2006 Mar 30
Reload astdb?
Is there any way to get Asterisk to reload the /var/lib/asterisk/astdb file? It seems to only read it on startup. Thanks.
2009 Jan 24
Reading/Writing the Astdb
All; I have a question regarding the Astdb. When reading more than a few values, it can take quite a while to grab several values in the astdb using say, asterisk -rx "database show" > output.txt and work with that and then set a new value such as asterisk -rx "database put $key $value". The whole process can take over 1 second for EACH ENTRY which adds up for more than a
2018 Nov 30
Asterisk non-root - selinux - astdb
Hi I'm trying to use Asterisk running as non-root user and selinux enabled. Asterisk is running ok, but astdb not works. When i try to put in astdb, console shows this message: WARNING[1853]: db.c:350 ast_db_put: Couldn't execute statment: SQL logic error or missing database CentOS 7.5.1804 Asterisk certified/13.21-cert3 [root at sv03 asterisk]# ls -lahZ /var/lib/asterisk/astdb.sqlite3
2010 Jan 27
Hi, all What is the use of astdb? Is it used to store realtime values like sip etc. Regards, Bhrugu Mehta -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Mar 08
replace astdb with a cluster-capable sql database engine
I've been searching the Internet for information regarding the replacement of astdb with a modern sql engine. There are several reasons one would like to do this. First of all, external applications have a hard time reading/writing to the now-old astdb format. Also (and this is what interests me most), the sql astdb could easily be clustered throughout several servers (I'm looking for a
2006 Mar 03
Does an entry in AstDB stay after reboot?
I set up a call forwarding script in extensions.conf which uses the AstDB but I'm wondering if I reboot the server, will the entry in AstDB still reside? What the script does is when a call comes in, it check to see if there is a null value or a call forward number. If null, it will call the local office connections. If there is a number, it calls that. Now I just need to know if I reboot
2011 Nov 20
Deleting AstDB family at start
Is it possible to delete the keys belonging to a family in AstDB at Asterisk startup? I would like to repopulate it from another source each time Asterisk is restarted. I know there is a DBdeltree(<family>) function. Is there a context that only runs once (automatically) at Asterisk startup (so that I can call this function)? Also is AstDB lookup faster than a func_odbc lookup? Is there a
2003 Aug 08
UNIX command-line interaction with astdb
I'm wondering if there is any command-line interface available for working with values stored in astdb. Of course, I can run "asterisk -rx "database show" " or other commands like that, but I was hoping for a local command that would allow manipulation or output in some other form. Is astdb in a standard db format? JT
2017 Mar 22
Large astDB - millions of tuples - issues?
Hi all, Does anyone uses astDB for a large amount of data, in special for implementing black lists with millions of numbers (i'd like about 2 or 3 million)? That would be held in memory right? Is this (memory consumption) the only problem I could face? Att. Gabriel -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Sep 08
Pointers to replace astdb
Hi listers, We want to implement one call center with asterisk. The idea is it should be scalable, with openser as an dispatcher and bunch of asterisk servers to do ACD, Queues, Agents things... Easy to say :( Look closely to the current asterisk, we do see some problem: - SIP registrations was stored in astdb. - And queue members also was stored in astdb. - ... asterisk was built as
2010 Dec 27
Queue Member relationship and AstDB
I need clarification on couple of issues of Realtime Queue. It seems that when Agents(Memebers) are added using AddQueueMember, Asterisk puts this Queue-Member relationship information into AstDB, So that on asterisk restart this can be preserved. My question is, why does asterisk not store call information for Queue (holdtime, talktime, W, C, A, SL%) in AstDB, So that it can also be retained
2007 May 14
How to write data to astdb?
Hello, I'm trying to fill CID data into the astdb using AsteriskWin32's asterisk.exe, to no avail: The batch file stops after the first line, and just waits: ---------------------------------------- rem c:\cygroot\mystuff>import.bat rem rem c:\cygroot\mystuff>C:\cygroot\bin\asterisk.exe -rx 'database put cidname 123 "My cellphone"' rem rem Asterisk module
2009 Feb 16
AstDB wildard searches
Hi All, I'm looking for a way to filter the AstDB cidname family to show only those entries with a specified area code in the Asterisk CLI. If this were a SQL database it would be something like: SELECT number, name FROM cidname WHERE number LIKE '1234%' I've tried "database show cidname 1234*" and substituted "%", "$", "-" for the wildcard
2008 Aug 15
AstDB/Berkely DB - Hash function? Balanced-Tree? b-Tree? Linked List?
Does anyone know enough about the implementation of AstDB to know whether the data structure is a Hash function, a Balanced-Tree, a b-Tree, or a Linked List? I'm trying to estimate the lookup 'cost' of a AstDB with around 160,000 keys? Obviously I already know that it WILL WORK, but the question is whether the data structure is optimal in the Berkeley DB AS IMPLEMENTED in Asterisk.
2020 Jul 08
Redis in place of astdb
Hi, Does anyone know of any projects that would allow you to use Redis in place of AstDB? By in place of I don't mean for what Asterisk needs but to store values. For instance for CNAM currently we need to use an AGI to connect to redis to pull CNAM. So in place of: Set(CALLERID(name)=${DB(CNAM/${CALLERID(num)})} it would be done with redis for example:
2013 Sep 19
AstDB Partial Replication?
Is anyone aware of a way to replicate parts of the AstDB to another Asterisk install? For example, to export all CF entries on a FreePBX based system to another system running FreePBX, I might do: asterisk -rx 'database show' | grep CF This gives me a list of data, which I can rsync to another host to reimport using 'database put'. BUT, the problem comes in when I want to sync
2010 May 11
conf files vs astdb
Hi all, Could someone please tell me what is the relative "cost" in using conf files oppose to the astdb? Basically I need to match a name to a phone number in order to have all users registered by name and not by number (which I understood is not a good practice). I have 2000 users and a complex dial-plan and server resources become an issue. I could implement this via a context in my
2009 May 27
AstDB wildcards
Hi All, I need to use partial matches on the CIDNAME family I have stored in AstDB. For example, an organisation might have several numbers with the same area code and the same first few digits: 1234 567890 1234 567889 1234 567824 ... I'd like to store these (e.g.) as CIDNAME/12345678* (where "*" is a wildcard) so that I can retrieve the organisation name from