similar to: upgrading rails to 1.2.2 giving me mongrel errors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "upgrading rails to 1.2.2 giving me mongrel errors"

2007 Jan 24
Ferret problems with Rails 1.2.1
Hi, I''ve just updated rails from 1.1.6 to 1.2.1 and I''m getting the following errors whenever I load a page that uses a class that uses ferret. I have ferret 0.10.13 and acts_as_ferret. They were working fine before the upgrade. #<NameError: cannot remove Object::WildcardQuery>
2006 Dec 08
Using custom stem analyzer giving mongrel errors
I''m using the custom stem analyzer: require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret module Ferret::Analysis class FerretAnalyzer def initialize(stop_words = FULL_ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) @stop_words = stop_words end def token_stream(field, text),
2008 May 18
When should you restart a ruby server?
Hello everyone, While walking through AWDWR, Task D: Add a Dash of AJAX, I was initially unable to let the AJAX magic work. Hitting the Add to Cart button doesn''t yield to any output on its own; I had to manually refresh the pages to witness the change. But when I tried to restart the ruby server, and load the application again, everything worked fine. Any explanations to behavior
2008 Aug 26
upload_column NoMethodError
Hi all, I''m using uploadcolumn plugin for file uploading. Followed the README file. Put "upload_column :src_file" in my model file as instructed, and i got this NoMethodError for the upload_column. This is the full trace: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.1.0/lib/active_record/base.rb:1667:in `method_missing'' app/models/speech.rb:2
2006 Nov 20
RMagick load problems?
I have a page (model: daily_progress_chart) that uses RMagick and ImageMagick to create a chart using RVG. A few days ago (after some updates to Rails), this chart stopped working on both my development machine (MacBook Pro) and the production server (Gentoo Linux). I get the following error messages. I am totally lost, but I assume that there is a problem with RMagick. Any ideas anyone? On
2008 May 07
I am just learning some about web service. But many guys still use Java (Jws). But I wanna try ROR. There are less information about it. I can''t get install plugin in the ROR 2.0.x. So I followed the standard textbook("Agile_Web_Development_With_Rails-2nd" and "Ruby on Rails for PHP and Java Developers") I almost finished it. However, I can''t find my api
2008 Aug 26
Rails deployment issue... no such file or directory - getcwd? huh?
Everything works fine locally but when I deploy I get this: Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory - getcwd): /vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/../../activesupport/lib/ active_support/dependencies.rb:78:in `expand_path'' /vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/../../activesupport/lib/ active_support/dependencies.rb:78:in `require_or_load''
2007 Oct 24
NameError in CustomersController#index
I''m new to Rails. I finished the Cookbook tut. no problem. I''m trying to start a project of my own, follow the same instructions but the difference is I created the database myself. After I create the scaffolds and try them out I get this error NameError in CustomersController#index uninitialized constant Customer RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace |
2007 Jun 21
Error when trying to run expense program
Guys, I m trying to get up to speed on Rails via the Apple tutorial at: Problem is when I try and access localhost:3000/expenses I get the following error. It may be a breeze for you to figure out but since I dont know jack about rails it seems cryptic to me. Application.rb seems to be very similar to the database.yml file. I''m running
2007 Oct 27
problems with ''localization simplified''
Hi you all! I''ve got Mongrel saying this when I use the localization simplified plug-in: any idea? ** Loading any Rails specific GemPlugins Exiting /opt/local/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/rubygems/source_index.rb:92:in `load_specification'': /Users/stratboy/Documents/05_SAMPLES/RAILS/newser/vendor/plugins/l10n-simplified-0.8/lib/localization_simplified.rb:13:in `gsub!'':
2008 Dec 20
IMAP_Authenticatable Problem
Good morning all, I''ve been using the imap_authenticatable plugin for about a year now without incident. All of a sudden, I tried logging in this morning and this error is showing up in the logs. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this or how to fix it? Thanks, Pete NoMethodError (undefined method `disconnect'' for nil:NilClass):
2007 Jul 19
NoMethodError in partial driving me mad
Hello, i simplified have a news model, a news category model and a news controller. my _news.rhtml partial renders a single news entry. in my controller there are the actions show and show_category. if the "show" action is called, a single news item is rendered through my partial with no errors. if the "show_category" action is called, i get a NoMethodError while displaying
2007 Mar 18
mongrel timing out
I am not sure when it exactly occurred but I have 2 servers I am about to migrate to apache+mongrel from lighty+fastcgi oddly, both my servers seemed to have died at the same time everytime I restart within a 24 hr period ( I don''t know when, my logs don''t show it ). Can someone please point me in the direction of what I need to do to trace the cause of this. Or what you would
2008 Apr 13
Brand new to rails: can't get databases to work
Just starting to learn rails. All is going well, until I tried to hook up a database. "undefined method `model'' for ZingerController:Class" is the message I get from the server. I imagine I''ve left something out that is keeping me from connecting to the database, but I''m not exactly sure what. Your help is appreciated. bests, -rsr- session dump:
2007 Jan 31
GET request works via curl, crashes from Java
[That subject line is of course a severe truncation!] I''ve got a REST request that works fine from curl but causes a mongrel error when executed from a Java program. This all worked with fine with rails 1.1.6 and webrick. I''m trying to update the app to rails 1.2.1 (I need working around_filters). I''m running in development mode with mongrel 1.01 running on macosx
2007 Nov 15
Link_to popup divorced from controller?
Here''s my case: Using a link_to popup window to show a related help file of an element on a page. The problem: Window pops up perfectly, but refuses to carryover @instance variables in the controller that I referenced in the link_to command. The tests: - I have the right controller/class, because it renders a specific template, which is what it does. - I have the right template/view,
2007 Jun 15
404 Error in any controller/action on Media Temple
Hi everybody. I''m a newbie on RoR. I have some experiencie developing in PHP or Java, but I''m just starting with RoR. A few days ago I signed up to the (gs) Grid Service on Media Temple. This is my very first experience deplying RoR on a production enviroment. Until now I just used the WebRick server on developement. Well, the problem I''m having is that after
2008 Feb 04
Hello World: uninitialized constant ApplicationController
Have the Wrox guide, but still having problems getting my hello world to run (very frustrating! ;-) Installed latest InstantRails package for Windows (XP). Thank you so much for helping!! Dirk After creating the project directories, I created my \app\controllers\greeting_controller.rb file: class GreetingController < ApplicationController def greeting end end Then put in my
2006 Jul 20
Why don''t I get 404s?
When I go to a missing page in my rails app, I get the 500.html page, and this in my log output: no route found to match "/asdasd" with {:method=>:get} ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/ routing.rb:1057:in `recognize_path'' ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/ routing.rb:1047:in `recognize''
2008 Mar 11
ActionController::NotImplemented (Only requests are allowed.)
We have a bunch of strange entries in our error log, and don''t know exactly what they mean: The errors are as follows ActionController::NotImplemented (Only requests are allowed.): /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.0.2/lib/action_controller/ routing.rb:1437:in `recognize_path'' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.0.2/lib/action_controller/ routing.rb:1424:in