similar to: hddtemp package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "hddtemp package"

2005 Mar 30
RHEL Un question
Please excuse my ignorance, since I have not used any RedHat (enterprise or otherwise) until Fedora FC3 (a few weeks) and now CentOS4 (permanently). I keep finding references to Un (I believe it's up to U5 now) in references to bugfixes, etc for RHEL. I presume (?) these are dot releases after the initial release? Is there anything equivalent for CentOS, or is this RedHat only behavior? TIA,
2005 Apr 02
CentOS4 Loop at shutdown
Has anyone else encountered a loop and failure to shutdown on CentOS4? This has occurred twice in the past month, but unfortunately I failed to write down the looping messages. The only relevant problems I found via Google reference raid controllers, and I have POI (plain ol' IDE). Doh! Obviously I wuill need to record the errors. My environment is run-level 5 with GDM, but I use IceWm
2005 Apr 02
CentOS4 laptop touchpad erratic operation
I've just put up CentOS4 on my HP ze4630us laptop, and the installation produced only two problems of note, both related to X operations. 1. The installer refused to allow 1024x768 resoultion for the screen. After install, manually setting the resolution in xorg.conf was no problem. 2. Erratic touchpad operation. This unit has a synaptic touchpad. I've also noted similar problems on my
2005 May 06
shutdown and console messges
Just a minor irritation. 1. When I shutdown from the GDM menu, most of the time the screen goes black and none of the "stopping..." messages are visible until just about the time the mounted filesystems are shutdown, about three lines before acpi poweroff. 2. Always when I shutdown from my desktop manager (IceWm in my case), I get all the messages immediately. Once in a blue moon, this
2005 Mar 31
firefox-1.0.2-1.4.1.centos4 unstable?
Has anyone else noticed that firefox is less stable after the recent security update? I'm getting several occurrences per day of "just goes poof," i.e. probably seg fault. -- Collins When I saw the Iraqi people voting three weeks ago, 8 million of them, it was the start of a new Arab world.... The Berlin Wall has fallen. - Lebanese Druze leader Walid
2005 Apr 03
<OT> RedHat support
As a parallel question to my thread about CentOS for commercial use, here's a question I've been wondering about. How many of you who have RHEL licenses and paid support licenses have ever needed actually to request support? And if you did was the support any bit more timely or accurate than community support for CentOS or other distros? -- Collins When I saw the Iraqi people
2005 May 01
yum pinning rpms
I did a little googling for this, but only found meaningless references, since pin has too, too common other meanings. Is there a way to pin a version of a particular package with yum/rpm? I have the rpms for the beta 2.0 version of OpenOffice installed, so I'm not interested in the updates for OpenOffice 1.1.2-24.6.0.EL4 which are now coming in. Is there a way to instruct yum to ignore this
2005 Apr 23
Firefox question
Just curious. I've noticed with the 1.0.3 release (and almost every recent dot release) Firefox becomes unstable until you preserve your bookmarks and blow away the .mozilla/firefox directory. Has anyone heard whether the mozilla developers ever intend to fix this behavior? -- Collins When I saw the Iraqi people voting three weeks ago, 8 million of them, it was the start of
2005 Apr 17
inotify on rhel systems?
I just read an interesting article caleed "Monitor Linux file system events with inotify.", see I notice that /dev/inotify is not present on my CentOS4 system, so the necessary kernel patches are probably not present. Does anyone know if there are any plans afoot to provide this functionality for
2005 Apr 03
CentOS for commercial use
I'm a home user of CentOS (a desktop and a laptop) because I like the quality of the product and I love the cost. I'm a great believer in FOSS. That being said, I know that some of you use CentOS for production servers and (perhaps?) desktops as well. I've read at leat one comment like "I have 20 CentOS servers." My employer is a firm believer in RHEL - license costs are
2005 Apr 18
mod_authz_svn anyone?
Hey, Anyone know where I can find the Apache module mod_authz_svn? I'm trying to setup a subversion repository and would like to use that module for the authentication. yum doesn't find anything. Thanks. -- Howard Fore, howard.fore at
2005 Apr 17
CentOS4 upgradeany hangs while loading sata_via
Hi, I have a machine running under CentOS 3.4 which I want to upgrade to CentOS 4. I booted using the CentOS 4 CD1 using "linux upgradeany". Problem is that loading sata_via never terminates. Ismod shows the sata_via module in state "Loading" while all others are in state "Live". The dmesg output shows that the module gets loaded, sees two disks, then prints info
2005 Apr 24
NFS insanity
Hi all, I've got some insanity with mounting an NFS share that before reloading my workstation afresh worked perfectly, but now refuses to mount. Actually there are two servers with shares mounted. (1) Mandrake 10.0 file server - two shares - mount perfectly (2) Fedora Core 3 - one share - can't mount to save my life! My workstation is CentOS 4. I reloaded it to get rid of the FC3
2005 Mar 24
Yum problem CentOS 3.3?
I''m still using CentOS 3.3 as our install mechanism, then adding some packages from a tarball of RPMs we need. Then I run # yum update yum which sometimes takes a while. Yesterday it took many hours. I like to run these from behind a firewall in our office before taking the server to the datacenter, but the delay meant a whole day''s delay in our trip to the datacenter
2005 Apr 30
Thanks (was re:
On Sat, 2005-04-30 at 07:05 -0400, Mark Weaver wrote: > John, > > I just wanna say THANK YOU for the AWESOME distro and keep up the > fantastic work. CentOS 4 is definitely without a doubt the most > rock-solid, outa-the-box distro I've ever used. And I'm loving every > minute of it. I've even managed to get my boss hooked on it and now our > linux machines
2016 Dec 23
Cannot connect to Samab
jserinki7 jserink # netstat -lnptu Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3711/dnsmasq tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2849/cupsd tcp 0 0
2012 Jan 11
EPEL not working ... is it just me?
This is very strange - has been happening the last few days. I just upgraded this system from 5.3 to 5.7 on Monday and the problem started some time after that (but not immediately because I know I used yum Monday evening after the upgrade) I get the following error from yum, but it goes away if I --disablerepo=epel The funny thing is that the listed xml file I can easily wget from this
2005 May 13
looking for repositories..
Please, Where can I find a list of repositories all over internet.. I want to keep my CentOS servers up 2 date with mailscanner, clamAV, syslog-ng, and others... I know dag has a very goog one but there are some paktes I can not find in dag repository like mailscanner, syslog-ng, among others... Sorry if it's offtopic but I need it! Thanks in advance Regards, israel
2005 Apr 24
losing NFS connection
Hello there! Perhaps this is a little off-topic, but I notice this only on the Centos box. I'm running Centos 4 on an AMD64 which has the following entries in the fstab to connect to NFS shares on a Fedora3 box: /home/angelo/NFS_share1 nfs rw,addr= 0 0 /home/angelo/NFS_share2 nfs rw,addr= 0 0
2016 Dec 23
Cannot connect to Samab
Comments below: On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 8:56 PM, Reindl Harald via samba < samba at> wrote: > first keep your mail on the list and only the list > > it makes me tired when people deliver denugging infos in pieces Me too. :) > - what about "telnet host port" A telnet server is not running. I think that's why you don't see it. > - what