similar to: How to increase the performance?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "How to increase the performance?"

2004 Dec 15
How "expensive" are the different codecs? (Regarding CPU time)
Hi! The encoding, decoding and recoding cost cpu time, that's sure. But does this time differs much depending on the used codec? Is - for example - a G729 faster than a GSM codec? Bye! Michael
2004 Nov 24
Which modem is known to work with asterisk?
Hi! I want to connect my asterisk system to the PSTN. Now I'm thinking about using an analog modem as FXO device. Which modems do run? How is the voice quality? (I looked into the wiki, but on <> no regular modems were mentioned. Or should I use a special FXO-card? I don't want to spend 99$ for such a thing but
2009 Mar 11
chisq.test: decreasing p-value
A Likert scale may have produced counts of answers per category. According to theory I may expect equality over the categories. A statistical test shall reveal the actual equality in my sample. When applying a chi square test with increasing number of repetitions (simulate.p.value) over a fixed sample, the p-value decreases dramatically (looks as if converge to zero). (1) Why? (2) (If
2003 Nov 25
AGI Rocks!! (A happy camper)
A note to all those who are avoiding writing up an AGI becasue it looks two complicated.. I have just written up my first and its awesome.. It makes Asterisk open to all sorts of possibilities.. let your imagination run wild.. I put off writing an AGI script because a) I could not find any docs b) it looked like the only way to do it was perl and I know nothing about perl and c) I am not a
2003 Mar 17
Samba vs Windows SAK
Has anyone seen this: And has anyone from the Samba team posted a response? It seems like some of the information presented there is contrary to what I know about Samba. ERX
2006 Mar 16
Did I use "step" function correctly? (Is R's step() function reliable?)
Hi all, I put up an exhaustive model to use R's "step" function: ------------------------ mygam=gam(col1 ~ 1 + col2 + col3 + col4 + col2 ^ 2 + col3 ^ 2 + col4 ^ 2 + col2 ^ 3 + col3 ^ 3 + col4 ^ 3 + s(col2, 1) + s(col3, 1) + s(col4, 1) + s(col2, 2) + s(col3, 2) + s(col4, 2) + s(col2, 3) + s(col3, 3) + s(col4, 3) + s(col2, 4) + s(col3, 4) + s(col4, 4) + s(col2, 5) + s(col3,
2006 Apr 12
Where is the difference sip.conf - Real-time ?
I have two phones (111 and 112) on a LAN, and I have on a users site a phone 333. phone 111 uses sip.conf, while 112 uses real-time set-up. 111 can call 333 AND the audio is working 112 can call 333 but audio is just white noise. 333 can call 111 or 112 and audio is working. The phones are identically set-up (just user name = phone number and password are different) sip.conf (for 111 - all
2006 Oct 24
"Fixing the Caller-ID Problem", by John Todd for O'ReillyNet
This seems like a piece members of this list would find interesting... === There is growing concern over the interaction of VoIP systems with the legacy PSTN, and the transmission of caller identity data--most notably, Caller ID on the PSTN. It is not always possible, or obvious how, to handle Caller ID data when moving to or from VoIP and the PSTN networks. There are even business models
2007 Dec 06
How does one increase the output buffer size?
In 2.4 kernels, there was a [bp]fifo that could be implemented with ''tc add'', but in 2.6 kernels, I find no way to create either of these fifos. I am able to increase txqueuelen. What I desire is a larger number of backlogged packetes before drops occur. How can the output buffer size be increased for HTB? -- gypsy
2007 Apr 07
Verizon Vonage 101
I've dug down as far as I could on for anything remotely close to what is going on with Verizon and all searches end with only two possibilities in regards to what is going on. So unless the patent was issued to someone else and Verizon bought it, these are the only two possible patents this case could be based on... US 7,142,646 B2 Voice mail integration with instant
2005 Jun 06
OT: Please comment on Dvorak's troll,1759,1812887,00.asp Specifically, his assertion that ISP's would sniff traffic and block, say, the SIP port. You could play wack-a-mole with port numbers, no? Also a community based, Freenet style of encryption implementation for "free" VoIP traffic would address this issue. I raise this to the list because I'm sure there's a grain of
2013 Nov 27
glusterfs poor performance for my local machine (host and client on the same machine)
Hi experts I have a machine which have 5 hard disk I want to use glusterfs to fast my disk my machine's IP is my steps 1)create the volume gluster volume create vol1 /buildarea6 2)start the volume gluster volume start vol1 3)mount the volume
2008 Oct 16
increase memory limit in R
Dear R users, I am running lmer() and having memory problem: "reached total allocation of 1535Mb". The lmer() function was successful (no errors or warnings). However when I do "summary(fit.lmer), I got this "Error: cannot allocate vector of size 19.5 Mb). I used memory.size() and got 1880. I used memory.limit(2500) to increase the memory size to 2500Mb, however I still get
2019 Oct 08
RFC: End-to-end testing
[ I am initially copying only a few lists since they seem like the most impacted projects and I didn't want to spam all the mailing lists. Please let me know if other lists should be included. ] I submitted D68230 for review but this is not about that patch per se. The patch allows to process tests that should check target asm rather than LLVM IR. We use this
2006 Jan 02
I'm having problems with environments and update() that I expect have a simple explanation. To illustrate, suppose I wanted to make a very primitive Tukey one-degree-of- freedom for nonadditivity test and naively wrote: nonadd <- function(formula){ f <- lm(formula) v <- f$fitted.values^2 g <- update(f, . ~ . + v) anova(f,g) } x <-
2019 Sep 11
Increase logging verbosity of saslauthd?
Hi CentOS 7.X, sendmail.x86_64 8.14.7-5.el7, cyrus-sasl.x86_64 2.1.26-23.el7 There are conflicting message on how to increase the logging of saslauthd. I know I can do this: /usr/sbin/saslauthd -d -n0 -m /var/run/saslauthd -a pam but that requires a terminal as saslauthd logs the output to STDOUT, this is not what I want. I would like to have it started as a daemon and verbosity of
2010 Oct 03
[LLVMdev] [LLVMDev] Coalescing Registers
I want to full understand register coalescing and how to coalesce copies. From what I have seen from "SimpleRegisterCoalescing," "RegAllocLinearSpan," and "RegAllocPBQP" there are three indicators for the copy instruction x = copy y. Assume that the value number of x does not equal the value number of y. For "x = copy y", let the boolean values a,b, and c,
2017 Feb 01
[PATCH] v2v: Further increase memory allocated to the appliance (RHBZ#1418283).
In commit 08f82f2e3d6975b72340dd59f438862e152a15ef we increased the memory size to 800MB (on x86) so that the semodule command would work. However it has been discovered that another SELinux command takes large amounts of RAM (setfiles during the SELinux relabel step). Therefore increase the memory size again, this time to 2000MB. --- v2v/ | 2 +- v2v/virt-v2v.pod | 2 +- 2 files
2007 Jan 26
SYSLINUX 3.35-pre5 released -- release candidate
Hi all, I have released SYSLINUX 3.35-pre5 to the Testing directory; this is a release candidate and I intend to release this as 3.35 early next week unless I hear of any showstopper bugs, so please, pretty please, try it out. has been overloaded lately, so it might take a while to show up. Changes in 3.35: *
2017 Jan 18
Increase CPU usage on HV after upgrade (7.2 -> 7.3)
Hello , After upgrading the system from CentOS 7.2.1511 to CenOS 7.3.1611 I see that the average processing time has increased from 5-7% to 12-15% (doubled). Not critical but it is not pleasant. Server as KVM with 5 virtual machines. Someone noticed something similar? If so, how to fix that? Thx.