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2004 Jul 15
Small setup
Hello All, I have a very small setup of 4 users and a X100P. Asterisk is currently running on an Athlon 1800 but the server it is running on is also our imap/web/mail/development/samba server and we are having a few issues with asterisk which I believe is down to to many tasks. What I intend to do is build a box just for asterisk(Ill call the old one obelix). I have a few machines in the loft
2004 Jul 18
Asterisk NAT spa-2000
Hi All, I have a asterisk box that is now on its own static address on the was originally behind a nat firewall. The problem I have is that the remote SPA-2000's that are behind nat firewalls now fail. here is relevent sip.con entry [2001] type=friend username=2001 host=dynamic defaultip= allow=ulaw dtmfmode=rfc2833 mailbox=2001@local context=sip
2004 May 30
Hi I have just got Asterisk going with an spa-2000. however when I look through the userpdf every function on the sipura and asterisk seems to require on-hook or flash button , all of the phones i have do net seem to have either, is there a way round this ? does anyone know. Or do i ahve to go out and buy more phones? Anyhelp appreciated Simon
2003 Sep 09
Domain unavaliable
First off, I'd like to give all the people involved with the development of Samba a big thanks. I'd have to say that Samba is probably the single most important piece of software that we run in our research lab. I'd also like to say that I have had so few problems that I probably haven't written about one in 3 years. With that being said, I'm having problems with my Samba
2004 Jan 26
D(COM) with Excel
Hi there, I'm currently trying to use R in an automated macro with Excel, and to this effect I've been using the D(COM) server. However I've been having alot of problems with it, because it seems to be limited to only recieving and sending arrays. I've been struggling trying to find a way to receive model summaries from R to put in Excel. I also seem to have some strange errors
2006 Dec 07
Exec as another user
I''m running puppetd as root and I''m trying to execute tar as the "puppetd" user 59 define untar ( $source, $dest, $creates, $user = "puppetd" ) { 60 exec { "tar -xzf $source" : 61 cwd => $dest, 62 path => "/bin:/usr/bin", 63 user => $user, 64 creates => $creates,
2004 Sep 17
Hi, everyone ! Looking at this explanation : "When SIP initiates the call, the INVITE message contains the information on where to send the media streams. Asterisk uses itself as the end-points of media streams when setting up the call. Once the call has been accepted, Asterisk sends another (re)INVITE message to the clients with the information necessary to have the two clients send the
2002 Jul 12
.Rprofile on MacOSX
I'm new to R, so apologies if the answer to my question is very obvious to everyone else! I use the carbon version of R (1.5.1), not the Darwin version. After a bit of a battle, I'm getting to grips with using R, and really getting to like it, but I'm still having trouble customising startup the way I'd like it. Reading ?Startup, I see that I can specify some commands to be run
2016 Aug 09
Samba 4.2.14 Group Policy (GPO) sync error
Am 09.08.2016 um 22:18 schrieb Achim Gottinger via samba: > > > Am 09.08.2016 um 21:48 schrieb Rainer Meier via samba: >>> I think the 10.0.06 entry was created during domain creation. I'd skim >>> thru dns records from an windows machine if possible and delete all >>> occurences of unwanted ip adresses. I assume the gpo's still can not be >>>
2007 Jan 17
Best Board Your Ever Ran CentOS On?
Hi, Whats' the best motherboard you ever ran CentOS on? --------- Don't read this unless you have lots o' spare time, and please, no flamers or kook-jobs with wierd attitudes, this is just plain old hardware as it relates to centos talk -no politic or mean folks. Background (why I ask about centos-friendly hardware): As I order alot of servers, I have alot of vendors telling me
2006 Dec 28
- - Like the world needs another AJAX home page. I wanted to share my first pet project that I started about 8 months ago when I wanted to learn JavaScript, Ruby/RAILS as a new career move. It''s not like the world needs another AJAX home page, but I felt like most of the others included to many features while all I needed was a simple display of bookmarks for project related links. If you find it
2009 Jun 10
Suggestions for Theora
Hi, I have some suggestions for Theora:1) Theora should have a feature like adobe flash does that enables direct end user to end user peering which decreases a server's bandwidth usage and cost. Read here: Theora should go one step further and support file sharing. 2) Theora should have a plugin for the safari web browser that runs
2006 Jun 25
Memory leak in 3.0.22?
Hi, I have just switched from FreeBSD 4.11 using 3.0.21b to NetBSD 3.0.1 using 3.0.22. With the same configuration, and the same clients, I am now seeing what appears to be some rather large memory leakage [ I am not sure if this is the fault of Samba or NetBSD ]. Eventually the process will run out of memory (machine only has 256MB of RAM) and the Windows clients (2000, SP4 and all the
2003 May 21
serios problem with zaptel or asterisk
Hello, I have installed 2 *'s and i have connected both to E1, ISDN. Both are using EuroISDN. On both i use alaw. The distance in ping time for them is 3 ms. I use IAX and as a codec i use alaw on that connection. Now the problems are: 1. I get some crunches on the line, alot of them. 2. I get some hangup's, very often, and i have no idee from where that is comming. This is my log for a
2010 Dec 31
user doesn't exist
new setup of Dovecot 2.0.8 with postfix local users are simply defined as Linux users named xxx, yyy et cetera; IMAP access is fine with that users. Postfix is delivering mails with two domains (to xxx at or xxx at and these are rejected by dovecot with 550: user doesn't exist. I've tested the possible usernames with "doveadm user" xxx: okay xxx at
2004 Apr 14
Authentication problem using format
I've just upgraded to Samba 3.0.2a from 2.2.8a, and I've run into a problem. We have an automated build process for our Windows PCs where first a Windows XP Pro image is copied onto the machine, then after a reboot the local administrator is autologged on and a drive is mapped from the Samba server using Active Directory domain credentials. At this point the new machine hasn't
2004 Aug 06
I can´t access from my intranet to the webserver using ....
I´m not suscribed to the list. Hi, i have a little intranet with 2 servers, both of them are running mandrake 10, one of them is dedicated as firewall and router, this one use shorewall 2.0 and has been configured like says on the quick guide for two interfaces. The other one is been used as webserver, mail server and ftp server. I used apache 2.0 as webserver. Thing is that i can access the
2005 Sep 20
Cisco 7960 Locking Up
Ok... I asked a question a few months back about a 7960 that a user claims to be "shocking" her in her ear from time to time. A few others indicated they had similiar issues and alot of them seemed to stem from power over ethernet. Here's what we've done... We replaced the phone, ran two new cat5 cables to a different switch, put in a power brick and disabled power over
2010 Oct 03
best filesystem for a webserver
Dear all, i'm setting up a new machine to handle a webserver with mysql web directory contains alot of small files and database is around 15 GB i've did a bit research, read alot of articles.. mainly i came up with the understanding that: EXT3 is the set it and forget it kind of filesystem. and reiserFS is the best choice for small files though there's a bigger risk of data loss
2012 Jun 07
[LLVMdev] How to use LLVM optimizations with clang
Hello Duncan Is it possible that we can use LLVM optimization beside O1, O2, O3 along with dragonegg plugin? Regards Shahzad On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 10:59 PM, Abdul Wahid Memon <engrwahidmemon at> wrote: > Thanks alot Chad for these quick and fine responses. > > Regards > > Abdul > > On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 10:57 PM, Chad Rosier <mcrosier at>