similar to: Problem creating reference manuals from latex

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Problem creating reference manuals from latex"

2011 Nov 08
Rd2pdf error after 2.14 upgrade‏
> The command Rd2pdf was rather useful for opening a package's manual > when you don't have access to the Internet (by using latex to pdf > conversion). However the way the function seems to operate changed at > version 2.14 of R. The noted changes listed on CRAN for this function > are as follows (which doesn't seem like it would affect my usage as > below): >
2013 Aug 06
Error in building pdf manual with Rtools
Dear list, I am trying to produce a pdf manual using Rtools (version on Windows 8 (64-bit). I am also aware of the inconsolata issue posted in the forum (, and then I have installed the patched version of R-3.0.1. However I still have some errors with the following message: R CMD Rd2pdf mypack Hmm ... looks like a package
2012 Mar 14
issue with Rd2pdf and \Sexpr in Rd files
Hi, The following command: R CMD Rd2pdf --no-preview --output=./tmp.pdf --title=test genefu-package.Rd run against this file: (username: readonly; password: readonly) produces a very verbose error (see below) with R version 2.15.0 alpha (2012-03-07 r58622). The .Rd file has these lines in it: Version: \tab
2014 Jun 04
Package keyval Error: noupquote undefined
Hi, Due to a change in Rd.sty a few days ago (, the default installation of TeXLive 2009 or 2012 no longer works when building Rd to PDF. The error log is like this: =============== Converting Rd files to LaTeX ..... Creating pdf output from LaTeX ... Error in texi2dvi(file = file, pdf = TRUE, clean = clean,
2011 Aug 23
Opening package manual from within R
Simple question but searching rseek did not yield the results I wanted. Question: Is there a way to open a help manual for a package from within R. For instance I would like to type a function in r for the tm package and R would open that PDF as seen here: -The vignette function exists for vignettes [vignette("")] so I
2011 Feb 17
Rd2pdf error in R12.0
On the local machine the command R11 CMD Rd2pdf survfit.Rd works fine. R12 CMD Rd2pdf survfit.Rd fails with the message below. Converting Rd files to LaTeX ... survfit.Rd Creating pdf output from LaTeX ... Error in texi2dvi("Rd2.tex", pdf = (out_ext == "pdf"), quiet = FALSE, : Running 'texi2dvi' on 'Rd2.tex' failed. Messages: sh: texi2dvi: command not
2013 Jun 24
renaming of miktex package broke R package building
the inconsolata miktex package (inconsolata-zi4 in CTAN) which contains the font of the same name was recently updated. It now contains the file zi4.sty instead of inconsolata.sty. When I was building an R package, the help(or vignette) file pdf couldn't built , because R couldn't find inconsolata.sty. Any suggestions for a workaround? Could someone file a bug report, if appropriate? ( I
2011 Dec 17
latest Rtools missing "inconsolita.sty"
Hello: What do you suggest I do to overcome "LaTeX Error: File 'inconsolata.sty' not found", which I got running "R CMD check" on a package using Rtools I downloaded yesterday? I found a similar question to R-Help Nov. 3 (URL below), but I've not yet had success in replicating the solution outlined there. I tried several different sets of
2011 Nov 03
Problem with R CMD check and the inconsolata font business.
I have just installed R version 2.14.0 and tried to re-build and re-check some of the packages that I maintain. I'm getting a warning (in the process of running R CMD check on my "deldir" package): > * checking PDF version of manual ... WARNING > LaTeX errors when creating PDF version. > This typically indicates Rd problems. > LaTeX errors found: > ! Font
2011 Mar 25
Rd2pdf and Rd2dvi don't find texi2dvi
Hello everybody I'm am trying to build a pdf out of the Rd files that i wrote for a package, so that I can attach it to my thesis. if i Run Rd2pdf (or Rd2dvi) I get this error massage: Hmm ... looks like a package Converting Rd files to LaTeX . Creating pdf output from LaTeX ... Error in texi2dvi("Rd2.tex", pdf = (out_ext == "pdf"), quiet = FALSE, : Running
2004 Dec 29
Windows vignettes, shQuote, texi2dvi
I noticed a shQuote fix for Windows in the svn logs. Just wanted to point out that this will favorably affect texi2dvi on Windows which previously used UNIX quoting and so generated an incorrect Windows command. (Note that texi2dvi is used when creating vignettes.) Another problem is that the recommended tex distribution for Windows, fptex, does not have texi2dvi in the first place. The
2013 Jul 12
While using R CMD check: LaTex error: File `inconsolata.sty' not found
Hi, While using R CMD check I get the following Latex error message which occurs when creating PDF version of manual: LaTex error: File `inconsolata.sty' not found I am using Windows 7 (64-bit) and R 3.0.1. I have MikTex 2.9. I see that the incosolata.sty is present under \doc\fonts folder. How can I eliminate this problem? Thanks, Ravi [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 May 22
[R] Somewhat obscure bug in R 3.4.0 building from source
Hi Peter, Duncan & Bert, Thank you kindly for the responses. Indeed, doc/NEWS.pdf is included in the source distribution, and then removed upon "make clean". I thought that it might be useful to report this for your benefit, but on closer inspection it appears that I'm getting errors that arise due to incompatibilities in my texlive and texinfo installations. This is the error
2013 Jan 11
Problem with inconsolata font (again) --- on Fedora 17 this time.
Some while ago I posted a problem on this list concerning a failure of R CMD check on one of my packages that resulted from LaTeX being unable to find the "inconsolata" font. This was under the Ubuntu OS. This was solved, thanks to advice I got from this list, basically by doing sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-extra I am now (for reasons which I won't go into) running
2008 Dec 17
using dvi with latex object: directory not correctly set, maybe due to error in shQuote()
Dear friends of R, I want to produce a pdf file with the contents of a matrix. I employ the latex command in combination with dvi, both contained in the Hmisc package. It seems to me that the function does not correctly set the directory. > tbl.loc <- matrix(1:4, nc=2) > latex.obj <- latex(tbl.loc) > dvi(latex.obj) warning: extra args ignored after 'cd' H:\PROJECTS\data
2011 Mar 23
Passing tex parameter via texi2dvi
I am trying to pass a additional argument to texi2dvi, for example to use the aux-directory. Looks like this is not possible via options: options(texi2dvi='texi2dvi --tex-option="-aux-directory=auxdir"') texi2dvi(file = "GBPL3.tex", pdf = TRUE) #Error in system(paste(shQuote(texi2dvi), "--version"), intern = TRUE) : # '"texi2dvi
2013 Jun 20
inconsolata.sty is liable to disappear, texinfo 5.1
We use the inconsolata LaTeX package by default for monospaced text in R PDF manuals, including package reference manuals (so needed to R CMD check). You might find inconsolata.sty suddenly disappearing from your system: it happened to me with a MiKTeX update earlier this week. OTOH, TeXLive 2013 and MacTeX 2013, released on Tuesday, still have it. But I suspect a TeXLive update may change
2011 Aug 30
url prep function (backslash issue)
Greeting R Community, I am a windows user so this problem may be specific to windows. I often want to source files from within R such as: C:\Users\Rinker\Desktop\Research & Law\Data\School Data 09-10. To source this file I need to go through the path and replace all the backslashes (\) with forward slashes (/). I usually do this in MS Word using the replace option, however, I'd like
2012 Mar 15
R CMD Rd2pdf [options] files
Hi all, Sorry if I seem a bit pissed because I am! Basically, I have written some script and I wanted to make a "documentation" for it using .Rd format. ############################################################################ I followed the example here in created the file plot.default.rd in my directory. But
2018 Mar 05
Σχετ: Problem with Rd2.tex tduring compilation
Hi and thanks for the prompt reply. I cannot say I understood or know what to do. Can you please tell me which is this mailing list? ???? 2:15 ?.?. ???????, 5 ??????? 2018, ?/? Michael Dewey <lists at> ??????: The error is that one of your documentation files is failing. Try compiling each one separately with R CMD Rd2pdf yourfilenamehere.Rd and see what