similar to: Installing CentOS via HTTP

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Installing CentOS via HTTP"

2005 Dec 18
Install problems for a Toshiba NW24XCD
I am trying to install Centos on my old Portege 2490CT. Actually a pretty good box, but it does not support USB booting. Only HDD, FDD (interestingly a USB device), 'CD-Rom', or LAN. The only CDroms I have is a nice USB drive and an old PCMCIA toshiba NW24XCD drive. I have not gotten this system to boot off of my USB CDrom. It will boot of the NW24XCD. So I put the CentOS disk 1
2007 May 02
No grahical install on notebook with Centos 5, did work with Centos 4
Hello again. Working to put Centos 5 on my old Toshiba Portege 3490ct (256Mb memory). PCMCIA CDrom and Lan card. Using 'linux askmethod' to be able to install off of my FTP server (have done 4 PC installs so far off that server successfully) It's video card is: S3 86C270-294 Savage IX/MV After recognizing the video card I get the message about no graphical install available.
2005 Dec 22
Install Successes!
The CentOS drive for the HP NC4010 is built. I just needed to use external instead of USB power for my USB CDrom. Go figure... I did this in my hotel room, where they only have wireless. I went down to the 'business center' and used an ethernet drop, but I don't think the registration worked. I didn't know that even for the ehternet drops you have to do that portal thing
2006 Jan 30
Creating my own YUM repository
I have already 6 Centos machines here and it is getting strange having to pull down updates to each system. Seems like I should set up one system to pull updates and then all other systems to point to it. How? Plus then I would want to add to this repository. Say that a number of my systems use tomcat which is only available via rpm. I would like to be able to add it to my repository, and
2006 Sep 15
yam help
I am trying to use yam to create a repo based on the 4.4 CDs. I have copied the contents of the CDs to /var/dist/CentOS-4.4-i386. No matter what I try, yam always creates an emtpy repo. This is my current yam.conf file: [main] srcdir = /var/yam wwwdir = /var/www/yam arch = i386 [centos] name = CentOS $release ($arch) release = 4 arch = i386 metadata =
2006 Mar 14
Using up2date to download channels on rhn
Hi all, i have a problem with centos's up2date tool. I have setup a central update server with yam ( under CentOS-4. When yam calls t up2date to download updates, up2date returns this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/yam", line 1099, in ? main() File "/usr/bin/yam", line 983, in main
2004 Dec 23
local yum repository
bit off topic, but.... I've set up my first Centos gateway server and now setting up another server on internal network. I thought it would be nice to use the gateway servers "/var/cache/yum" as a local repository for any internal servers since it would be up to date with the lastest packages and save bandwidth. So... I created a sym link to create a repository through gateways
2006 Aug 29
Updating Centos Machines
Hi, I have few machines with Centos 4 I 386. Are there any programs which manage the updates centrally sitting on an intranet? I would like to avoid down loading the upgrades individually for each machine. I am looking for an open source version. Thanks Rajeev -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2005 Mar 24
Yum problem CentOS 3.3?
I''m still using CentOS 3.3 as our install mechanism, then adding some packages from a tarball of RPMs we need. Then I run # yum update yum which sometimes takes a while. Yesterday it took many hours. I like to run these from behind a firewall in our office before taking the server to the datacenter, but the delay meant a whole day''s delay in our trip to the datacenter
2008 Jul 07
"installation method" (CentOS 5.2)
I'm trying to install CentOS 5.2 on a Dell PE 1850 via the DRAC 4 card, with CentOS-5.2-i386-bin-1of6.iso mounted as virtual media. At the boot prompt, I hit <Enter>, which should start the graphical installation, but it starts off with a text installation. I am asked - whether I want to test the media, which I skip - what language I want to use - I select English - what keyboard I
2004 Dec 04
Local mirrors and ISP transfer bills
As a matter of policy and because I'm at the end of a DS/1 that needs to feed my customers needs, I've set up a local subset mirror of Centos 3.3. It's a subset because I don't copy any of the x86_64 directories ( no machines that use them ) but it's also a superset because I've added an additional "local" directory structure that contains things that I need -
2005 Sep 18
Being very new to yum, I have to ask the question, where do you locate the various yum repositories, and once you know where they are, is there a standard configure file per-se, that needs to be added to the yum.conf. Any pointers appreciated. Sam -- Snowman
2006 Jul 03
how to create a local update server.
could someone please point me in the right direction for creating a local repository for centos updates. Scenario: I have one centos server connected to the internet, it provides ntpd, httpd, and other services to both internal and external clients (only httpd is serving external clients). the clients are connected to the first centos server and it functions as a NAT router for internet
2007 Dec 27
boot hangs on trying to start sendmail
I am building a new server. It will be a temporary firewall of sorts. I am well into the config, made a lot of changes; almost ready to set it up in the target networks, but now.... The system hangs trying to start sendmail. I was thinking hard about disabling sendmail, but thought I needed it for internal functions, so did not. yet. So is there someway to get the system working so I can
2003 Sep 15
strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Hi, in the kernel I have these lines: [...] device miibus # MII bus support device rl device ed options IPFIREWALL #firewall options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE #enable logging to syslogd(8) options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=0 #limit verbosity options IPDIVERT #divert sockets options DUMMYNET
2008 Jan 06
Live CD Planning systems
My company supplies me with a very nice HP nc2400. Much faster, more memory, etc than my old HP nc4010. Problem is the drive is not swappable, and they encrypt the drive (the OS is XP). The nc2400 has a DVD/CDRW and 2 USB 2.0 ports so I was thinking..... Make a Live DVD with everything I need but map /etc /root /home and /var/log (and what else?) to a USB flash drive (16Gb are available
2006 Oct 17
yum repository and createrepo
I've setup a local yum repository for about 25 workstations and I'm using rsync from a local mirror. Do I need to create my own XML headers, i.e. the 'repodata' directory, or since I'm syncing the whole updates directory can I use the 'repodata' directory from the mirror? I also have a question on using createrepo. The directory layout is: ~/updates/
2006 Sep 08
Taring up the OS - how to exclude directories
From the howto: I got some ideas to help me to tar up the OS. I had already been shown how to wrap it into SSH to deposit the tar file on another system, so I tried the following: tar cpvzf - -C / --exclude home --exclude media --exclude mnt --exclude proc --exclude */lost+found | ssh root at
2010 Jul 24
Integration with Toshiba Strata DK424
I'm posting here in case anyone else runs into this and needs some help. I'll probably update the voip-info Wiki pages on Toshiba integration in a bit. Asterisk 1.6 makes things a bit easier than what is on that page. I'm integrating an Asterisk server with a Toshiba Strata system at my office. Right now, it is driving some VoIP phones (Cisco ATAs with analog phones plugged into
2006 Aug 30
updating base kernel when plus kernel installed
A while ago I installed (nnnn means version at that time, now at 42.0.2), but I have to boot with the base kernel, as the plus kernel does not seem to work with my Atheros card/drivers. Right now my base kernel is at: 2.6.9-34.0.2.EL and I have this feeling that is quite behind the current rev. I cannot figure out how to get kernel.i686 to upgrade. I can't even seem