similar to: predictive apriori

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "predictive apriori"

2011 Jan 28
arules package question- apriori/S4 object export question
I am new to R( but quickly being awed by the range of this it can accomplish, you have one more convert to the useR universe). I have successfully implemented the apriori function and are getting great results. My question concerns how to export these results. I have read lots about write.csv functions and exporting data frames and other standard objects. Im having difficulty working with these S4
2013 Oct 31
arules package apriori() fn error message XXXX
Hi everybody, I am using the apriori() fn in the arules package and am encountered an error. rules <- apriori(rdayst,parameter = list(support = 0.01, confidence = 0.6)) "You chose a very low absolute support count of 0. You might run of memory." I assume this is related to the value of .01 specified for the support = argument. If so, what is a safe and reliable max value for
2010 Feb 18
how to change number of itemes appeare in right-hand-side of the rule with apriori in R(arules)?
Hi All, I use arules library, and try to create an association rules for this transaction file: a,c,f,3,4,5 b,e,1,2,4 a,c,e,f,1,3,4,5 d,5 b,c,e,f,1,2,3,4 a,c,e,f,1,3,4,5 b,c,e,f,1,3,4 b,e,1,2,4 a,c,e,f,1,3,4,5 a,b,c,e,f,1,3,4 a,c,d,f,3,4,5 I want to get the rule such: {c,e,f}=> {3,4,5} I used this command: ar=apriori(tr, parameter=list(support=.4, confidence=0.8, maxlen=11), appearance
2008 Mar 14
arules package (apriori)
hello, I want to perform the Apriori association rules algorithm to my data. The set of data contains missing values and consists in a combination of continuous and categorical variables. After discretizing the continuous variables, I wrote the following instruiction to perform Apriori, but I obtained the following error message: > rules <- apriori(dd_new,parameter=list(supp=0.5, conf=0.9,
2012 Oct 19
multiple graphs, lapply and different titles
I have a list of data.frames, and i want to iterate over this list and generate graphs with the same title of the data.frame. I did the graphs with: lapply(anual, function(x) plot(x[,'chuva'], type='l', xlab= 'anos', ylab = 'Precicipatação(mm)', col='red')) where anual is list of data.frames. I am plotting just the column "chuva" at each
2009 Feb 28
arules: rules are built on item ordering in the dataframe, rather than
Hi, I'm trying out the package arules and I'm having a bit of trouble getting my data to work properly. I have a set of transactions with the purchased products but each product could appear in a different column in the data frame. This causes the rules to be built based on the ordering, which is not significant. Here is an example: # # Code: my.df <- data.frame(
2012 Jan 17
arules "killed"
Hi, I recently got a bizarre message when running arules. It just said "Killed" and quit. Anyone know why this might have happened? I am running R on an AWS quad xl ubuntu instance. Here is some information, including dataset size and the parameters: parameter specification: confidence minval smax arem aval originalSupport support minlen maxlen 0.0003581251 0.1 1 none
2012 Jun 25
Arules - predict function issues - subscript out of bounds
Hi, I'm doing a Market Basket Analysis in which I have a list of transaction id's in column 2 and transactions(product names) in column 1. I read this into a transaction file using a txn<-read.transaction(file="data.csv",format='single', rm.duplicates=F, cols=c(1,2)) If I want to use the apriori algorithm everything seems to be running fine. However it is when I want
2009 Feb 02
Event sequence analysis
Dear R help, I am analyzing sequences of events described by time and a unique event tag. And I am searching for recurring patterns where patterns have to show up in a certain time window, e.g. 5 or 10 minutes. Of course, inbetween these events other events may occur. I have applied basket analysis approaches like apriori or 'frequent item set' algorithms with interesting results but
2006 Nov 22
Problem with RWeka-rJava packages
Hello: I´m trying to execute Apriori(file.arff) command of RWeka package. I´m working with: Operating System: Windows XP home R-2.4.0 RWeka_0.2-11 rJava_0.4-11 classpath= .;C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jdk1.5.0\lib;C:\Archivos de programa\R\R- 2.4.0\library\RWeka\jar An error occurs when .jnew command is executed, on class "weka/core/Instances" :
2013 Mar 11
Función Inspect() en "arules" package
Buenas tardes, Necesito ayuda con la función inspect() del paquete "arules". Mis comandos son: r1 <- apriori(tran, parameter=list(support=0.012, confidence=0.7)) r1 summary(r1) #todo bien, tengo 5 reglas y todo claro en el resume #pero al pedir inspect(r1) inspect(sort(r1, by = "confidence")) me arroja el error: Error en UseMethod("inspect", x) : no
2008 Jul 24
How to get rule number in arules
 Dear R experts   I generated rules using apriori method in arules package. Though I can access rules using %in% function but I am unable to access a specific rule by its unique identifier number. I want to use rule number for further analysis..   Thanking you in advance.   Daniel Amsterdam                                       Send instant messages to your online friends
2012 Jul 06
Problem with Apriori
Good morning When I try to run an Apriori, I keep often the following message: checking subsets of size 1Error in apriori(tr, parameter = list(supp = 3e-05, conf = 0.05, minlen = 2, : internal error in trio library Other time it works fine on the same data. What can be the reason for this? -- Jolinda Bartlett Eighty20 Consulting Tel: 021 460 0440 Fax: 087 625 0649 3.1 East Wing The Palms
2007 Oct 17
How to save association rules generated by arules package
Hi, I have been able to generate association rules for Market Basket Analysis using the following codes: **************************************************************************** ******************************************* library("arules") rules <- read.csv("write1.csv",na.strings=c(".", "NA", "", "?"),header=TRUE)
2009 Jul 17
Arules questions. I need some help please
Question 2a) I am also working with arules package and I have the following problem let suppose the matrix b like: b<-matrix(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),nrow=6) rownames(b)=c("T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6") colnames(b)=c("It1", "It2", "It3", "It4") bt<-as(b,
2013 May 21
Arules: getting rules with only one item in the left-hand side
Hello, I am using the package arules to generate association rules. I would like to restrict the rules so that in the left-hand side there's only one particular element, let's call it "potatoe". If I do this: rules <- apriori(dtm.mat, parameter = list(sup = 0.4, conf = 0.9,target="rules"), appearance = list(lhs = c("potatoe"))) I get "potatoe"
2008 Mar 17
arules - getting transaction data in
Hi All Hoping someone can help me with the "transactions" object. I am struggling to get my data in. I know the answer is in the help somewhere I'm sure, I just cannot find it. Essentially, I have data in this format (though I can change it if it particularly unsuitable) Transaction_id, store , salesman, date_time , items 1 , waterfront, john ,
2009 Jan 06
pmml 1.2.0 (predictive modelling markup language)
Version 1.2.0 of pmml has been released and is available from CRAN. The pmml package ( is part of the Rattle data mining suite It generates representations of analytic models built in R using the open standard predictive modelling markup language ( PMML represents analytic models in an application independent
2009 Jan 06
pmml 1.2.0 (predictive modelling markup language)
Version 1.2.0 of pmml has been released and is available from CRAN. The pmml package ( is part of the Rattle data mining suite It generates representations of analytic models built in R using the open standard predictive modelling markup language ( PMML represents analytic models in an application independent
2001 Feb 24
PMML- Predictive model markup language
Hi all, I caught a passing reference to PMML on the WEKA list (I think) .. an XML way of communicating 'data mining models'. I am of the opinion that XML is a 'good thing' and I would for instance like to see a standard XML way of communicating the content and context of datasets (eg of timeseries) but it has been a long day and my internet connection is slow and so I have